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School has finally resumed, some students will still spend extra one week at home but trust me and Richard to be amongst the first students to resume.

And we've been promoted to the next class also Beauty will be in same class with us, well with the influence of her new daddy chief Ajayi and I'm so happy because , he's taking care of her well and also she's happy again.

The  bell rang signifying it's time for assembly. We all went downstairs to the assembly ground and lined up according to our height and classes.

After the normal clapping, singing and reciting the national anthem routine. It was time for the principal to address us, since it was the first day of the school week and also the beginning of a new session.

"Good morning students" he said while adjusting his spec

"Good morning sir" the whole assembly chorused.

"How are you all and hope you enjoyed your holiday" he asked

"Yes sir"

"Good. Now as you all know this is the beginning of a new session, well that's for those that got promoted and for those that repeated it's a repetition of the previous session or class. I hope you'll sit tight this time and not just come here to waste your parents money" he said.

"That's by the way, you see this new session if you do anyhow you'll be sent out immediately with no pity and I'm not joking this time" well he repeats this same speech every session but he's yet to send anybody out without pity.

"Also, ehmmm ok nevermind. You all should enjoy your new session and be good students, you can now match to your classes" he said

Everybody matched to their classes and as usual myself and Richard had our seats next to each other, since Beauty is new we tried getting a space for her directly in front of our seats.

Our teachers have a meeting with the principal so presently no teacher was in the class. The class is so noisy at the moment cos apparently it's been a while we saw one another so most people were catching up with their friends.

Richard was talking to Beauty and I when someone tapped my table, I looked up and saw Toyin. Now this is unexpected she's not supposed to be in this class, she didn't even write exam with us so how come. I comported myself so I won't look shocked or even surprised.

"Hey" I said sitting back and folding my arms while Richard and Beauty continued talking without even acknowledging her presence.

"Well done o mama" she said

"Thank you, so how may I help you"I asked

"Help me? Really " she said pointing to her chest as she laughed

"Anyways I just wanted to be sure of what I heard"

"Ok" I said cos I was really curious about what she wanted to confirm.

"So, Doyin said you tried seducing her husband then even had the guts to lie to her that her husband tried to rape you" I laughed and clapped my hands

"First of all ehn get educated , there is a difference between a mere fiance and an husband, moreover I owe you or anybody an explanation believe whatever you want to" I said

"You know, I remembered you being that timid,shy little bastard but now you have guts abi to talk to me back ehn you Tanimola" she raised her hand to hit me but then Beauty immediately stopped her by holding her hand.

"If you try it, ehn " Beauty said

"And who is this escape albino, I'm talking and you put your ugly mouth, are you mad" I don't want this to turn into a fight cos it will be so embarrassing

"Toyin, it's ok you can insult me but don't insult my friend ok don't. Now if you have anything to say, say it or get ur foolish self out of here" I said.

"Whatever, my own is madam mind your business" .  She continued, I think Richard has had enough of her rubbish

"Toyin you have big issue o, were you sent to make her sad again. Oh that's the work your family gave you right"he said why sizing her up

"Infact, what are you doing in this class. I thought you repeated not even me it's the whole school" Richard said.

"You can't get rid of me like that nahhhh it's impossible I'm in this class , with you guys" and now I'm confused, the whole school knew of what she did and also the fact that she didn't write exam, so how come she's here now or my mum is at it again.

"Okk, so let me help you reset your empty skull a little. I don't see you as a competition ok so I don't care if you're in this class or not, my own is stay away from me" as soon as I finished talking, Miss Susan walked in I just hope whatever thing she had against me is no longer there .

"Good morning everybody" she said

"Good morning ma"

"How was your night".

"It was fine, thank you ma"

"Good, welcome to your new class and fortunately I'll be your class teacher not just your math teacher" some seemed so happy and excited to hear this but some where whispering and looking at her with hatred

"I knew you guys will be so glad to hear that. Ehm so this new session, I want all of you to work harder and also be very good student. I don't want any bad report at all" she said as she sat on the table facing the class.

"And also, I want you all to read well ehn." She said looking around the class as if she's looking for something in particular.

"Ehm Toyin welcome back to class" Really, welcome back to class. I'll find out the secret behind all this

"Lastly, I wish you all happy resumption. Now let's continue"......

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