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Beauty woke me up as soon as it was 5:30 we started getting prepared for our journey I ran upstairs so I could pick my bag and my other belongings. I looked at the room once more before I close the door I'm sure I'll miss this beautiful room but since the place that once felt like home now feels like hell on earth I have to leave.

I looked at my sister's room door wishing things didn't end this way I'm sure by now she would have been begging me not to leave saying sweet words that could make me reconsider.

But that's not going to happen just because this arrogant bastard has destroyed our relationship so now I have no family again. The only people I have left are those that are not even related to me at all. Well after everything we move.

I picked up the small bag containing my foot wears and I went downstairs to meet Beauty who I saw pacing around the living room looking at the wall clock and I'm sure from this behavior she's eager to leave.

She didn't even recognize my presence so I tapped her she jumped in fear and turned around with her hand on her chest.

"What happen and what are you thinking about" I asked

"Tanimola you scared me I thought it was your sister" she said.

"What if it was my sister" I said fondling with my back pack strap and my eyebrows raised.

" She might order me to stay and you'll go alone" she said

"Then let's go" I said and lifted my remaining bag

She nodded and dropped a paper on the table before carrying her Ghana_must_go bag.

"What's that?"

"A letter" she said in a duh tone like I was supposed to know it's a letter.

"Oh ok for who?" I asked cos I really wanted to feed my curiosity and I'm holding myself back from opening the letter.

"Tanimola, let's go they'll soon wake up o" she said .

She got to the door first and opened it thankfully the door is not one of those those that makes annoying sounds when it's opened we got to the gate and we met Jerry the gate keeper.

"Where two of una dey go" he asked in pidgin

"Jerry abeg open gate for us where we dey go far and madam Sabi say we dey commot abeg" Beauty said and I just kept looking at the compound

"Small madam,no vex o where you dey go"  he asked

"I'm going back to Akure" I said

"Arrghhh I go miss you o anyways na cos of you I wan open this gate if na cos of this winch I no go open am" I laughed

This two are always at logger heads infact this is the first time they are talking without almost breaking each other's neck and I'm sure it's cos she needs something from him.

"Sha open gate sule".

"Na me you dey call sule"

"Hey guys it's okay please, Jerry please open the gate".

"Okay madam" he said while eyeing beauty .

The gate was opened and we left the compound Jerry being a very dramatic person kept shouting bye bye and I'll miss you till we left the street completely.

"Are you not going to miss your sister" Beauty asked.

"I really don't know, yes I'll miss the memories we shared and the sister I once had but now I don't even see her as my sister anymore "

"It's ok but there is one thing I've learnt, you have to forgive in order to grow" she said

" I never said I won't forgive but they are all dead to me "

"And before you continue please change the topic thank you" she nodded in response "

"Arrgh finally see okada" beauty said. Okada is what we call motor bike here

"Okada" the rider stopped he and beauty negotiated the price

"Oga na 300 naira two of us " she said still negotiating

"Na cos of this black fine gentle sister I go carry you 300 o if not only you self 500" he said jokingly and I forced a smile cos I was really not in the mood.

We sat on the bike and once we were settled on the bike the bike man started the ride the breeze that was blowing helped in calming my head luckily the traffic was not that  heavy this morning so we got to the park fast. We alighted and Beauty paid the bike man, I told him thank you

"Fine girl you're welcome safe journey o" he said and drove off

"Your sister was wrong when she said nobody will like you, I mean look at you anybody that sees you likes you automatically maybe your family were made with different clay"

"Really you think so" before she could respond a man came to meet us

"Sister se Akure ni" he asked if we were going to Akure and I said yes he directed us to his eighteen passenger bus we dropped our bags at he boot while I held my phone and ear piece also my purse.

We sat together at the front sit since it was remaining just two people for the bus to be filed up before and now we're complete the driver started the vehicle and zoomed out of the car park. The journey back home started.

A woman sitting behind our seat said we should all close our eyes for prayer some obliged while some people just continued with what they were doing. But I closed my eyes and said amen to all the woman's prayers.

After the prayer the woman tapped me and I turned to look at her she smiled and said

"My child the lord said I should tell you that everything will be fine and that you should not lose hope cos in due time he'll do what is best for you".

"I hope he does it soon"

"Don't lose hope my child he loves you" she said and I smiled vaguely.

We've not even gotten anywhere and beauty is already dozing off maybe she didn't sleep well last night so I left her........

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