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The long awaited examination is finally here. Yes I've read but I don't think that's enough , I'm nervous and anxious even though Doyin and my dad had prayed for me this morning I don't know why I was still feeling there's something else I need to really do.

We are already in class waiting to be arranged well by the teachers and also for our examination and according to the arrangement me and Richard are not near each other at all. The fear in my heart kept increasing, so I decided to do one thing I think might keep me calm . Prayer, I decided to pray silently so I put my head on my locker and said.

"Father Lord I thank you cos you'll give me the ability to remember everything I've been taught and everything I've read, I also thank you because I'll come out in flying colors. So I speak peace to this anxious heart of mine. In Jesus name, amen". I did the sign of the cross and I lifted my head from the locker, I felt peace and I'm grateful for that cos if I keep being anxious I might forget everything I've read.

Soon the invigilator came in carrying the big brown files containing our question paper and answer sheet. "Do away with anything that can implicate you" a short plus size man said while rubbing his tummy . I didn't have anything on me  but I still checked my self, my locker and my surrounding to confirm because I didn't want anything to put me in trouble.

We were rearranged and soon the questions and answer sheet were distributed, we are not to open the question sheet or start until we were told to do so. I don't know why but I think that's the tradition. My mates were all side talking and whispering but I know if I dare joined them I will regret it so I kept to myself and soon we heard.

"Quiet everybody, through out the period of this examination immediately you are told to start the whispering and side talk stop cos if you're caught it'll be considered as examination malpractice and you all know the consequences" another invigilator who looked kind of strict said

"Yes sir" we said in unison

"Very good so now open your question paper and start"

When I opened the question I was very glad because it was as if all the question me and Richard treated was what they brought out .

But before I started I calm myself down , read the question well again before penning down my answers.

The exam was to end after 2hours but if you're done you can submit and leave then prepare for the next paper. We were all writing when the petite and chubby invigilator asked someone to stand up. I was almost done so I looked up to see who he told to stand up, lo and behold it was Toyin and I wonder what she has done this time.

"Young lady you have something on you bring it out"he said while stretching his hand.

" But sir I have nothing on me " she said, but her voice was shaking thereby betraying her, I just hope it's not what I think.

" Ok then we'll find out. Miss Susan please come here ma " she quickly rushed to his side.

"Take this girl outside and search her for me".

"Ok sir" she said while taking Toyin with her he told us to continue writing I was almost done anyway so I round up my work and soon Toyin was brought in.

"Sir I found this paper on her" she said while showing him the paper. Everybody in the class shouted arrrghhh.

" But you said you had nothing on you?". The man looked at her angrily.

"I'm sorry sir more over it was my sister that gave me the paper before we entered" my heart flew out of my chest why on earth will she say that I didn't.

"And who is the sister and even though your sister gave you ,were you not asked to do away with all papers?"

"Yes sir but I forgot it was when I wanted to remove my pen from my pocket I saw it sir" this girl is pathetic and I'm in big trouble

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