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       It's Monday again my favorite day of the week. Yes it is cos that's one of the days I'm free from the hell hole I call a house even though when the school closes I'm back to the house. I am every teachers golden student, the principals favorite and also the class comedian.

I'm sure y'all will say what an irony 😅 and it's cos I find solace in the four walls of the class room so I make myself and those around me happy. The major reason for me being the schools favorite is majorly cos of my brilliancy and also jovial attitude but as brilliant and Jovial as I am I have just one friend.

My best friend RICHARD COKER who has been my friend for as long as I can remember, he has been there for me all the time. Even though he's the direct opposite of me but the only thing we have in common is we are both jovial.

   The whole school actually believes we are in a relationship but I still can't imagine myself dating Richard all my focus now is on my book and how I'm going to succeed in the future cos I really want to surprise my family. Richard is a child born into affluence he has everything he wants at his finger tips but with all that he's humble.

"Hey fairest and brightest of them all ". My best friend said with big smile plastered on his gorgeous caramel face .

"Richard we both know that whenever you greet me like this you need something probably assignment to dub cos I'm so sure you've not done yours". I said while pointing at him , with a fake look of hurt in his eyes and hands to his chest as if he has just being shot

"TM really, can't I just appreciate my one and only best friend. You hurt my feelings every time ". Wiping imaginary tears off his eyes. I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt

"ok drama queen go straight to the point what do you want ". He laughed and said

"fine I need your assignment my brain couldn't comprehend anything in that book". it has become his constant habit to not do his assignment and later come up with an excuse as to why he didn't do his assignment

" Richard Coker you had all the weekend to do your assignment you didn't and I know you don't run errands at home you have the maids to do that so why didn't you do your assignment? and don't think I'll believe your cock and bull story about not understanding the assignment".

He ignored my question and put his hands together as a sign to beg "please baby you wouldn't want your best friend to be humiliated in front of the whole class would you?." 

" Ok fine we have just 30 minutes left before class starts so be fast about it". His smile was reaching his face as he collected the assignment to dub.

   Mathematics is our first class for today my favorite subject taken by my favorite teacher Miss Susan I can say she's the best teacher at Heritage high school.

She's nice calm ready to help and above all beautiful you can't help but love the petite intelligent woman. And she's to take us factorization today well as she was teaching trust my best friend to be disturbing me I was still focused anyways not minding him at all . I think he was tired of not getting attention so he threw paper at me unfortunately he was caught by the teacher

"Richards stand up and tell me and the class what I said last". She said with serious face and folded arms my best friend was jus there smiling and scratching his head

"ma the last thing you said was last ma". The whole class burst into laughter including me Miss Susan at that point was fuming

"Richard Coker all you do is to constitute nuisance in my class everyday see me in the staff room and that will be all for today". She packed her stuffs and left the class angrily we all knew Richard was in trouble.

   Soon it was closing hour I packed my bag and backed it then I felt someone jump at my back and I don't need a seer to tell me it's Richard cos only him can pull that stunt

"hey beautiful I know you missed me I mean you have no other cute friend apart from me " he said dusting his shirt I looked at him wit brows raised

"bruh you are as ugly as anything so please stop giving yourself false hope anyways can we go home now."

He looked at me wit mouth wide open " close it you might catch a fly in your mouth " he closed it immediately and muttered something that sounded like "mean bitch"

I just hissed and we kept walking and chatting along the road I still wonder why he decides to trek home when he could just tell a driver to pick him up. He always says he enjoys trekking home we arrived at the junction where we go our separate ways he hugged me and said

"be fine for daddy ok". I smiled and nod my head we said our goodbyes and I started walking home each step I take my heart rate increases due to the fear of what I might face at home.

     I waited a little outside before opening the door. I greeted everybody I met in the sitting room but they have other plans

"Here she comes the pretentious useless bastard" those words were like arrows shot directly to my heart. The oldest child Aunty Joy made that statement but she was not yet done

"Tanimola I imagined you in a lot of ways but not as a village ashewo (harlot) " shock was an understatement to what I felt immediately she said those words "but aunty mi ( my sister) I did not do anything I'm not an harlot I didn't do anything" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks . Toyin our last born stood up laughing and clapping her hands together

"ehn ehn what did I say she'll deny it . Tanimola I saw you " she tap her hands on her mouth making the boo sound I almost hit her but I restrained my self "really you all think I'll do that kind of thing can't a day pass in this house without me crying ehn" I shouted but instead of replying me they all laughed

" madam pretender I saw you and Richard kissing and hugging each other today or you'll deny that" toyin said " but I didn't there is nothing between me and Richard". My mum came outside wit belt and beat me so hard till I had bruises all over my body

"I know Toyin will never lie to me you're a useless child next time you'll go to school and learn idiot" they all left the room one by one each of them eyeing me as they leave remaining me and toyin she looked down and said "Richard is mine bitch" she kicked me and walked away laughing.
I hate my life 🥺🥺🥺.


A/N_ I hope you enjoy this

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A/N_ I hope you enjoy this. Love_chloe

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