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Seeing my best friend and brother after several weeks that actually felt like years, brought me so much joy and happiness I felt at home once again.

We entered into his room together and his beautiful room was in a big mess his king sized bed was not laid and had clothes scattered on it, also the floor was scattered with his shoes and school items.

"Richard, why is your room looking like a pig pen" I said pointing to the mess on the bed and the floor.

Instead of this boy to answer me he stood there, scratching the back of his head looking at everywhere else but me.

"Bro I'm talking to you" tapping his back in order to get his full attention.

"Babe you just got back now you need rest moreover what did you bring for the sweetest boyfriend on earth". He's obviously trying to change the subject.

"Richard Oluwaferanmi Coker" I called his full name that's to let him know I'm dead serious. I mean how will he even stay in this kind of messy room.

"Ok ok okkk before you cut off my beautiful head I'll pick it" he said bending down to pick his clothes, he quickly squeezed the clothes into his wardrobe and as soon as he was done he closed it .

"I no get your time today ajeh you for fold all those clothes" I said

" That's by the way. So what brought you back home today and I'm sure Doyin will be crying her eyes out now cos her precious little baby monkey has left" he said jokingly as he draw my cheeks.

I didn't tell him about my sister's strange behavior or how she's been maltreating me just because I told her Philip was trying to rape me. Neither did I tell him about what her fiance did to me.

So immediately he mentioned her name and said what he said I felt very sad and hurt again.

"She won't be crying infact I'm sure she's glad I finally left" I said in a sad tone playing with my fingers.

"What do you mean happy, the Doyin that I know will never be happy you came back home. Infact that was what made me scared the most cos I know she'll do anything to make sure you stay in Lagos and finish your education there, I mean she has always wanted you to have a good life so why will you say she'll be happy you left." He said

"Richard it was Doyin that told me to leave her house" I said smiling sadly with tears threatening to fall in my eyes.

"Wait it's like you're serious o, you mean Doyin, our Doyin told you to leave her house" he asked still not convinced.

"But why? Did you offend her or did you do anything wrong" he asked again.

"Richard it's a very long story" I said.

"You better start talking cos if you don't talk we're not leaving here today I promise" he said folding his arms .

"Hmmm" I inhaled deeply

"Richard, you remember me telling you about Philips advances towards me and everything he's been trying to do to get to me"

"Yes na that man that I'll still shoot his tyre if I see him" he said while forming the shape of a gun with his hand and shooting.

"Well I think you'll kill him totally if I finish saying this"

"Are you for real?" He asked

"Yes. Well two weeks ago I was in my room when he entered he sha forcefully kissed me and started touching me then I bits him and ran out"

"That bastard, he laid his hands on you" Richard was already on his feet rubbing his head vigorously.

"Calm down there's more"

"I'm listening"

"After I ran out I saw Doyin downstairs, I told her what her fiance did. She just laughed at me and said I'm not Philip's type and infact he can never do such a thing" I looked at Richard before continuing he looked so furious.

" Then her fiance came downstairs telling her about how he was just talking to me with his hand at my back and I bit him. I was shocked babe infact shock is a big understatement to what I felt that day".

"So what did Doyin say, she didn't believe right I mean she's very smart she can't fall for such cheap lies" he said

"Well I was disappointed, cos she believed him and even slapped me. My sister has never raised her hand to hit me before but she did that day and the bastard was still pretending telling her to leave me that I'm just a child." I wiped the tears that dropped from my eyes with the back of my hand

Richard came closer and put my head on his shoulder patting me gently at the back when I was calm s little I continued

"She even called me a curse and said all her family has been saving about me is true. since that day I didn't talk to her or even see her until yesterday, she came to my room and said I'm behaving like a boss in her own house and I said no. She said I should give her reason why I've been avoiding her, and I explained to her how I told her everything her pig if a fiance has been doing to me but she slapped me instead".

"Omo I receive another slap and she told me to leave her house today that she must not wake up and see me."

"Jesus I really can't believe Doyin did all this I mean she should know you better than anyone else " he said

"She was not even scared of the fact that I don't know anywhere in Lagos i didn't go out apart from rare occasions where they took me out for lunch, thank God for their maid who later became my friend she followed me here cos she too was going to leave already".

"I've even forgotten I brought someone".

" She's here with you?"

"Yes I left her downstairs and told her I won't stay long here. Let's quickly go downstairs abeg" we left the room in haste and hurried downstairs.

Beauty was already eating when we saw her

"Sorry babes we got carried away " I said

"No it's fine moreover madam Bridget kept me company and gave me very delicious food" she said pointing to the plate of fried rice and chicken she was eating.

"I know right. Anyways meet Richard Coker and Richard meet....." He didn't let me finish before he said.

"Beauty" she looked at him and immediately she set eyes on him she looked so shocked and said.

"Richard" wait, this two know each other but from where.

"You know each other" I asked.

"Very well, I never knew your boyfriend's name is Richard Coker he's my long lost friend" Beauty said and chuckled.

" How did you know each other, when ,where"  I asked but Richard just kept staring at her.

"My dear eat first then you'll have strength to heat the gist well" madam Bridget said while entering the dining with our food.

I turned to look at Richard and then he whispered to me. " Let's eat first, I'll tell you how I know her after we finish eating".......

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