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After a lot of pictures and congratulations I finally decided it was high time we left and when I say we I mean me and my big baby. He looked so carried away only God knows what he was thinking about in that pretty little head of his.

"Hey babe what are you thinking about " I tapped him

"Oh sorry, I'm just so happy that's all" he said and held my hand

"Really is that all"

"I dunno just thinking about how strong willed you are, you've always said you'll get that scholarship and you did despite the frustrations from your family." He looked at me straight in the eye and said

"You are strong baby and I think that's why my heart chose you " I smiled brightly looking at the second best human gift God has given me. I said second because Doyin is the first.

"See you smiling so brightly now let's walk faster I can't wait to see the proud look on chiefs face and also the gift he has for you" he said while increasing his pace I had no choice but to walk faster too.

"He didn't promise to give me a gift he only said the only way to thank him for helping me out with my registration fee is to get the scholarship that's all" I said

"Tanimola common you talk as though you don't know chief Ajayi in this community he'll surely give you something let's wait and see at least we are almost at his place"

I'll rather not get my hopes high because he never promised anything. We are at his place already so we knocked with our hands and mouth yeah with our mouth by saying 'ko ko ko'. He opened the door and immediately he saw us his face brightened.

"Who do we have here my favorite children in the entire community" he said smiling

" But chief I thought you love only me" I said being a little dramatic.

" Tanimola come closer let me tell you something" he said.

"I don't want him to get jealous" he whispered a little loudly though and I laughed

" I heard that" Richard said in a sing song tone and we all laughed.

"Come in my little angels" I wanted to say we're adults now but I know better than to argue with chief Ajayi

"So I've brought good newssss" I said dragging the last word a bit.

"Ok mo n gbo" he said

"I won the scholarship sir" I said smiling

"I knew you could do it " he said looking at me proudly

"Congratulations my darling"

"Thank you sir".

"You see Tanimola do you know why I treat you like my own child" he asked with his wrinkled arms gently patting his knees.

"No sir" he laughed and nodded his head.

"I used to have a daughter I said used to because she's no more. Her name was Sharon my daughter was so energetic, always ready to learn new things and above all she had thick curls and a glowing black skin just like you"

" Her beauty shines so bright like the morning sun. Everyone who knew her then always told me 'chief take care of Sharon she's going to be great' but then I never knew life had other things in stock for me and my precious angel"

Richard and myself listened attentively to the old man's story I never knew he had a female child I'm sure 95 percent of those living here does not know this.

"On this fateful day August 8,2019. I Can never forget the date my precious saw her result and she topped her class again, before then I had promised her that I'll give her a very special gift if she tops the class again so because of that promise she pleaded I show her the surprise that day.

"We had to go to the beach then I'll present the gift to her that was my plan before but my mind was not leaving the house I told her I'll give her the next day my daughter got very angry and said she even refused her meal infact her favorite at that spaghetti and fried stew that was well garnished which I'm sure is also Tanimola's favorite" he laughed sadly and cleaned the tears on his face with the back of his hand.

"I had no choice I wanted my princess to be happy you know, so I told her to get dressed and I'll take her to where her surprise was she was so excited on our way to the beach the unexpected happened I didn't see a child coming then immediately I did I quickly stepped on the brake causing the car to jerk forward. Tanimola my princess was jumping on the car seat in the front without a sit belt and she hit her head hard"

I knew where this story was going to already and me being a cry baby already had tears in my eyes threatening to spill

"I mean she could have hit the head and I'll rub it for her and she'll be fyn but her head was just rested on where she hit it that's around the glove compartment. I kept calling my angel she didn't wake up so I  rushed her to the hospital and they told me she was B.I.D meaning she was brought in dead but how. I begged them to wake her but they couldn't and since then I've been miserable until I met you and you looked exactly like her and you're even smart and hardworking just like my princess."

My tears were falling freely now so that's how he lost his little girl it's so sad.

"It's ok sir you've always call me your child if a child could choose parents I'll choose you but still you're like a father to me ok."

He laughed and said "those times when I'm sad Sharon will say 'daddy, daddyyyyy everything will be ok I cross my heart' and you sound just like her my child. Thanks for making this old man proud"he said smiling

"Richard, Richard take care of her well ok two of you are just decieving yourself invite me to your wedding o ehn ehn"

one of our major shippers but we decided to keep the relationship a secret for now because this is Nigeria they'll condemn us and I'm not ready for that.

"Ok sir" he said and winked at me

"Ehn ehn I have something for you this was the gift I wanted to give my baby that day take" he said and handed it over to me

I collected it and opened it I found the most beautiful earrings and bead wrist bands they are so beautiful.

"I wanted to give her at the beach because she loves beaches. Tanimola don't say thank you ok" I laughed and said ok

"Omo daada" he said while giving me a thumbs up.....

I hope you've been enjoying the story love_ xoxo 💋💋

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