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   After the ill treatment I received from my mum and siblings, I tried keeping my distance from my best friend it wasn't easy but that's what I had to do at least to avoid getting in trouble with Toyin.

It's Friday the last day of school for the week and I've avoided him since tuesday. I ignore him through out class and rush to leave school after closing hours but unfortunately today as I was packing my bag I saw someone's legs beside my desk and I knew it was him so I raised up my head to see him .

"Hey Richard how are you doing ?". I asked while scratching my head and laughing nervously I'm sure if looks could kill I'll be six feet under by now .

"TM why are you avoiding me ?" he asked with his arms folded and stern look

"Richard you know I can't do that, I just have lot of work to do at home this days that's why I leave without waiting for you I'm sorry". I hate lying to him but at this point I think it's the best thing to do.

"Tanimola Johnson I know you too well no matter how much your work is you'll still find time to talk to me what are you hiding better start spilling it out". 
"I'm sorry Richard but I can't tell you ".
He looked hurt . "TM I thought we said no secrets"he said with pain evidence in his tone and eyes .

I knew I had to tell him the truth I can't just leave my best friend because my heartless sister told me to "Richard it's cos of Toyin she told mum something is going on between us  and also lied that we kissed and hugged each other on Monday I was beaten mercilessly so I thought avoiding you will keep me out of trouble for a while". Tears already welled up in my eyes and was ready to fall Richard hugged me tight and pat my curly hair "it's ok babe I'm sorry that you were beaten cos of me I'm really sorry ok".

At this point I was crying uncontrollably I didn't know the major reason for my tears is it the betrayal I felt cos of my sister's attitude or the pain of not being trusted by my mother or the fact that I almost threw my friendship away cos of that witchy little sister of mine. I couldn't pinpoint the major reason I just kept crying. Richard still held me in his embrace and kept whispering "it's ok" into my thick curls i removed my head from his chest and wiped my tears

"This won't happen again I'm really sorry bes" . I said with remorse "it's ok love I'm also very sorry for causing you pain. But why will Toyin do that kind of thing to you. Truly I know they don't like you that much but not to the point of her lying against you that's total wickedness" he said . "I think she likes you cos she warned me to stay away from you" .

"Then she must be high on something to think I even have the slightest affection towards her anybody that likes me should like you too so she can keep the affections to herself " he hissed with anger. I laughed and hugged him I mean why should I even think of leaving this boy for anything he always has my back always and I love him well just as a friend tho nothing more. "Let's start going home I don't want to get home late to avoid more trouble ". We packed our stuffs and left the school weekend is here again the time of the week I hate the most 😟.

   On our way home Richard stopped and said "I'll see you on Saturday at our usual spot do you understand take care of yourself for daddy ok and don't forget that I'll always be here for you do you understand". I smiled and nod my head vigorously we said our goodbye's as usual and i started walking home alone kicking peebles on my way home.

Few seconds later I was home it's not home for me tho it's an hell hole for me . Fortunately for me I got home before everyone so I had a few moment of silence to myself before they all come back at least. I arranged the house and cooked dinner then I kept everyone's food in each of them food flask.

Soon I heard a knock on the door my heart rate increased immediately  I swallowed my spit before I answered "yes who's there?" I asked hoping it's not my mom or any of my siblings. "It's me Tanimola, your father open the door for me".

I inhale deeply my father doesn't carter for my needs but he doesn't maltreat me and I appreciate that ." I'm coming sir" I ran to unlock the door as I opened the door I knelt down to greet my dad as a sign of respect in our culture " yes thank you, this one nobody is at home apart from you hope there is no problem?" He asked while unbuttoning his shirt. " I don't know sir I didn't meet any of them at home not even Toyin".

"I'm sure those sisters of yours have gone to meet those useless boys they hang out with anyways that's their business I know you would have prepared dinner please serve me food I'm famished". I went into the kitchen to serve his food still thinking about what he said concerning my sister's so those girls flirt around how come I didn't know about this well it's not my business . I went to the living room and placed my father's food on a stool he prefers eating there to the dining table.

I went to the little garden at our backyard and I saw Richard there, I was shocked "Richard what if someone else sees you what are you doing here" I said while looking around "I know only you and your dad comes to the garden and your dad won't hurt me so there is nothing to be scared about"

"Ok what are you doing here?" I asked he laughed and said "just wanted to show you that we're stuck together forever biatch" he laughed and ran out of the garden. This boy will be the death of me ☺️☺️ and yes I know we're stuck together forever...

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