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The JSSCE examination is fast approaching . It's an examination every junior secondary school 3 (jss3) students take so as to be promoted to senior secondary school and also if you come first in this exam you'll be giving a scholarship by the government.

And I know that I need that scholarship than anyone else. So after working for everybody at home and also working on peoples farm for money I try my best to read at midnight for at least 5hours before sleeping and also during break time me and Richard will sit at my table to read. I know Richard is more bothered about promoting to the next class and not the scholarship.

My mom and siblings knew how Important this exam is for me but instead of them to help me out with some chores at least they brought more and if try grumble or complain I'll not eat that day from the food I'll cook and I'll be beating mercilessly. So I just do the works and keep my complaints to myself.

Today Is for revision in school meaning everything we've been taught we'll be revised because of the forthcoming examination .

"Tanimola, tanimola!!". I heard someone shouting my name from afar I turned to see who the person is. Then I saw Tomiwa our class monitor running towards me he got to where I was standing and was panting heavily

"Who is after you, ehn and why were you screaming my name ?". I asked because me and him don't talk much just the normal good morning and good bye so I wonder what could be the issue.

Still breathing heavily, he said "Tanimola, the principal sent me to fetch you ".

"Wait o is that why you were running and shouting my name?". It's something he could have just walked up to me and said. I wonder what I've done wrong now

"And Tomiwa please do you have any idea of what the principal could be calling me for".

"How do you expect me to know ehn just let's go together he told me to bring you now".

I've not seen Richard this morning I wonder where he could be, well student tend to miss school once revision starts but he's not a truant and he didn't tell me he won't be in school I hope he's fine.

"Sir this is Tanimola". Tomiwa said.

"Thank you my dear, you can go now " the principal smiled at him.

"Tanimola how are you doing?" He asked still smiling I'm getting nervous now.

"I'm good sir". I said playing wit the hem of my school sweater which is one thing I do once I get nervous.

"Tanimola I called you here to tell you the registration for the forthcoming exam will soon close and you've not paid are you not planning to write the exam?". He said with concern

"Sir I know the registration will soon close I'm still saving up for the registration fee sir I'll pay before next week runs out". I said while bending slightly .

"Tanimola you have parents both your dad and mom are alive and well I still don't understand why you should be the one looking for your registration fee". As he said those words I felt sad again.

"Sir I don't want to talk about that but if it's about the fee I'll pay before the week runs out"I said feeling uncomfortable already

"It's ok you can go now that was why I called you. You are one of the brightest student in this school so I wouldn't want anything to stop you from writing this exam cos I believe strongly you'll get the scholarship".

"Thank you very much sir for believing in me and I promise not to disappoint you". I knelt down to say thank you.

On my way back to class I thought to myself
"But why is my life like this? God why will you give me a family that doesn't care for me. My parents and siblings are alive but I feel all alone why" as I thought to my self I felt tears threatening to fall I just need to be strong I'll work harder so that I can get money to pay the registration fee and also get the scholarship.

It's closing time and I didn't see Richard through out today I need to branch at his place to see him to know if he's fine. Getting to their massive gate I knocked the gate man opened it for me

"Tanimola it's been a while how are you?" He asked .

"I'm fine thank you sir and you?". I asked smiling

"Im fine oh come in come in" he opened the gate for me and I went inside I waited for him to lead me to the door. He pressed the door bell and the maid Madam Bridget answered the door

"Oh my darling how are you doing I've missed you so much ". She said when she saw me. This woman is more of a mother to me than my own mother I always feel welcomed here.

"I'm good mummy and how are you too? You look very nice".

" Im good too my love I'm sure you came here cos your sweetheart didn't come to school". I laughed after she said this. She had been shipping us since God knows when I keep telling her he's just a friend

"Let me go upstairs and call him for you". She went upstairs and came down few seconds later" he said you should come in"
I thanked her and went upstairs. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in.

"Hey" he said smiling " hey to you too Richard". He looked ok so I wonder his reason for not coming to school

"So why were you not in school today?" I asked him

"I wasn't feeling too well in the morning so I stayed back but I'm better now."

"Oh thank God you're fine now, we didn't do much today tho so you didn't miss a lot." I said while looking at him "I missed you tho nobody disturbed me through out today". I decided not to bother him about what the principal said.

He laughed and said" awwwn I missed you too bestie let's go downstairs before madam Bridget start having ideas" we both laughed and went downstairs I didn't bother asking after his parents cos they are not always at home they always travel . Madam Bridget offered me food I politely refused but she insisted. She made my favorite rice and beans with vegetables it's been a while I had such a nice meal made with love. After we finished eating we cleared our plates and washed it .

"Thank you ma the food was delicious". I said

"You're always welcome my love". She said joyfully the woman is always full of life.

Me and Richard talked for a while I forgot to check the time. And when I did it was almost 6:30 and I knew I was in big trouble.

"Richard I need to start going it's late already". I packed my things in haste and was ready to leave

"So sad I wish you could stay longer but anyways take care of yourself ok and thanks for checking up on me" I hugged him and said bye

I just pray nobody has my time in that house today if not I'm a dead meat ....

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