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I was so eager to get home so I could tell Doyin well I'm sure she might have heard that her little sister won the scholarship meaning she doesn't have to pay school fees till the end of her secondary school education.

When we got home and pressed the door bell because madam Bridget should be around I was shocked to see who opened the door for us MRS COKER that's Richard's mom.

I became nervous not like the woman doesn't like me but what will she think of me now.

"Tanimola, Tanimola" I jumped slightly I thought we were in already.

"Will you just stand there and keep staring at me am I more beautiful" Mrs Coker said jokingly and me and Richard laughed.

"I'm sorry ma I was lost in thought that's all and ma you always look more beautiful each time I see you I don't think you age at all" I said smiling.

"Tanimola and her sweet mouth better come inside eyin mejeji" she laughed as she walked in we followed her in and the house seemed a little crowded I tensed a little.
I think Richard noticed and he held my hand rubbing circles on it.

I sighted Mr Coker on sit looking as handsome as always with his bald head shiny and beards to compliment the bald head. I really don't think this people age at all

"Good afternoon sir" I greeted him then after I did then Richard also did same. Mr Coker stood up and said.

"First of all my beautiful smart girl you know say I no see the bobo wey stan beside you how are you my dear did you miss me" I laughed trust this man to always make you laugh or blush self a little.

"I'm very well thank you sir I miss you o especially following you to the car shop and the way you make those around you happy" I said .

"I missed you too my love we have a lot to catch up on too especially 'ofofo' but before this young man burst into tears let me acknowledge his presence hey bro how far"

"Me bro you called her beautiful marvellous, angelic and me bro" the most dramatic people I've met in my entire life are these two

"Ok before you blow up how are you my morning star my only child" he said while using his hand to dramatize everybody sitted laughed. See me o I've even forgotten other people are here too.

"Now that's more like it" he said while adjusting his polo

"I missed you dad " he said and ran to hug his dad now I wish I had a dad I could tell I miss you genuinely.

"Awwwn I miss you too my love"he said while holding his son then some one amongst those who were seated decided to ruin the father and son moment by clearing his throat and here in Nigeria they majorly do this to get attention.

"Oga o it's only your father you can see abi and you too dat is even a girl we are too small abi" if Richard was a rude kid he would have said hurtful words to this half bald half hairy man looking like papa Ajasco.

But being a good kid that he was he apologized and I also did then after we greeted all of them one by one.

"But chief Durojaye you shouldn't have spoken to the children in such manner you should know they were carried away, I didn't like the tone you used on them abeg". Mr Coker said

"Ehm dad me and Tanimola will be upstairs and sir we're sorry for not greeting you" he said and dragged me upstairs but before we got upstairs I heard Mr Coker said

"You're lucky my son was brought up well boya your own pikin dey greet me" knowing Mr Coker he won't let this just go like that.

We got upstairs and it clicked that we didn't even branch to say hi to madam Bridget who I felt will be in the kitchen.

"Richard we didn't even say hi to madam Bridget" I said

"Since mum is home she won't be around and if she was around trust her na she would hit that man on the head for talking anyhow to get babies" we both laughed that's something that sweet woman can do.

" But who are those men self" I asked

" they may be buisness partners but trust me when I say I've never seen them and I don't know how important they are more reason I refrained from saying bad things to that man"

Richard that I know won't still say anything if they were not important he's just like that and one reason I like him is because he's not cocky like other rich kids.

" We should have greeted them too but I totally forget people were there thank God we've apologized but my father being my father will still want that man to apologize for talking to us anyhow. Either by force or by fire" we both laughed

This is how a family should be, people who have each other's back anytime anyday, people who can rely on each other, people who make house feel like home. I wish I had a father who is ready to do practically anything to make me happy, I wish I had a mother who treats me like her child and do what real mothers do for their children, I wish all my siblings could have my back the way sisters do. I want a real family too.

I heard someone say my name while tapping me at my back. I jerked a little

"Babe are you ok your countenance just changed and you were thinking so tell me what's on your mind"

" I'm slightly jealous of you, Richard you have everything a family that loves and cherish you , they provide you with anything you need, I want to have a family too one that loves and cherish me too" I said my voice cracking at the end

"Tanimola no o, don't be like this truly I have a family that loves me and all but that doesn't mean we don't have our bad days and you have a family that loves you more than anything infact you have a large number of people that are your family, my family , chief Ajayi, Doyin. So stop thinking like that ok and above all you have the cutest and sweetest boyfriend" he said and I chuckled .

He hugged me and kissed my forehead, we were like that for about three minutes before I remembered I've not spoken to Doyin

"I need to speak to Doyin now" I said he nodded his head so I left his room to mine .

I picked my phone and saw five missed calls from Doyin so I decided to call her back.

"Hello Doyin what's up" I said to the phone

"Water and garri, where have you been o" she asked

"I went to see some people"

"Ok o just wanted to tell you congratulations and I'm proud of you" she said

"And I've not forgotten your gift "

"Thanks sis" I said smiling.

"Plus we'll be traveling tomorrow I can't stay here any longer" she said and immediately my happiness dropped I'll have to leave Richard and I don't want to.

"Ok then, I'll go and tell Richard now" I didn't even wait for her answer before hanging up.

I know we've discussed this but I know he won't be happy that I'm leaving but then I've promised I'll be back now so I'll tell him after dinner so he won't lose appetite cos of me.

I brought out my award from my bag and kissed it. I'm proud of myself and I can't thank God enough.........

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