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   It's Monday again but this Monday was not like every Monday 😂 I woke up feeling very happy and excited cos I was going to pay my registration fee today. I woke up very early, did my daily routine. Took my bathe and immediately I was done I took the money from where I kept it then I went to school. Immediately after the assembly I went to the school admin and paid my fee.

The admin smiled at me and said"you are one lucky child, do you know if you did not pay the registration fee today that will be the end ?"

I was shocked cos I thought it'll close on Friday "No sir I didn't know I felt since the exam starts next week Friday will be the deadline of the registration".

"Thank your stars you got the money fast, in all I wish you success my dear". I was so glad I could pay the money today I told the admin thank you and I went to my class.

On getting to class I didn't see Richard again I wonder what's up this time as I was about to sit I felt someone put hands on my face from behind the hands smelt like Richards at this point I was smiling "Richard" I said he made an ughhh sound.

"How did you know it was me ehn witchy witchy". I laughed

"And how won't I know it was you o. I mean if I'm in lala land and I see your shadow just shadow o I'll know it's you talk more of me perceiving your perfume or cream". He feigned been 'wahooed' and I couldn't contain my laughter. I miss this boy even though I still saw him on Friday.

"That by the way TM I know you've been reading despite the load of work your people give you to do. You see why I call you a witch you'll over work yourself through out the day and still wake up to read throughout midnight. I envy the spirit o".

"Richard what spirit it's just that I can't afford to loose the scholarship so I have to burn the candle on both sides ".

"That's true tho I owe you something if you win the scholarship. Yes that reminds me have you paid for the registration". He asked looking concerned.

"Yes I paid this morning everything". I said smiling

"Thank G....". He couldn't finish his sentence our teacher entered the class saying

"Settle down everybody if you are not on your seat in the next 30 seconds you'll be in trouble". Everyone scrambled to their seat Mr Jacob is our class teacher we call him 'MR no nonsense' meaning he doesn't condone rubbish. If a student enters his black book that student will be in trouble.

"I'll be calling your names now and you'll answer present do you understand".He said and we all echoed "Yes sir!"

After he finished marking the attendance he admonished us to read and also to always be of good conduct he also told us that from tomorrow we will be allowed to stay home and prepare well for our exams coming up next week he wished us success and left the class. Everybody continued talking to each other and soon our English teacher walked in. We started today's lectures which were also revision.

The day dragged by I wonder why today is very slow. Soon break time was here well I don't bring food to school unlike most students I just stay back in class to read but today Richard was not letting me stay in class he dragged me to the tock shop where they sell things in the school and bought me jollof rice and boiled egg he got himself the same thing.

"Richard thank you but really when I said you shouldn't bother you shouldn't have".

"If I hit u wit this spoon on your head better eat up you're always reading give yourself a break ehn ". I smiled and we ate in silence the food was delicious as always. We were done eating so we went back to class.

We had 4 classes left and after that we can go home and we won't come to school until the day of the examination.

We were on our way home when suddenly Richard stopped and said.

"Tanimola I want to ask you something". Richard said .

"Yh go ahead" I said.

" I'm sorry if this question might hurt you in a way ok are you sure your parents are the ones who birth you cos tanimola even tho you didn't tell me I know you paid for that registration fee yourself again ehn".

"Hmmm sometimes too I wonder if they are truly my parents Richard ok I'm not asking them for money I'll sort it out I just want love and encouragement but no all I get is hatred and raining curses on me I'm tired sincerely." I said wiping my eyes wit the back of my hands.

"It's ok babe and I've always told you if you need anything tell me but you won't if I buy you something I'll have to force you before you collect it anyways always know if you need assistance or someone you can lean in I'm here ok " he said and hugged me is strange how I feel safe and secured in his arms. He released me and then ruffle my curls.

"I'll always be there for you bes. Take good care of yourself and don't forget you promised to get the scholarship". He said.

"Yes and I promise not to disappoint you". We parted ways and I started going home with the usual fear.

"Welcome madam". Aunty Fisayo said and I knew she was out for trouble.

"Good afternoon aunty mi (my sister). I said

"Good afternoon yen pa e (that greetings kill you there) Tanimola you left this house you didn't tell anybody that ok o I'm leaving ohhhhh we were now looking for you cos we needed you to cook breakfast for us but you were no where to be found". I was dumbfounded .

"Aunty Fisayo I cooked this morning before I left that's one, and two I have to get to school very early that's why I did not wait to tell anybody good bye and I'm sorry". after I finished my statement she slapped me. I held my face with my left hand rubbing it slightly hoping the pain reduces.

"You are a big fool you made yam and egg and you call that food I'm sure you ate out of the food and I've warned you severally not to eat from the food you prepare for us. And you also said you need to go to school early ehn meaning what"

"But ma I didn't do anything bad why do you hate me so much I didn't even taste the food. Am I not your sister ehn" I asked still holding my cheeks wit tears flowing from my eyes

" You are not my sister I'll never have an idiot like you as a sister now get inside there and make rice and stew you'll grind the pepper on the grinding stone wit your hand do you understand." She said.

"Yes ma" I said still in tears. I'm tired of living like this, soon I'll have to run far away very far where they won't see me at all . I dropped my school bag on the floor outside cos I can't even dare go inside without grinding the pepper

Soon I'll ask my father who my true mother is ,and if this people I call sisters are really my sister's.

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