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I gobbled my food so that I could finish eating quickly and hear how this two met. I think I'm jealous or insecured I just don't understand how I feel at the moment and to make matters worse, Beauty kept smiling at Richard whenever she looks at him I wanted to scream at her that's my boyfriend can you keep those smiles inside of you. But then I remembered she swings the other way that calmed me down a little but that feeling was still there.

Soon everybody was done eating and we cleared our dishes, Beauty insisted on washing the dishes and immediately she was done we all went to the sitting room.

"Richard so tell me how you met beauty". I asked eagerly because my patience was already wearing out

"You don't even want to calm down at all" he said jokingly

"How will I, tell me something jor" I said

"Tanimola calm down ok, we'll tell you" Beauty chipped in and I decided to keep quiet.

"Ok so when we were in primary 5, dad and mum went on a buisness trip to Lagos and they took me along because they thought they would be staying for long. Well her dad happened to be my dad's friend as at then, so we were always going to his house and it was there I met beauty and we became friends infact inseparable. Until after two months daddy said he was done with his contract and it was high time we left. I cried that very day and I didn't eat self that reminds me she gave me a bracelet self then ,it's still here" Now I understand.

"But Richard we've been friends since even before we got to primary 5 and you never told me about meeting one Beauty in Lagos" I said

"Babe calm down o, see we were kids and I know I liked you a lot infact while in Lagos everybody knew I had a Tanimola as a friend. But I think the reason I didn't tell you about Beauty was that immediately we left Lagos my mind left her" he said

"Wahoo see me here thinking you still cherished those beautiful moments when we'll make sand castle at the beach, or when we were always dancing to Toy story's songs . I never forgot those moments and it's shocking, how could you ever forget those sweet memories". She said with hurt evident in her tone and eyes.

"Wait really, you still remember we were just kids Beauty kids move on faster and I'm wondering how you didn't"

"So two of you had a friendship that lasted one month as kids and Beauty took it seriously and didn't forget" I said

"Yes" the two of them chorused at the same time.

"Wahoo, ok so Bridget you still like Richard right" I asked

" No she can't I mean why will she even if she does well it's just like sha"

"Yes but he has you already so I'm fine moreover I'm ok with girls baby" she said while smiling genuinely.

"Better o cos this one right here is mine totally mine" I said

"Roger that"

"Wait you belong to the LGBTQ community" Richard asked with a shock expression.

"Yeah" she said

"Wahoo who would have thought" he said while sizing her up

"Thought what o boda" I asked

"I mean why will she be a lesbian a lot of guys out there and she chose to be...." I cut him off immediately

"Stop right there don't say another thing, really Richard in this age and time. It's her buisness and her life so she can do whatever she pleases" I defended Beauty whose countenance had already changed

"I was just wondering why..." I cut him off again

"Don't wonder anything and stop being homophobic it's annoying I'm sure it's cos she felt we are all friends now she said it but see what you did instead"

"I can't even believe you support this, But anyways Beauty I'm really sorry if I made you feel bad I didn't mean it that way really, I was just kind of shocked and a little bit disappointed that's all but it's fine as she has rightly said it's your life so I'm sorry" this boy doesn't know he's making matters worse.

"It's fine I understand I just wanted to make it clear to Tanimola that I, Beauty Adeife Onome will have nothing whatsoever to do with you relationship or crush wise"

she even mentioned her full name that shows she's really serious about what she's saying.

"You have very beautiful names but why choose Beauty, don't get me wrong o the name suits you anyone that looks at you will know you're truly a beauty" I said and she smiled showing her beautiful white set of teeth.

"But don't you prefer Adeife" I asked.

"It's cos I don't know the meaning and I didn't ask till the killing happened" she said and her countenance changed.

"I'm sorry if I brought back sad memories I didn't mean to" I said

"It's fine so tell me the meaning"

her eyes lit up like a child who just saw his mother after a long while . Maybe she's bipolar cos she switches her emotion very fast

"Adeife means crown of love" I said

"Wahoo that's a really sweet name crown of love Adeife" she pronounced it wrongly using her igbo tongue

"That's not how to pronounce it" I corrected her and she got it showing she learns real quick.

Meanwhile Richard just kept staring at both of us smiling.

"Why are you smiling" I asked him

"Two of you look so adorable" he said and laughed.

"Na you con sabi" I eyed him and hissed.

"Whatever, but Beauty I have a question?".

"You want to ask about my parents, well they are dead and I'll rather not talk about it thanks in advance, but if it's another thing then I'm willing to answer" she said and Richard looked so stunned

"How did you know that is my question" he asked.

"Instinct" she said and winked......

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