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Finally we finished our exams today and luckily for me Miss Susan didn't even give me the stink eye neither did she bother me at all. Living with Richard too has been pure bliss if I want to be truthful and sincere I don't want to leave and I'm not even ready to.

Because the peace of mind I've had for the past 2 days has been incomparable and the good, delicious and perfect delicacy prepared with love now how can I trade this for anything but I know I've got to go

Our results will be released on Monday next week but till then we are not to come to school meaning after I get my result that's next week I'll be following Doyin to Lagos and I haven't told Richard about it.

I just finished taking my bathe after a long day I needed that bath. I dressed up in my night wear with my phone in my hand I went to Richards room I was about to knock his door when I heard him talking to someone probably over the phone

"Mum I really want her to stay but I dunno how to convince her" he said it's obvious now that he's talking to his mum but why is hell bent on me staying. I thought he was done till I heard him responding to whatever his mum said.

"I don't know if I love her that way mum all I know is since her family doesn't want her she can stay here and we'll live together"

Wow if he's acting like this how will I tell him I'm leaving or even Madam Bridget this is going to be difficult but I have to try right maybe he won't take it to heart.

I decided to knock finally he told his mum bye and quickly rushed to the door he opened it and immediately he saw me he smiled and he told me to come in which I did.

"What's up how are you doing" he asked

"I'm fine how was your exam"

"Fine but it's so sad that throughout our exams we were in different hall there were times I want to rush to your hall but it's fine we're done now right" he said drawing circles with his hand on his knee.

"Pele(sorry) but now the exam is completed and I'm here"

"Awwwn my baby wait you're not going tomorrow are you?"

"Ehm Richard about that I have something to tell you" he sat well


"Richard I want to say thank you for everything being my brother my best friend my everything I really appreciate, you see it's not like I wish to leave but I have to" I looked at him before I continued and his eyes were already red I think he's trying to hold back tears

"See the peace and love I felt or that you all have shown to me is incomparable but Richard I have to leave, and also I'll be leaving for Lagos with Doyin after our results are released"

"WHAT, why am I just hearing about this " he said

"Richard I got to know on Monday when Doyin came I wanted to tell you but.."

"You wanted to tell me Tanimola you wanted to tell me you're leaving me all alone in this school this town ok what happens to us ". He asked he had tears forcing themselves out of those beautiful eyes.

"Richard I'm sorry please stop crying you want me to cry too we'll still be talking on phone I promise nothing will come between our friendship" I said

" You don't get it do you, I don't have any other person please babe don't leave me please I beg you" now I was crying also I've never seen Richard break down like this never

"But I can't stay at home either it'll be hell for me you know"

"Then stay here, TM you'll stay here with me with us and what gives you the assurance that Lagos will be better than this place". He asked

Doyin is there right I'll be fine she won't let anything happen to me I'm sure of that very sure.

"Nothing will happen Richard Doyin will be there have you forgotten" I said.

"I love you Tanimola I really do"

"Love me as your best friend right of course I love you too". I said

"You can be so clueless some times I mean I love you Tanimola and I want you to be with me till whenever"

Everybody has always been telling me how I'm blind to the obvious fact that my own best friend loves me but I'll always refuse to believe but now he's telling me to my face that he loves me Richard is asking me to be his girlfriend.

"Tanimola I've always loved you I don't know how you didn't know about this and also I've always wanted to have you as my girl I won't disappoint you I promise "

"Richard but I'm leaving soon "

" No you won't" he said firmly like there was something he could do to stop Doyin.

"Really and what will you do o ?"

"The question now is do you really want to go" .

Now I don't have answer to that because I can't keep denying the fact that I feel something for Richard and the only reason I'll stay is because of him but I also think I should leave because of my families that are here.

"Tanimola" he tapped me

"Yes, sorry I was lost in thought".I said

"Since you hesitated your mind is not leaving this place please stay with me ok please".

"Ok Richard but I'll still go to Lagos o maybe after a month I'll come back ok ".

I was not sure but I just needed to try it out first then if I am not pleased with how things work there I'll come back it's that simple.

"Promise me" exactly what I didn't want him to say I should do

"But Ri...."

"I said do you promise me you'll come back to me" he asked.

"Richard I can't promise you now but I'll surely come back". I said smiling.

"Ok fine let me ask you properly then"

"Ask me what"

"You've been my friend for over sixteen years and as each day passes my love for you increases please be my girlfriend".

I was happy but I didn't let it reflect on my face I've always loved this boy but I kept perishing the thought cos I felt I'm not his type of babe there was nothing to think of so I said

"YES "

He looked so happy he immediately gave me a hug and kissed me

"You will never regret this I promise" he said.....

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