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Shock was not even enough to describe what I felt after she talked. If she had waited a little longer after saying what she said I would have gladly given her an answer, so even till now she still doesn't want to acknowledge her mistakes.

Actually I'm not bothered with whatever she does but I don't want her to be tagged my sister again the witch doesn't deserve that title 'sister'. I'm pretty sure I'll be in trouble when I get home because her people will defend her.

The bell rang this time signifying our last paper for the day we all rushed into our various halls and I don't know why they rush. If we all entered one by one it's better than always rushing

We sat on our various seats after each if us had kept our bags wherever we wanted to keep them. Waiting for Mr Soliu and Miss Susan to come in I reflected on what happened today I took a deep breath and said a very silent

"Thank you Lord" silently,enough for only me and God to hear

Mr Soliu walked in carrying the brown file while miss Susan cane in after him with the rest of the important items in her hand. Mr Soliu rubbed his hands together before saying.

"Hello everyone"

" Hello sir" we all chorused

"Good. Now this is your last paper for today right?" he asked.

"Yes sir"

"I want to say thank you for your cooperation throughout today and I hope we have more cooperation from you
tomorrow". He said

Miss Susan has only said few words since and she's been looking at me it's kind of creepy you know. Yes she's nice and all but the look she's giving me is not good at all and I wonder why.

"So let's get down to buisness, do away with all micro papers with you also pick your surroundings" we stood up from our seats and did as we were told

We got back to our seats and settled down
" Good , I don't need to repeat the rule since you know them now, good luck " he said

As the paper was being shared, I spotted Miss Susan still looking my way but this time she started sharing question papers in my row soon she got to me.

She slightly bent and said "you ruined your sisters life" she looked at me bitterly.

I'm confused , Miss Susan here practically adores me and she even saw what my sister did so why is she acting strange. I wanted to answer her but she put her fingers on her lips as a sign for me to shut up then she walked off

I sat on my seat still shocked about what she said lost in deep thoughts I couldn't even hear my name being called.

"Tanimola, I said you all can start" Mr Soliu said after tapping me.

"Oh okay sir". I quickly opened the question   my class mates had started already.

I had to push whatever thought I had in mind aside so I could focus on my exam.

The questions were very cheap, I was glad that all what I read came out in the question. I kept writing and didn't stop till I was done but this time I didn't submit before others.

My mind drifted back to what Miss Susan said I quickly pushed it aside again and checked my work all over to be sure I didn't make any mistake I said a little prayer in my heart since I'm done but I remained on my seat.

" Could it be that this woman is supporting Toyin or my sister knows something about her that must not get out and she's blackmailing the teacher. Cos it was even Miss Susan that advised we go and check the footage. So what is happening...." I was lost in my thoughts when I felt someone tap me I jumped slightly.

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