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On my way to the class I saw Richard standing at the entrance of the class and deep in thought he didn't even know I was standing there. I tapped him and he jerked a little.

When he saw me he engulfed me in a tight and warm hug and immediately I knew he heard about what happened cos he was not in same hall with us after the second rearrangement. He released me from the hug and placed his arms on my shoulder .

"Please explain everything to me " he said with a look of deep concern. I knew if Richard was in the hall he'll also not watch me get punished for what I know nothing about.

I told him in details what happened and he paid keen attention to everything I said at a point he started to look angry when I was done with the narration he was fuming . I'm sure if this were to be an animation smoke will be coming out of his ear. Yeah he looked that angry.

"That wicked sister of yours needs to be taught a lesson, like why on earth will someone's blood try to bring her down at every opportunity she gets ."

"I really don't know Richard, what if Tamara didn't stand up to defend me, what would have happened". That has been the question on my mind since the incident

"I was sure the principal won't let that happen but if there was no strong evidence the principals hand might be tight and then the external invigilator will punish you"

As he said these words anger increased in me this girl was about to ruin my life today just for her own amusement I wish I could kill her, I felt like hitting her till she begged for mercy. I want her to feel the pain she has made me feel.

"Tanimola" Richard tapped me

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing really I just feel like killing that excuse of a sister ".

"It's ok don't kill her yet she needs to see you succeed plus she has gotten a well deserved punishment".

I pity her tho but I'm happy for myself when I get home I know my mum will rain fire and brimstone but for real at this point I don't care anymore.

"Richard we have an hour left to prepare for the next paper" I reminded him .

"Oh ok, I even want you to explain something to me in buisness studies. But I've forgotten the topic"

"Just bring out your note when we are revising you'll remember."

I went inside the class to pick my note from my bag I could hear some people whispering "I'm glad she was vindicated"  "her sister is evil" " if Toyin was my sister and she tried this I'll make sure I kill her" .

I couldn't stand there and keep listening to them so I picked my school bag and left the class without saying s word.

I sat beside Richard and we started reading he later asked me the question he wanted to ask and I explained to him and now he understands .

The bell signifying the end of our little break rang we stood up and went to our different hall wishing ourselves good luck.

I didn't want to drop my bag where I kept it before so I ran outside and immediately gave it to Richard to take to his own class for me.

"You know a girl was caught with a paper the other time right" Mr Soliu said, and we all echoed Yes.

"Good, the girl will not be allowed to sit for this exam again and that's majorly because she almost put an innocent person in trouble" the whole class was as silent as a grave yard.

"Now ladies and gentlemen if you love yourself ehn check yourself well if you're with any paper come outside here and throw it away cos if you're caught" he laughed whilst shaking his head

"You'll be so sorry" he said.

A number of people came outside to drop paper and I was shocked because I felt  Toyins case would have taught them a lesson .

"Can you imagine so you all were planning to cheat in the exam hall? Why are you risking your future? Why can't you sit down and study hard" he shook his head

"Anyways let's start and you know the rules, don't open unless you've been asked to and don't write unless you've been asked to
write. Do you understand?". We all answered "yes sir".

I bow my head to pray again after I was done praying I did the sign of the cross amd I raised my head from the locker.

The man got to my table and he smiled saying" you're really a child of destiny keep being a good child ok" I nod my head .

He dropped my script and left . And I began to Wonder why he called me that well maybe because of what happened or principal told him something about me but it's fine.

"Anddddddd start" we all opened our question I heard people saying " yeee" the question looked simple to me tho. I read the question and I started answering them one by one soon I was done with the objective .

It was time to calculate and I don't have a calculator. I didn't know what to do I think the invigilator saw my uneasiness and he asked " is everything ok"

"No sir I don't have a calculator sir " the man looked at me. He went to the table and picked a calculator for me

"Return it once you're done " I told him thank you and I got back to what I was doing.

After about thirty minutes I was done with my paper I decided to cross check and see if there is a mistake anywhere but there was none at least to me.

" If you're done you can come and submit". Mr Soliu said.

I stood up from my seat wit my answer sheet and the calculator I was given by him.

"Hope you did it well" I nodded my head.

He smiled and collected the answer sheet and the calculator from me.

I went outside to wait for Richard when I heard someone call my name.

"Tanimola" I looked up and saw Toyin
"I'll make sure you don't go Scot free" she said and walked off.....

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