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Today is the day every junior secondary school 3 student in Nigeria has been waiting for to know their fate. In each state hopefully someone will win the scholarship, some will repeat the class, while some will get promoted.

Richard and I got to school very early because I was so eager to be amongst the first to see their results. But I was disappointed because the results was not handed over to us one by one so no matter the time you got to school it's when the principal calls you that you can enter.

Everybody's name had already been mentioned I didn't hear my name Richard has also gotten his results he is going to the next class meaning he got promoted but my name has not been called and everybody has their results with them already.

The principal came out of his office and ordered the time keeper to ring the bell for assembly immediately I heard that my fear increased hope it's not like I've gotten in trouble.

Soon all the students came out and lined up according to their classes murmuring some wondering why an emergency assembly was called while others jus kept talking.

The principal cleared his throat and took the microphone.

"Good morning students" he said

"Good morning sir" the whole assembly replied.

"I'm sure some of you might be wondering why this assembly was called right"

"Yes sir"

"We all know our JSS3 students just finished their exams and their results are out already".

"Yes sir" at this point my heart started beating very fast.

"And we also know that the last jss3 now SS1 students did not really impress us infact nobody got a scholarship" he silently said "empty skulls"

"Well I'm glad to inform you that this present JSS3 students impressed us they all performed excellently well give them a round of applause"

All the students on the assembly applauded us even my class everyone clapped except me I'm so scared

"But we only have one person who disappointed us" he said and the whole assembly was as quiet as a grave yard.

" Toyin Johnson come forward" he called out my sister.

She climbed the podium and looked so unbothered how can this girl be like this and me just because I've not seen my result I'm at the verge of breaking down. But Omo the girl get mind.

"You see this girl here, see her she's even chewing gum you are an animal if I slap you you'll go deaf instantly if you don't remove that rubbish from your mouth oniranu" he said and hissed.

But my sister just eyed the principal and put the chewing gum at the back of her hand.

" Very useless thing as I was saying this girl here was caught with a sheet of paper in the exam hall then while she was being interrogated she lied that her sister was the one who gave her the paper" the whole assembly shouted 'arrgh'.

"Tanimola Johnson please come forward" I left my line to meet him.

"You all know how responsible this girl is so because of that we decided to investigate well and we saw how her sister tore her note and decided to implicate cos of pure hatred" people started shaking their heads but Toyin jus folded her arms with an expression of 'ahbeg getat' on her face.

"So she'll be suspended indefinitely when I'm satisfied we'll call her back and I also have good news"

"Tanimola I know you've been wondering why you've not gotten your result well before I tell you why I want to say you kept your promise" yes I remembered my promise the one I made to over 5 people wait o that means I got the scholarship.

"You are a child with a promised future congratulations my darling you won the scholarship I mean no other school in this state got that scholarship but you made us proud " I was so happy I couldn't hold back the tears of joy pouring from my eyes I did it.

"Now here is your result , your scholarship and the award " he presented it all to me instead of me collecting it I hugged the principal still crying he was stiff at first but later hugged me back and whispered 'you're a star Tanimola'

Today is the best day of my life so far I looked at the whole assembly searching for two faces that of my boyfriend and the girl who saved me from the problem my sister wanted to put me in

I saw Richard first smiling widely and blowing me kisses he mouthed I love you and I smiled back then I saw Tamara this girl had tears in her eyes and was smiling I think I have a new friend I mouthed a thank you to her.

The principal gave me the microphone and asked me to address the students my dream finally came to pass.

"Good afternoon everyone my name is Tanimola Johnson as you all know, this has always been one of my numerous dreams and I want to appreciate everyone that helped in one way or the other to make this happen. I would like to appreciate my family they were my major motivation because if not for the way I was treated or the bad words spoken to me by them I might not be able to achieve this. Also the principal I'll like to say a very big thank you sir for believing in me. Tamara God bless you cos if not for you I might not have been vindicated. Lastly and also most especially I'll like to appreciate my best friend and brother for your support and encouragement I love you" there were lot of hmmmmm after that and I laughed I turned slightly and I saw Toyin staring at me with anger.

" Toyin I knew you never liked me but I love you as a sister and I forgive you well I'll like to round this up by saying 'everything I do references something that influenced me' a quote my mentor Virgil Abloh thank you "

"I hope this young lady inspires some of you with sense that's all for now you can all go back to your classes"

I collected the price and result from the principal and ran to meet Richard I jumped on him and peck him by the side of his mouth not making it obvious for anyone else.

He gently put me down and said " I'm proud of you baby girl and I promised you a gift so we'll get it when we get home"

" Before we go home I'll like to branch at chief Ajayi's house to give him the good news"

"Ok no problem...."

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