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Hearing my phone ringing woke me up I used my hand to lazily search the bed for my phone and when I finally found it I  rubbed my face before looking at the screen to see who the caller was. I saw it was Doyin and I picked

"Hello" I said in a sleepy tone it's still very early and this is the longest I've slept in days I really don't want to wake up now.

"Ess ma are you awake". She asked

"Awake kor did you not check your time ni " I said.

"Pele o it's like you've forgotten we're traveling today" then my eyes cleared

"I don't want again I'll prefer sleeping all day" my sister yelled my name from the phone I had to move the phone from my ear .

"Wetin happen why you shout my name like that"

"Alaye go bath jare" she said

"Ooohhhh God" I grumbled

I cut the call and started talking to myself no one else was there to listen to my plight I just finished exam so my body needs a lot of rest. So Doyin disturbing my beauty sleep is punishable 😂

I groaned and slumped myself on the bed but I knew I had no other choice than to drag my grumpy ass to the bathroom so I could get ready for the trip. Nobody else apart from Richard knew I was traveling and I kind of felt bad because I know I'll leave before anybody wakes up and I won't get to say goodbye.

I went inside the bathroom I had my bathe freshened up and I  felt so good. I looked at the room once more and I realize I'll miss this place I rearranged the bed and then I dressed up in a short and a plain round and I brought out the sneakers gift I received from Richard

Ohhh I didn't tell you guys Richard also gave me a gift as promised after coming back from chiefs place

"Ehm baby, you know I personally promised to give you a gift if you win the scholarship"

"Yes if you don't have that's fine I didn't even put mind there" I said

"Calm down ahn ahn your body too dey hot see as you just jump into conclusion that I didn't get you a gift" I laughed in response to what he said

"Ok o now sir I'm calm so you were saying something" I said

"Even though let's say unfortunately you did not win I'll still give you a gift" now I was eager to know what he had for me.

"This one you're behaving as though you want to start epistle "

"And now that you've mentioned it let me start. Congratulations my beautiful, intelligent, smart , adorable and sweet sunshine I've always had so much believe in you. This is just the beginning of many more successes to come I love you baby" he said

"I love you too" I said smiling.

"Here is your gift" I collected it and he used his hand to tell me to open it which I did and boom a very beautiful sneakers the second sneakers gift I've received

"Awwwn baby this is so beautiful, you know how much I love sneakers" I said still having the wide smile plastered on my face.

"Yes love, I know and that's why I got them for you and don't ask for the price because I know you " I laughed because truly that was my next question.

"I'm so grateful babe thank you may you never lack baby thanks for this beautiful beauty" I said

"Amen baby since this gift made you so happy be prepared to have a collection of sneakers to combat boots cos I see how you always stare at the pictures of combat boots" I've been caught😂 I'm so obsessed with those kind of foot wears.

"It's ok o this is ok ehn you don't need to buy anything again se you hear we won't want you wasting money right" I said

"Ahbeg getat, I'll always spoil you so deal with it" I smiled but this time my countenance change

"What is it" he asked

"The people who are not related to me by blood or anything are wishing me well in life some of you got me gift and I'm sure if madam Bridget was around even though she might not be able to gift me something but she'll show the motherly love and even cook me a very delicious meal also your parents If they get to know they'll spoil me too I know you might say God blessed and surrounded me with good people but we both know the importance of a good family" I said while wiping tears from my eyes.

"Babe see I know how important they are but since they don't want you people who love you will always be here infact you have adopted parents imagine my parents adore you even more than me chief Ajayi cherishes you more than anything, madam Bridget that one can literally kill anyone that hurts her Melanin baby" I laughed

"So please you'll.be fine with or without them" I nodded my head and he kissed me on the lips.

Enough of the flash back, I wore the sneakers and packed my bags so I was ready to go. I was just waiting for my sister to call back

I waited and didn't see her call so I decided to call her but no response so I decided to go to Richard's room to see if he was awake I knocked nobody answered so I decided to open the door and enter.

I saw Richard in deep thoughts what is this boy thinking about he did not even recognize my presence I call his name but he just kept staring into space so I tapped him he jumped slightly.

"Babe what is it" I asked he has always been the one asking but now I'm the one asking him

"You're still asking me what is it" what's with his attitude today.

"You're leaving me alone I don't know if I'll see you again though you promised you'll come to see me in a month but you're human what if you change your mind ehn what if you find someone better" I hit the back of his head with my hand.

"You think I'll find someone better, though truly there will be 'better offers' but I've chosen you and nothing will change that so please stop bothering yourself over nothing"

"You see this as nothing I wish I can follow you but I don't really relate with my dad's brother that lives in Lagos and I don't think I'll be comfortable in another house if not I would have packed my bags too" I laughed

"Babe it's ok ehn and always remember that I Tanimola Johnson loves you" and that brought a smile to his face.

"I'll miss you" he said and pouted

"I'll miss you too" I was about to kiss him when my phone rang. Wrong timing

"Hello Tanimola I'm outside" Doyin said

Richard still kissed me tho slow and passionate and I loved it later he helped me with my bag unfortunately I couldn't say bye to his parents cos they were still sleeping.

We got outside and I saw Doyin and we were putting on same outfit just different sneakers we laughed when we noticed and I called Doyin a witch she just snubbed me and greeted Richard.

"No miss your sweetheart too much o" she said jokingly.

"I will o sha help me take good care of her please" he said and she nodded in response.

I stood in front of him with my hands in my pocket he stretched out his arms widely and I hugged him.

"I love you" he said and I said the same.

Doyin was shouting about how we'll be late so I entered the car ready to embark on the journey to a new phase........

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