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This is my best birthday ever, and I realized something family are actually those who will always be there for you or those that have always been there not just people related by blood. A popular saying here says blood is thicker than water in my own case I guess it's a different issue.

"So Beauty when you met Tanimola what was your thought concerning her like what did you think she'll be" Mr Coker who was acting like the MC asked.

"Well the first time I saw her I thought since she's my boss's sister she'll be rude and proud like all those we see in movies na" everybody laughed

"But she disappointed me o eee the second day like this when she woke up, wait self she woke up few minutes before me and when I came outside I saw her cleaning the sitting room, I was so surprised then she turned to face me and said" she stood up so she could demonstrate well

"Ehn aunty Beauty, good morning" she said trying to mimick my tiny voice and everybody burst into another round of laughter.

"Aunty Beauty ke?" Richard asked

"Yes o I was like guy can't you see we look like we're in the same age group, but me I answered o it was then I started liking her, there is something about her you can't just help but love her like why won't you love Tanimola, she is helpful, supportive , intelligent and very smart and to top it she's extremely beautiful" I became so emotional after her speech

"Omo you go cry tire today, cry cry baby she wants to suck bwess" Richard mocked me and I playfully hit him why everybody laughed

"You people should let me finish my speech jor" Beauty said and pouted

"Oya Pele continue"

"Thank you, so Tanimola this is me telling you I love you so much and forget whatever bad words that has been said to you always know you are a rare breed and a gem like daddy said" everybody clapped as she came to me and hugged me tightly.

"No that is a speech worth awwwwning about " Mr Coker said jokingly.

"Anyways let's continue now it's time for madam Bridget our very own big mummy in this house" we all clapped and Richard whistled

"Ok sir I want to say thank you for this rare opportunity cos not all bosses respect and loves their help the way you do so thank you so much sir." She said and Mr Coker bowed slightly

"So Tanimola Johnson Ayokunnumi Isabella" now that's the first time in a very longgg while someone called my full name

"You see you may not know but you've been a big source of blessing and happiness to me now there is a time I can never forget, you came around for assignment and revision for your exam I think you were in jss 1 or so. After serving food and we all ate it was remaining you and I in the sitting room everybody else including Richard went to their room which was so unlike them".

"I wasn't happy at all that day but I tried so hard to act happy, we were both watching a movie when you tapped me on my laps and said, 'madam Bridget you don't look happy is anything the matter' I told her I was fine but she was not having it so I told her my only daughter was seriously sick and the Money the hospital was calling I couldn't afford it, do you all know what she did next" everybody shook their head well apart from me cos I was still trying to remember well

"She said is that all and I said yes she held my hands and prayed for my child then after she was done she....." .

"Came to my room upstairs and knelt down begging me to make madam Bridget happy again by helping to pay the bills" Mr Coker said and now I remembered.

"Yes that was exactly what she did, when we got to the hospital my daughter was fine you see since that day I cherished you and I'll always will keep being you my love and I tell you you're going places" at this point I was crying without holding back. I feel so loved and emotionally 😂

"Ok now if you want us to continue wipe this ugly tears from that beautiful face" Richard said.

"I'm not crying" I said wiping my tears.

"Remind us to add being in denial to one of your numerous talent" he said and we all laughed

"Now it's the most beautiful woman's turn, let me hype my woman o"

"Oppor oooo" we all said ("oppor" actually means it's plenty and it's a very popular slang here in Nigeria).

" Whatever o, so to my honey, the woman behind my happiness and success , the woman I'll give anything for, my queen it's your turn" a quick note to myself if my husband doesn't hype me this way I don't want again

"Awwnnn, my love ose jare well if you're jealous go ahead and get married" she said

"Well, well ,well, Tanimola is the daughter I wish I had by myself. Tanimola you are a source of happiness always willing to help others even sometimes at the expense of your own convenience. Thank you for not making me infact us regret accepting you into our sweet home infact you made it sweeter" she came closer to me and pecked me on my cheek.

"Now that was a very sweet, soul touching speech from my queen. Better jam your hands together for my angel once again" we all clapped our hands till he told us to stop. Then he continued

"Nowwwwwww, to the best friend of the birthday girl well they think I don't know they are in a relationship but I do it's my joy tho" he said and that made all of us laugh. I really thought they won't find out but it's fine too.

"Daddddddyyyyyyyyy" Richard whined

"Orrrh come here jare and tell us about the girl you've always dreamt off since age 4" I became very shy

"Wait before you talk, I remembered one time when Richard was around 6 years old or thereabout, he came home crying infact the driver said he's been like that since he picked him from school and I was shocked I asked what happened to him o, guess what he said"

" He said Tanimola gave her sweet to another boy and didn't give him" we all burst into fits of laughter

"Anyways we want to hear from you sire" his dad made a mock bow

"Well I won't say much, I just want to say thank you for always pushing me to be a better version of myself, I love you so much and I can't wait for us to start making it and then finally I can't wait to be with you forever" he said and winked at me I covered my face with my left hand while everybody else said "awwwwwwwn"

"Opoorrr sebi I said it anyways now that we've all said something about Tanimola it's time for merriment, now let's all go to the dining table"

"This event planner should be beating we are supposed to eat first but anyways I'll let it slide" MR Coker said , we all laughed and moved to the dining to eat......

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