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The gate was opened for me, immediately the gate man saw me he was shocked

"Tanimola tani o ṣe eyi si ọ ( Tanimola who did this to you) why are you so wet ehn. Kilosele (what happened)"

I couldn't reply because I was still trying to catch my breath. He noticed this.

"It's ok let's go inside" he said as he led me inside he pressed the door bell and Madam Bridget opened the door.

When she saw me she shouted, well I feel she overreacted because it's just water right but I dare not open my mouth and say this to her.

"Oko mi (how we call one's favorite) what happened to you ehn". She said with concern.

"Ma I just had a little misunderstanding with my family that's all"

"Tanimola ma jẹ kin gba eti e o, don't let me hit you. How will you say little when they poured dirty water on you anyways come and change first I'll go to Richards room and pick some cloth, he's sleeping"

Anytime I look at this woman I always wish she was my mother. The love she shows to me my mother has never showed half of it to me.

" Here go to the guest room upstairs shower and change." She said giving me the clothes.

I went upstairs I wanted to open Richards door but I later decided not to.

I got to the guest room and sat on the bed still in my wet clothes reminiscing on what happened at home. I didn't even take my phone with me so I can't reach Doyin to tell her I'm fine

I feel I've  gotten used to this treatment but it still hurts each time I'm treated this way I don't deserve this.

Tears dropped from my ears but I wiped it with the back of my hand immediately I went into the bathroom to take my bathe as soon as I was done bathing and dressing up I went downstairs.

"What took you so long I'll go upstairs now and call Richard because I know you won't go". Madam Bridget said

"Ok ma, but what of mummy and daddy it's been a while I've seen them" I asked

" You know all this olowo's ( rich people ) they are always on one trip or another but they came home last weekend and they left yesterday ".

"Oh I really miss them o".

"I know right, I'm going upstairs ok".

"Ok ma". I started perceiving a very nice aroma from the kitchen madam Bridget is at it again.

I heard footstep coming from upstairs I looked up and I saw Richard coming downstairs. He rushed to me and twisted me slightly checking out for any injury with a look of concern on his face.

"Richard I'm fine really I am". I said

"No you're not why would they do that to you it's not your fault infact your mum should have condemned Toyin not pouring dirty water on you that's madness". I could sense anger in everything he said

"Richard it's just water and thank God she didn't hit me with her cane because she ordered me out of the house"

He ran his hand through his thick black hair.

"What of Doyin and your dad". He asked

"I met Doyin outside she tried defending me as usual but it was all to no avail and my dad I don't think he's around".

"I wish I could talk to your mum really she needs to stop all this anyways have u had anything since morning". Immediately he said that my stomach rumbuled.

He laughed and said "you're hungry , madam Bridget made porridge with vegetables you'll enjoy it".

" Of course it will". He took me by the hand and we went to the dining we sat down said a short prayer and we started eating.

The food tasted heavenly Madam Bridget is the best cook I've seen she should open her own restaurant.

I enjoyed the meal. After we were done we took our plates to the kitchen and washed them.

We went back to the sitting where madam Bridget was knitting.

"Ma won't you eat?" I asked

"I'll take mine home so me and my daughter can eat together and I'm even filled for now" I looked at her wishing she was my mother.

"And yes Tanimola tell me everything that happened today"she said while adjusting her glasses.

I told her everything from the beginning when Toyin was caught to how she implicated me and how my teacher also supported her. I also told her how my mum poured dirty water on my body and how she told me to leave her house.

"Sorry to say o Tanimola mabinu o (I'm sorry) but your mother that your mother is a very wicked person " she said dropping what she was knitting and she also removed her glasses.

" yes she is wicked a normal mother I mean iya gidi ( a good mother ) will make sure Toyin is punished and not she chasing you out of the house because of her"

"Ma I'm also pained but I've accepted my fate I'm even greatful I have somewhere I can run to because if not I don't know what will be my fate now". I said

"You know this is also your home. Your mother doesn't know your worth o you are a child every mother will pray to have as her child". She said shaking her head.

I smiled because this is not my first time of hearing that same statement. I wonder what they see in me that my mother is not seeing.

I want to feel my mother's love too, I want her to see me and also treat me like a child should be treated.

"Tanimola, Tanimo... Oh you are still here" Richard said.

"Yes I am is everything ok ".

"Doyin called me I don't know how she got my number tho but she said once I'm with you I should give her a call".

She must have gotten it from my phone because she knows my password and she also knows the only person I could have gone to was Richard.

" Should I call her back now?".

" Yes please".

He dialed her number and she picked almost immediately.

"Hello, hello Richard shon gbo mi (are you hearing me)?".

"Yes ma I can hear you Tanimola is here" he said

"Please give her the phone" he handed the phone over to me.

"Tanimola ehn why did you run off like that you could have waited a little" she said

I'm sure she must have been so worried and knowing Doyin well there won't be peace in the house until I come back.

"Doyin I couldn't stay mama meant what she said" I replied.

"Hmmm, I've been so worried about you my love and I'm sorry for everything that happened today and please tell me you didn't cry". She said

"I did not cry moreover madam Bridget made sure of that and before you ask yes I've eating" I laughed

" Thank God but when are you coming back home now".

"My exam will finish on Wednesday so I'll stay here till then ". I said

"I'll bring your clothes and toiletries also your phone for you this night ok"

"Ok sis thank you and please don't let anybody know I'm here".

She laughed and said "you think they won't know you came here keep decieving yourself Richard is your only friend so it's so obvious you will be here"

She's right Richard is my only friend infact the only person I'm close with apart from Doyin so where I'll likely be is very obvious.

" I'm coming now ok let me pack your stuffs".......

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