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Throughout the journey me and Doyin just kept chit chatting and we also stopped to eat food but the Lagos is a very far place o cos we've been on the road for almost 4 hours now. Although Doyin said we're almost there that once we enter Lagos and we see the  Lagos sign board we have nothing more than thirty minutes to get to where we're going.

Soon we got to Lagos o and I saw the sign board I was happy that the journey will soon end but soon I started dozing off it was almost as if immediately we entered Lagos the spirit of sleep just came to say hello. Doyin saw how I was struggling to keep my eyes opened and she told me to sleep that when we get home she'll wake me.

I went to the back seat to lie down on the car seat then and I slept off almost immediately.

"Tanimola" I heard my name so I sat up and cleaned the drool at the side of my mouth

"Ehn" I said while rubbing my eyes.

"We are here already" she said.

I sat right and I became fully awake and also aware of my surrounding.

"Oya get down I'll tell the gate man to pack the bags in so don't bother". And immediately she finished her sentence the gate man ran towards us.

"Madam welcome o chai I don miss you ehn" the gate man said

"Jerry, I missed you too and your wahala but wait o is it me you miss or the food" my sister said jokingly.

"Madam the two eeee since you commot like this I no enjoy my food" he said and we laughed I was very happy to see my sister treats her workers or employees well.

"But madam this girl resemble you ehn and she fine"

"Jerry she's my sister her name is Tanimola Johnson and Tanimola meet our gate keeper Jerry he can be very funny" I smiled and we shared pleasantries

We later went inside and Jerry brought the bags in and took it straight upstairs.

This house is very beautiful the tiles looked so different it was as if there was a pool at the centre of the sitting room I looked so confused why will there be a pool at the centre of the sitting room. I think my sister saw the way I kept looking at the floor and she laughed.

"Tanimola that's a 3d tiles it looks real but it's not" I refused to believe how will you say this is not real .

She went to where the pool was and said "you see" she said while stretching her two hands.

"Wahoo this is beautiful" everything and everywhere looks so beautiful I could say it's more beautiful than Richards house.

"Let me show you to your room "

"But what of uncle Philip?".

"Oh he can't be around now until evening" she said.

"Ok then"

"Let's go" I followed her upstairs and when she showed me my room I was stunned. It's like a different world entirely this room is two times bigger than the one I stayed in when I was at Richards place and it's so beautiful .

"Omo this place is heaven on earth" I said.

"You can say that again you've not even entered your favorite place" I laughed cos my favorite place is the kitchen.

"Freshen up you can come downstairs after ok" she said and left the room

I took out my phone and saw 4 missed calls from Richard and two from an unknown number but the number looked familiar .

I decided to call Richard back first, he picked almost immediately

"Hello, you got me worried" he said and truly he sounded worried

"I'm sorry we just got to Lagos and also I put my phone on silent"

"It's ok but are you fine, hope the journey wasn't too stressful, have you eating?"

"Which one do you want me to answer first na" he laughed

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok so yes I'm fine and the journey wasn't too stressful, Richard we just got home so no I've not eating apart from the food we bought on our way"

"Oh ok I miss you already babe"

"I miss you too darling but just be calm ok" I said.

"Ok then relax we'll talk later I love you"

"Thank you and I love you more". I dropped my phone.

I was getting undressed so as to go and bath but then my phone rang again who is it again now.

"Hello" I said.

"Hi" I was a little pissed of by the response I mean this person called me.

"Hi? you called me courtesy demands you introduce yourself first "

"So you didn't save my number and even if you did can't you recognize my voice".

I calmed down to process who this caller is and it clicked this is Toyin's voice I'm very sure it is her voice.


"Your favorite sibling or let's say your worst nightmare" she said

"What do you want" I asked in a very harsh tone.

"Ouch, why do you sound so angry you should be happy I called you not you acting up" she said

God please help me cos this girl is really pushing me I've told them all to leave me alone moreover they don't even want me so what's the point.

"Anyways I called to remind you to watch your back. Tanimola you ruined my life as if that wasn't enough you collected my man as if that was not still enough you left with Doyin to Lagos thinking you can escape"

I couldn't hold back my laughter this girl is pathetic

"Not like I love bragging or anything but you see Richard there likes infact loves only me moreover I can't be fighting over a man do you understand and also point of correction you ruined your own life that's what the hatred in you has done to you. Lastly I didn't come to Lagos to hide from you, no my love don't get it all mixed up I came here to experience a new environment infact I owe you no explanation" I said.

"Wahoo, nice speech you deserve an accolade but watch your back cos I go too do you strong thing "

"Babe you've forgotten that God will always have my back you can do whatever you like my God will always vindicate me "

"Ok o assistant God's wife wait and see. Bastard" she said and cut the call.

This child needs to rest she's losing it. I just laughed and went to the bathroom to take my bath.........

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