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Another week has passed and thankfully after that day uncle Philip got really busy with work so I didn't get to see his jerk face. And I've also been maintaining my own lane I don't leave my room unless my sister is at home or when I'm hungry.

Also I've still not unblocked Toyin because truly I'm tired of her problems and troubles. Richard and I also kept communicating .

"Tanimola food is readyyyy" aunty beauty said in an high pitched tone.

I ran downstairs cos I'm seriously seriously hungry I skipped breakfast because I was desperately trying to avoid my sisters fiance.

"Awwwwwwwn aunty beauty you see why I love you thanks for calling me to come take my food" I said while I hugged her then we heard uncle Philip.

"Ehn ehn madam why were you screaming Tanimola's name like that ehn must you be taught everything " he said looking so furious.

I looked at Aunty beauty for her reaction but this woman knelt down slightly to apologize

"I'm sorry sir" she said

"You're sorry, does that make up for ruining my precious moment ehn. I don't blame you at least what more do I expect from a classless idiot. I'm sure this is how they call people in your abandoned village".

This man is so arrogant why will he talk to this innocent woman like this.

"Sir it was my fault she didn't see me that was why she called me and it was me that told her that anytime she doesn't see me she should shout my name since you said you don't want to see her upstairs". I said trying to defend her.

"That is not an excuse do you understand now get out of my sight, ugly duckling" Why is this man like this my sister can't marry this one o never.

I wanted to follow Aunty beauty but he stopped me from leaving by dragging me back a little.

"Why did you try to defend her ehn, why? are you her mouth piece" he is lucky I still have little respect for him if not I would have given him a very bad answer.

"Uncle Philip I said the truth not like she was lying and then I defended her, sir this girl is a nice person infact all your workers are the best sir but you don't see that and it's because you see the worst in them sir, and they shouldn't be treated like garbage cos they are not up to your 'class' or 'level' they are humans too you know" I wanted to walk away after talking but what happened next shocked me . I received a very hot slap I saw stars and my ear felt very hot.

"Don't you ever lecture me on how to treat my servants, I pay them, you don't. See me talking as though any of your family members can even afford that pay" and that was it how dare him.

"So you slapped me for telling you the real fact, remember you've been doing a lot of things and I didn't tell my sister you see this will definitely reach her I promise you, very wicked man"

At this point I began to Wonder where my sister is and what this man is doing at home by this time of the day.

"You are so dumb, and I'm wondering if this is how all of you are in your wretched family" I didn't know when I hit him, I gave him a very hot slap

"Who the hell do you think you are. Oh because you have it all you are a god right well that's none of my business but in your entire life sir, in your life if you raise those hands to touch me again I promise you I'll cut it off" I said and ran back upstairs I heard him shouting my name I refused to respond.

I shut my door and sat down with my back against the door and my head in my hands crying.

God what is all this, if anybody had told me the fine gentle uncle Philip that came to our house is like this I would have never believed can you imagine how he talked about his own soon to be wife's family. He is not only arrogant, he's a pervert and every other evil thing. he's from a famous home so I thought his reputation will matter to him but I don't think this arrogant bastard gives a damn. I'm tired but I'll tell my sister all that has been happening today.

I heard a small knock on my door and when I stood up to open it I saw Aunty beauty carrying a tray containing food.

"My dear you shouldn't have risked your job for me your boss said he doesn't want to see you upstairs but thank you so much."

"You don't need to worry he angrily drove out just now so there's nothing to be scared of and why won't I even risk my job for you. See how you stood for me now" she said.

"It's ok dear thanks for the food, but before I eat I'll like to ask you a very personal question" I said.

"Personal ke ask anything jor" aunty beauty said and I laughed.

"So beauty tell me about yourself, you are a beautiful lady and very smart so why are you a house maid" I asked

" Hmmm Tanimola you asked a very big question" she said while breathing deeply.

"You see my family was very well to do we had everything we wanted all we need to do was to ask my dad who at that time was very wealthy. I didn't know my dads major work all I know is he's a buisness man and also works with politicians."

"On this fateful day I just got back from school I saw my dad's body lying lifeless on the ground just outside the sitting room door with blood all over him. I screamed and shouted no answer I kept shaking him no answer I ran inside the house with the intention to call my mum but when I entered I saw her and my baby brother dead too. I didn't know what to do I sat on the floor speechless my whole family was destroyed in a day".

"I'm so sorry about that Jesus that's a very sad experience " I said while rubbing her back.

"But since your parents were rich before they died you should still have something now"

She laughed and said "they took everything Tanimola they claimed that he owed the bank money and used our properties and collateral so I was sent out to the street till I found your sister and she gave me this job, you see your sister is a very good person but her husband is a wolf in sheep's clothing" she said.

This is a very sad story see me thinking my own story is the worst you can ever listen to on earth. I didn't know what to say I just hugged her and she started crying, it was as if she has been holding back the tears for a very long time so I allowed her..........

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