8| Cursed

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  I woke up and couldn't find Doyin beside scared that she might have gone back I sprang up from the bed wearing my slippers hurriedly.

I searched everywhere inside I didn't see her but not my siblings or mother's room cos of the fear but I started hearing voices from my mom's room I decided to eaves drop and I heard my mom telling my sister Doyin

"Hope you didn't come back for that useless child? I know you've been close since she was a baby when she could not even talk , see she's cursed if you take her with you things will turn out bad for you o take Toyin instead" my mom said and I was very furious I decided to listen to Doyins reply.

"Maami this child you say is cursed is she not also your child you've made a little girl like that suffer a lot you even delayed her education why? just so that she won't be higher than Toyin in anything for goodness sake mama leave Tanimola alone infact she's eighteen now and cos of your wickedness she's still in junior secondary school, I pity you o. And as for your prophecy of bad luck. Mama Tanimola is a blessing to me and I'll take her with me and trust me even if anything bad will happen she will always be my sister excuse me" . I heard her footstep so I moved away from the door and moved away

"Arrgh Doyin I've been looking for you I thought you've gone without even saying goodbye to me"I said trying to sound fine but this lady knows me better than anyone  she gently dragged me to her chest and led me inside our room

"Tanimola I know you heard everything cos tears are in your eyes". Beads of tears started falling uncontrollably.

"But Doyin why does everybody hate me so much am I not part of this family"I said between tears .

"Sssshhhh Tanimola it's ok don't cry cos of them they are not worth it".

"My mother called me cursed, she still advice you to choose Toyin over me. The same thing she did and made me stay home until Toyin could start school she wasted my time Doyin, cos of mama after I got to jss3 and Toyin was in Jss2 she made the principal put her in same class as me "I looked at my sister

"Why? Why Doyin? Why". I asked still crying . Doyin hugged me tighter and gently pat my back

"See Tanimola I want you to put all of them to shame ehn first read well and get that scholarship mama said you can't get ehn, secondly become very great in life you'll see they'll come begging and as from today I don't want to see tears in your eyes cos of dem anytime they are treating you bad and u feel like crying think about me and smile ok".she said holding my cheeks between her soft palm.

"I love you sis". I said

"And I'll always love you too my baby monkey". Baby monkey has been her pet name for me since I was little, seeing her gives me so much joy and I feel much more secured.

"I wanted to ask self where is daddy?" She asked.

"I don't know o but you'll see him soon he comes home twice a week" I said

"If I was the one with a nagging wife like mama I won't be staying at home too so I don't blame him" she said

"So what are your plans for today don't say house chores cos I'll make sure that Toyin gets her hand busy". She said while smiling

"Ok I'll cook then go to Richards house so we can read together there is a library at his house then when I'm done reading I'll come back home I don't want to miss uncle Philip" I said smiling

"Ok then just come back before 5 cos he's not sleeping over he'll be here around 12 and read well ok. I even trust you" she said while ruffling my hair.

I was cooking and singing when I heard someone hiss behind me I turned back and saw my mum and Toyin.

"So now cos Doyin is back you feel nothing can be done to you you must be joking you see that food you are cooking one grain of rice won't touch your mouth animal" Toyin said with pure hatred

"Don't mind the fool, madam after you finish cooking wash me and your sisters clothes". I laughed .

"I don't have a mother neither do I have sisters I only have one sister and she's washing her clothes already so you were saying?" I asked with boldness that I don't know where it came from.

"Wait you now talk back at me Tanimola" my mum raised her hand in an attempt to hit me I held it immediately

"Don't mama don't"I said while dropping her hands.

"I don't even know why you'll ask a cursed child to touch your clothes do you want me to transfer the curse to you" I asked with anger boiling in me.

Suddenly my mum started shouting "Tanimola has beating me o " I was shocked, everybody came outside apart from Doyin and suddenly my courage was replaced with fear.

" This bastard hit me oooo". She said pointing at me

"But I di....."

"Will you shut your dirty mouth you dare lay your hands on my mother "Aunty Joy said and soon the beating started

"I didn't do it" was what I kept saying soon Doyin came and pushed them off me.

"Do you want to kill her ehn what's all this rubbish what did she do this time?" She asked while lifting me up and pushing me behind her.

"I know you'll support the witch Doyin she beat me, this cursed child hit me" my mum said

"I know Tanimola won't do that and even if she did you deserve it "she said

My mum stood up from the floor looking shocked but didn't say anything. Doyin took me upstairs then I remembered the rice. Doyin told me to leave it.

"Bath ehn I'll give you some money you'll buy food ehn on your way to Richards house" she said

I did as she told me. After bathing she gave me the money and she walked me to the door and told me to take care of myself.

At least someone still cares.

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