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I've spent about a week here and I could say I'm enjoying myself to the fullest every school is on long term break so it's holiday season. Richard and I talk almost every minute and he keeps reminding me of my promise to him also about how much he loves me.

"Tanimola I'm off to work if you need anything Philip is at home ok".

"Yes sis and have a nice day". I said while waving at her

I feel different here, I feel loved and also very free and I get to wear nice dresses. I've always loved dressing like a boy but I couldn't cos first I don't even have the money to get male clothing's my mum won't even let me.

But my sister knows I have an obsession for male clothes and sneakers so she stocked my wardrobe with male clothes from the tops to the trousers and joggers also shorts.

And as for uncle Philip he has been nice since I got here he even gives me money everytime but I don't like how he treats his workers he treats them like they are not human.

I noticed he's been acting more caring to me than he usually is and I don't know why well maybe the affection increased he buys me gifts too. I'm grateful for all that and I'm happy I have peace of mind.

I make sure I help the maids in the little way I can by cooking once in a while and most especially washing the dishes.

"Tanimola"  awwn this person did not let me finish my narration but he sounded like uncle Philip

"Sir" I said running down stairs.

"How are you" he said smiling sweetly.

"I'm very well thank you, and you?" I asked.

"I'm also very fine. What of your sister" and now what's that question he knows she's gone to work na anyways I answered.

"She has gone to work" I didn't receive any answer as this man's eyes was fixed on my chest. I was still in my nighties but I pulled the top off and instead I wore an halter neck singlet.

I quickly used my hand to cover myself what is he staring at ehn. To make things worst he was licking his lips

" Sir?" I called him.

"Yes beautiful" he said in an husky tone and I started getting very uncomfortable.

"Ehm I said she has gone to work"

"Who" he said raising an eyebrow.

"My sister" I said

"Oh ok, but Tanimola you know you are beautiful. You are just seventeen but you already have the body of a goddess"

"Ehm thank you sir" I said

"No need to thank me" he licked his lips again. I need to get out of here real quick, he's acting weird to make things worse it's only me and him at home.

"Sir I need to go upstairs now I want to freshen up" I said praying within me that he'll just let me go.

"Tanimola calm down" he said standing up from the couch and walking towards me he touched my naked arms and I immediately had goosebumps and the fear in me increase.

"Sir please leave me alone I need to go upstairs" he raised his hand and walked back a little.

"It's fine you can go but just know I'll get you and don't even think of telling your sister anything I said or did because she won't believe you and you'll be sent packing I can assure you" he said and put his hands in his pocket he brought out a cigarette stick and light it and smoke

Wait he smokes I never knew. How did my sister end up with this bastard. I ran upstairs and sat in my bed rubbing my arms in an attempt to calm myself down and it's not working.

Should I tell Doyin, but what if I tell her and she doesn't believe me then she'll angrily throw me out how will she even believe he can do something like that he looks like a saint. God I'm in big trouble o a very big one what if he does something bad to me. I'm so scared.

Just then my phone rang and it was Toyin this girl has the wrong timing what does she have to say now ehn.

"Hello" I said

"Tanimola Johnson you miss me" she said

"Toyin what do you want"

"No pleasantries really" I decided not to answer her and I dropped the call and immediately blocked her I'm having enough problem already she shouldn't add hers.

I didn't come downstairs throughout until my sister came back. Even aunty beauty the maid called me to come downstairs for food both breakfast and lunch I told her I was fine.

"My favorite baby monkey" my sister said as she opened my room door she only calls me this when she's extra happy. I saw a gift nylon in her hand.

"What's up sis" I said

"You don't look happy kilo se e" she asked

"It's..... Nothing" I said deciding not to ruin her mood

"You're sure" she asked.

"Yes hundred percent" I said forcing a smile.

"Ok I don't know why I'm happy though maybe cos today I finally got engaged truly" wait so they were not engaged before she showed me the diamond ring in her finger it's really beautiful.

"Ehn but Doyin who proposed to you"

"Which kain useless question be that, ahn ahn it's Philip na" she said, I can't let my sister marry that pervert never.

"You love him" I asked

"Of course, I mean he's kind, he's supportive and very caring he even spoils me every time" she said with a dreamy eyes. This girl is deeply in love how will I explain this to her.

"He even treats you well, see this gift he told me to give you to add it to your necklace collection it's even boyish so you'll like it" she said grinning.

"Tell him thank you I have enough already" I tried sounding polite.

"Are you ok?" She asked " will you take this thing from me nonsense" she said

"But" I wanted to refuse again but I saw the stink eye she was giving so I had to choice than to collect it.

"Thank you" I said.

"Now that's more like it" someone knocked at the door.

"Come in" I said

And there he was standing and looking so innocent.

"Tanimola hope you liked your gift" he said while winking at me.

"Yes sir thank you" I said trying to keep my cool

"I hope you remember what we talked about" he said smiling.

"What did you talk about" my sister asked

"We won't tell you. It's a secret right Tanimola" he said while looking at me.

"Mhm mhm" I said cos I couldn't find my words.

"If I catch two of you so you've been gossipping" I wish you knew it's something worse but no my sister is so blinded by love that she can't see that this guy has an unclean intention towards her sister.

I just pray he leaves me alone, I'm even getting uncomfortable in this house.........

Thanks for following up this piece till now I'm very grateful 🥰🥰🥰

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