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It's been a month since we resumed and trust me I've been avoiding trouble at all cost, especially trouble from Toyin it's as if that child was sent to frustrate me. It's also been a month or almost two months that I left Doyin's house and she didn't bother calling or check if I'm fine.

Well God being God has replacement for everybody so now I have two mothers and two fathers. You know them already Madam Bridget and Mrs Coker are my mothers, Mr Coker and Chief Ajayi are my fathers and they treat me so well that most times I don't even think of home.

Speaking of fathers, I've not heard or seen my biological father since I was sent out of the house. I don't know if he's alive or dead or probably he's also glad I'm finally out of their house

"Tanimola, see daddy said he has a surprise for us" Richard said and he even looks excited well who can blame him. Mr Coker's surprises are always top notch.

"Really, but none of us is celebrating his or her birthday" I said

"Hmmm, arrgh just let's go downstairs before you start asking me questions" he said and dragged my hand.

Once we got downstairs I saw Mr and Mrs Coker talking to each other. Richard cleared his throat so they can know we are here.

"Oh, Tanimola how are you doing" Mrs Coker asked while giving me her beautiful smile.

"I'm fine ma" I said while bending a little.

"I've told you to stop saying ma or Mrs Coker call me mum ok" she said and I nodded

"Tanimolaaaaaaa, I'm sure Richard ran upstairs to tell you that I have a surprise for you two" Mr Coker said

"Ehm, yes sir " I said

"Well, we've been working on our papers so we can stay outside the country for almost five months now and that includes yours and Richard's but trust Richard to be the good Samaritan asked me to add Beauty and that Chief will pay for the expenses. But I refused and it's just because I don't want Chief to be lonely again cos he adores that child." He said

"But she'll be joining you guys sooner or later. And about the papers and everything we will need it's all set" I was surprised, maybe it's not what I'm thinking

"Wait sir, I'm sorry but I have a question" I said

"Yeah, go ahead"

"Sir if I should understand you clearly, you want me to follow you all outside the country and also start living abroad" I asked

"Of course Tanimola" he said

"Sir, you mean I'll also travel out of this country to a white man's land and get education there without scholarship or even being your child"

"Tanimola, see you are our child and if we had just done for only Richard he won't go without you and you know that so we have no choice" he said

I knelt down and told them thank you with tears of joy flowing down from my eyes. Yes I had always wanted to travel out of the country to further my education or probably base there and all my thought was another scholarship program will come up when we're in ss3 and I'll try my luck but now I've gotten it on a platter of gold.

"You shouldn't even say thank you, you deserve everything good my dear and I know you'll still ask that who will take care of the house . Madam Bridget and her daughter will move her permanently and they'll be taking care of the house" he said

"I'm short of words" I said in a cracked voice

"Better don't cry. Cry cry baby" Richard said

"I'm not crying jor" I answered

"Ok but we are not going until next month I need to settle somethings first ok" he said

"Ok sir and thank you again" I said

"Daddy thank you, mummy thank you. I want to see Tanimola upstairs please" Richard said.

"It's ok you can go, sha be making us that does not have best friend jealous" Mr Coker said

"What am I then" Mrs Coker said

"You're more than a best friend you're my soul" he answered while holding his chest dramatically

"Better let's go if not you'll remain here" Richard said and we both went upstairs leaving the two love birds alone

Immediately we got to Richard's room I hugged him tightly at first he didn't hug me back but then he later did

"Thank you so much beibi thank you" I said still hugging him with tears flowing from my eyes.

"Shhhh, it's ok. I don't want tears in that beautiful eyes of yours ok" he said while using his thumb to clean my eyes.

" Ok" I said smiling

"Good now we need to give Beauty the good news."

"She'll be sad"

"Let's tell her first ok" he said

He kept staring at my lips and I know what he wanted so I tip toed and pecked him on the lips but he kissed me deeply instead.

The day was going smoothly and everybody was happy until we heard noise from the gate and it seemed as though the gate man was arguing with someone so we went outside to see

"Ojo kilonsele nibeyen" Mr Coker asked the gate man what was happening there.

"Sir it's this woman o she say she's Tanimola's mother and I said she can't come in unless I ask you first and she's dragging the gate with me" he said. My mom

"Let her in" he said

At this point I was shaking visibly with fear written all over me what does this woman want from me now ehn

"Good afternoon sir" she said while adjusting her wrapper

"Yh good afternoon how may I help you" he asked

"How may you help me? Is that question meant for me when you've kept my daughter with you for three good month without asking for her parent" she said

Mr Coker laughed and said " so you have a daughter here ok o who is that daughter"

"Aunty you won't say anything abi" she said while pointing at me

"Well I don't think you're my mother" I replied

"As usual there is nothing good you can do apart from embarrassing yourself and not me sometimes I wonder if I'm truly your mother. Anyways you're coming home with me now" she said  at this point my anger was at it's peak

"Says who" I asked

"Are you mad"

"I'm not and I'll be glad if you and your children can leave me alone. Imagine you call yourself a mum and you chased your grown daughter out of the house without even checking if she's ok or not what if I was raped or molested but thank God I'm fine so leave my life alone. Excuse me" I said and I went inside

"Leave my house and don't come back if not you'll be reported to the police. Ojo get this excuse of a mother out of here" Mr Coker said and everybody came inside.

"Tanimola, don't cry o ok they don't deserve your tears" Mrs Coker said while wiping the tears in my eyes.

"Ok ma I'll like to go upstairs ma and I'll also like to be alone" I said and she nodded while Richard just kept looking at me .

I went upstairs to my room and closed the door while I slid down, put my head between my legs and wept.......

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