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It's been two days since my sister's fiance almost raped me. I still feel irritated anytime I remember his filthy hands on my body and I feel so ashamed I can't even pick Richard's call he's been calling me since the incident and I did not pick it up neither did I call back, I'm very sure he's worried but for now I don't think I have the courage to take his calls.

I've also been avoiding my sister too and her fiance too Beauty makes sure she brings food for me and she's risking her job because if that wicked man have the slightest knowledge that she comes upstairs she's done for but she keeps saying she can't be caught cos according to her she has been giving an extra job to tidy their rooms so she uses that opportunity to bring me food and also anytime they are not home too. So that's how I've been surviving for the past few days.

And the one that hurts me the most is the fact that my sister, the only one I felt truly loved me did not bother checking on me and that alone brings tears to my eyes every minute I don't even feel welcomed here any longer. So I decided that when she comes back today I'll meet her and tell her I'm leaving.

I stood up from my bed, straightened it, did few stretches, rearranged my wardrobe and I stripped getting ready to have my bath. Immediately I finished bathing I heard someone knocking at my door it must be Beauty cos by this time Philip and Doyin can't be around, but not withstanding I asked.

"Yes, who is that?"

"It's me, Beauty" the sweet voice answered.

"Come in" I said.

She entered and locked the door behind her I saw the food tray in her hand and I was more than delighted to see food cos I am very hungry.

"Thank you baby" I said collecting the tray from her but I noticed she just kept staring at me.

"Helloooo" I said dragging the last letter

"I'm sorry" she said and I looked at her with my brow raised

"Sorry for what" I asked

"Staring" she said smiling shyly and looking down.

" Why are you acting weird, anyways I want to change so I can come and eat wait here o" I really wanted to talk to someone and I feel beauty is the right person to talk to at the moment.

"Tanimola I'll wait outside then, when you are done call me" she said and immediately rushed out.

What's wrong with her, she's acting so weird she's a girl too na or maybe she's not comfortable with people being naked around her.  I shrugged it off and got dressed in my favorite baggy round neck and short I also put on socks I don't know why I wore it but I just felt like it. I looked at the mirror and my hair looks so rough I've been so lazy this days. Maybe I'll tell beauty to make it for me while I eat.

"You can come in o mama" I said. She opened the door slightly at first then when she saw me she came in

"Wait, why are you acting weird" I folded my arms expecting a response but all I got was still that same shy smile.

"Really? Ok if you won't talk leave my room o" I said and I saw her smile replaced with sadness.

"I'm sorry, it's just that ehm see I don't know how you'll take it. But I'm sorry it won't happen again" ahn ahn now I'm confused how I will take what

"Talk, I'm really interested." I said

" I like girls" she said

"I like girls too na, how won't you like girls" I said but she shook her head disapprovingly

" I mean I'm attracted to women " she said

"Wait, what I still don't understand"

"Tanimola I don't like men, I'm not sexually attracted to men but I am to girls" she said, she looked so nervous and even she was sweating.

"That's new, I've never heard that though but I've read it in novels is that why you decided to leave the room" I asked.

"Wait first you're not going to criticize me"she asked.

"And why will I even do that" I asked

"I don't know we're Nigerians, you can't tell anyone you're a lesbian here or else you'll be disgraced" she said.

Well that's true in Nigeria being a lesbian or gay is punishable under the law fourteen solid years imprisonment and under the sharia law the punishment is death.

"I know right, but it's fine I can't judge you or criticize you" I said

"I've also always liked you tho especially your dress sense, the tomboyish look people won't know you're a girl if not for your hair and figure but you hide the figure perfectly" she said and I laughed.

"Well right from when I was little I majorly got hand_ me _down  clothes from Doyin and they were always big so I took a liking to baggy clothes but since I didn't have enough money to get male dresses I decided to be feminine a little" we both laughed damn she's beautiful when she laughs

"You should laugh or smile often you know, you're always so beautiful when you do that " I said.

"Thank you, so eat before it gets cold" she said

"Ehm sorry can you help me make my hair while I eat" I said

"I don't think that'll be good why not eat first then after I'll make the hair for you" she said

"Oh ok then, but let's eat together"

" No I've eating already thanks anyway"


I opened the plate and it is my all time favorite food rice and beans with fried stew garnished with locust beans 'iru' and egg. I took the first bite and I had foodgasm immediately if there is anything like that the food is so delicious i made the mmmhmmm sound that shows my satisfaction and beauty laughed at me. I just kept eating and soon I was done eating and I felt satisfied.

"You must really love rice and beans" she said

"Of course I don't think there is any other food that can replace my love for it" I said smiling

"Ok let's start". She said

I brought out my comb and brass comb 'ilarun' lastly my hair cream .

"So what style do you want"

"Anything that is sha fine" I said

She combed my hair after that she parted the hair and started making it to the back so I guess she's making all back and gladly it won't take much time cos I can't sit for long.

Soon she was done with the hair her hands are very fast and also not painful. I stood up to go and check the mirror and the hair looks simple yet beautiful.

"Thank you" I said and she just smiled again.

I sat on the bed facing her and I saw she was just fondling with her hands .

"So...." I was still talking when she grabbed my face and kissed me I was stunned since I didn't react I think she felt that was a ticket and she kissed me again. I liked it but then I remembered I have a boyfriend and I pushed her away slightly.

"Beauty, calm down " I said

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" she said and immediately wore her slippers and ran out.

I put my hands on my lips and touched why does this feel so right when I know it's totally wrong I need to put myself together........

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