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It's been a week since the school resumed and everybody is now in school, thankfully Miss Susan has not even disturbed me for once since we've resumed and I find it strange. Not like I want her to disturb me but I find her not disturbing me suspicious..

And as for my sister we've still not found out how come she's in this class, her behavior has not yet changed she's even getting worse by the day.

Since I'm on scholarship and I won't have to bother looking for school fees which will on turn help me focus on my studies better.

We have a new maths teacher now, he's very handsome, and he always dresses well. Almost all the girls wants him even the teachers wants him thinking we don't know about it, they are always talking about how perfect he is and I can't even deny the fact that it's true but I have better things to use my energy for.

Mr Matthew who is our maths teacher walked in in his black office pant and blue button up shirt with his classy shoe. He looked hot as usual.

Immediately he entered the class everybody kept quiet and yes he has that kind of effect on everybody.

"Good morning class" He said

"Good morning sir" we echoed

"Good morning, how was your night" he said as he turned his slender body to write on the board

"Fine, thank you sir"

"Good. So some of you here we are going to be having big issues, very big one o .," He said and he looked serious 

"I'll give assignment you won't do it, and when you're coming the next day  you'll have the audacity to submit empty book to me right, as what" Everywhere was silent because this is the first time he's talking like this to us, he is always calm.

"Anyway, if I call your name please stand up and make it very snappy. Not that I'll call you like three times before you answer me".

"Oluwatoyin Johnson, Abiodun Tamilore, Dennis Roland" they all stood up almost immediately, only God knows what Toyin has done again.

"Toyin, why did you submit a blank note to me. Even the notes I give you in class is not inside your note ,why?."

"Sir your notes are too much and I get tired easily, that's for the note. But you see the assignment its cos I don't want to do it" she said while chewing gum and everybody said eeeee .

"Imagine the rubbish coming out of your mouth, the notes, maths note o is too much. Ok then, remain standing o" she just rolled her eyes at the man and kept chewing her gum looking so unconcerned.

"And you Tamilore , you don't even have a record with me at all I found out you are a student after checking the record sheet, do you have any explanation for that" he asked, the fact that this man did not start shouting like other teachers would is surprising and also he's even asking for reasons while others won't. He's totally different.

"Sorry sir , that's all I'll say and I'll complete my note and assignment before Friday" Tamilore said and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's shocked cos of the looks he got. He is one of the most disobedient student in class and he has ni regard for anybody.

"Thank you and have your seat. Dennis on your feet young man" he stood up grumbling

" You, I don't even understand. How will you call this note a mathematics note when everything inside is lyrics and drawings ehn " Mr Matthew said while holding Dennis note

He scratched his head before he said " ehn sir, see I don't like maths that's why" I'm sure it's cos they see him as a lenient teacher that's why they are just acting like this.

"Ok, agreed you don't like maths but you have to write your notes. See if you don't have a note you can't read and if you don't read you won't pass, if you don't pass then you can't promote meaning you'll be stuck here solving math"

Dennis looked at him as if he has hit a major point in him. Well what the teacher said is true , he has to pass mathematics before he can even think of being promoted .

"I'll write the note sir and come with Tamilore to give you on Friday" he said

"Good boy and please in a new note, I can't be reading your sweet lyrics with maths" and everybody laughed even calling his lyrics sweet made our always frowning Dennis smile.

"Sir don't worry I'll write more sweet lyrics and I'll show you infact maybe I'll sing it for you self " . He said while adjusting his polo

"I can't wait" Mr Matthew said

"So sit down all of you except Toyin" they all sat leaving Toyin on her feet

"Your royal highness when are you going to write my note" he asked mocking a bow.

"I'm not royalty and my note I'll write when I want to" she said arrogantly.

"Ok, ok calm down we are not fighting. My only concern is write my note and do my assignment so far you're doing this two then darling we'll have zero issues" he said leaning on her table.

"I've heard you sir". She said with a bored expression.

"You can have your seat, we've wasted time so let's go straight to today's work" he said and wrote the topic Logarithms on the board.

After about 40 minutes the class came to an end and we have break after. I decided to go and say hi to Tamara cos she has just being on her own since we resumed and that's strange.

"Hey Tamara " I said smiling at her and she just stared back with no expression at all

"Hey" she said coldly

"Are you ok" I asked concerned

"Madam, do I look sick" she said while rolling her eyes at me

"I'm sorry, just wanted to say hi to you"

"Thank you but next time don't bother". She said and she stood up leaving her sit to go outside leaving me there looking shocked

What's wrong with this girl, I'm very sure she's not ok. She's a girl that's full of life but now she's not the Tamara I used to know......

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