38| FEAR 😨

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Beauty, Richard and I were all walking home and I think they were talking about Mr Matthew and how different he is
Yeah I said I think cos my mind is far away I'm just saying hmmm and nodding my head but I am not listening to anything they are saying.

"Hey" Richard said as he tapped me

"Are you ok" he asked

"Ehm, yes I'm okay you could have just called my name instead of tapping me to get my attention" I said while holding where he tapped and I pouted.

"He called your name but you seemed so lost in your own world, you didn't even hear him call you and that was why he tapped you" Beauty said

"Oh,I'm sorry then" I said while looking at my sandals

"What's on your mind" Richard asked

"It's nothing I'm fine" I said as I continued walking but Richard stopped me

"Nothing, really infact you saying you are fine makes it obvious that you are not so you better start talking mama" he said, as Beauty leaned against one of the trees on  the sidewalk deciding to leave us to it.

"Richard, I'm fine arrgh" I said raising my voice a little.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you angry, it's just..... It's just that I don't like you being moody and all. You are not even participating in any of our conversations"

"I'm sorry too I'm not supposed to raise my voice at you" I said

"Ok we can go now and I won't bother you again" he said smiling. He then turned to look at Beauty and was about to call her name but I stopped him.

"Tamara acted strangely today" I said

"Strangely as in? I don't understand" he said as he turned to me completely

"I went to meet her today just to say thank you but she spoke coldly and I don't know it just feels weird kind of "

"She might not be in the mood to talk when you went to meet her, you know it may not necessarily mean anything " he said

"No I have a very bad feeling that something isn't right. You know that kind of feeling you get when something bad is about to happen" I said gesturing with my hands

"If you ask me I'll say you're just overthinking this, really you are. See babe calm down ok nothing is wrong or nothing bad is going to happen". He said as he placed his hands on my shoulder.

"And also Miss Susan has not threatened me or said anything to me since she resumed, ehn is that normal too. Don't even say it's normal cos it's not".

"Maybe they've cautioned her or something, babe come on stop this ehn" he said

"What if they are all planning something evil, you know Tamara is Toyin's friend or should I use was ehn" Beauty started coming towards us and she said.

"Overthinking this is just useless, hmmm so calm your beautiful self down ehn nothing bad is happening"

"Ok then, I'm sorry for bothering you both anyways it's just......"

"Shhhhhh" Richard said as he held his index finger to my lips.

"Can we go now I'm starving and I'm craving one of those heavenly dishes made by madam Bridget".

"Epele o una go jus come my house dey chop anyhow especially this Beauty she'll still get to chiefs house and eat again o." He said giving her the stink eye.

"Instead of you to be jumping for joy that hot, sexy Beauty is coming to your house to eat you're here complaining" she said while twisting and winking. I couldn't hold my laughter

"Pele o too beautiful to be true, go to your house fish head" he said mockingly

"Yes baby I'm too beautiful to be true" this two won't kill me😂😂😂

"Please let's go, if the two of you continue this then trust me we won't leave here" I stated the obvious.

"Come baby let's go, we'll leave that mumu behind" he said while holding my hand

"No don't leave me" Beauty ran towards us dramatically.

Soon we got to the gate of the house three of us refer to as home cos we find peace and happiness here and that's why it's home for us.

"Will someone knock or we'll just be looking like lukman. I'm starvinggggggg, don't you get it" Beauty said while stomping her feet

"Ess madam in case you've forgotten this is my house so calm down" Richard said

"Babe knock " I said and he immediately did

"Drunk in love" Beauty said with a snort

"I sense jealousy" before Beauty could give a comeback the gate opened.

We went inside and greeted the gate man before heading inside. Immediately we opened the door a tantalizing smell welcomed us.

"I knew it" Bridget said while breathing in the delicious aroma

"Ohhh, my babies welcome how are you" madam Bridget said as she came out of the kitchen

"We are fine thank you ma" we all said

"I know you must be hungry, go upstairs and change then come downstairs I made a very delicious meal for you guys" she said smiling

We all ran upstairs including Beauty to change, and I'm wondering why this girl came to change her school uniform.

"Why are you changing? Are you not going home after eating" I asked curiously.

"You know madam Bridget's food is very delicious and due to that I can stain my adorable school uniform in the process of eating. We don't want that to happen, do we" she said and batted her eye lashes at me

" Ok fine let's just go downstairs" I said

Richard was already downstairs shoving his food in his mouth like as if he's in a food contest or something.

The food looks very delicious a plate of porridge mixed with vegetables, meat, fish and cows skin (ponmo) we call it 'asaro elefo' here and trust me it's really nice.

We digged in and it taste even better than it looks, madam Bridget's food is a food I'll always crave for even when I finally get the love of my mother. Yes I still hope one day she'll say sweet words to me like a mother.

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