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It's the second day of our examination myself and Richard read throughout the night but we still manged to get to school very early so we can revise and rest our head a little before the exam starts.

My head was on my locker trying to remember everything I've read and also pray when I heard loud footsteps and voices showing that other students have arrived.

I raised up my head a little and I saw that the class was almost filled up my eyes caught Toyins seat nobody was on her seat and I felt sorry for her a little.

I saw Tamara approaching me looking as beautiful as always.

"Tanimola what's up how are you doing today?" She asked and drew an empty chair to sit on.

"I'm good Tamara thanks for yesterday God bless you". She laughed

"Really Tanimola how many times will you tell me thank you I did what I felt was right cos if I don't do it and you get punished for what you didn't do my conscience will always prick me" she said and I saw sincerity in her eyes.

"But still I'll say thank you because I know we've not been on good terms if it were to be another person they'll be happy I'm finally in trouble".

"And you are a very good person I've always wished we could be friends but I hated you majorly because of what your sister told us about you it was yesterday I realized it was all a facade".

My curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to know what Toyin told her about me that made her hate me so much. One of me and Tamara's numerous fight came to my mind.

" I don't know your problem you feel because you are every teachers favorite you are better than us" Tamara said as her friends circled me including Toyin.

"But Tamara I didn't do anything to you did I and even if I did you should call me and tell me then I'll ask for forgiveness simple" immediately I said it they all burst into laughter and as soon as they stopped one of them pushed me to the floor I can't really remember her name.

"You know one thing I hate about you is that you are a big pretender and I hate pretenders anyone who sees you will think you're a saint that can't hurt a fly yet you do despicable things to your sister". It clicked immediately I didn't pay attention to what she said that day .

"Wait o Tamara so that day you said I do despicable things to my sister it was because of what she told you people" I asked

"Yes she said somethings you did to her that morning and it got me especially so angry I decided to give you a scare to stay away from her that's all"

"Ehm please can you tell me what she told you" the look on her face seems she was deliberating on wether to tell me or not .

"It's ok if you do..."

"She told us about how you made your mother hate her and how because of you she came late because she was being flogged for what she knew nothing about and you lied to them that she's having an affair with Richard" she said

I kept opening and closing my mouth like a fish because I couldn't find the right words to use all this thing she said was what she did and is still doing to me.

"Tamara I didn't you see everything she told you was what she did to me "

"I later found out she lied" I laughed and said.

" Toyin is a perfect liar I could say she lies for a living so how did you now find out she was lying" I asked

"Well the day before the examination started I wanted to come and collect my book from her then I overheard all of you I guess in the kitchen I can't really remember but I remembered Toyin's voice telling your mother stuffs about you and you trying to defend yourself but she didn't answer you and she beat you instead until one of your sisters I guess came to your rescue. You see that day I felt bad so that was the major thing that prompted me to defend you that day because I heard her saying "you won't get that scholarship you so desire"".

I remembered that day vividly I felt tears threatening to come out but I held it back , that girls major aim and objective is to ruin me but God won't let her.

"Thank you Tamara". I said again

"Really, ok you're welcome I think the invigilator is coming we'll talk probably after class or later" she said

"Good morning everybody". Mr Soliu said

"Good morning sir" we echoed.

"I hope you all are fully prepared for today's examination" he asked while dipping his hand into his pocket to bring out his handkerchief.

"Yes sir".

"Do away with anything that can implicate you" he said while wiping sweat from his face with one hand and rubbing his big belly with the other.

We all stood up to put our bags outside and dispose the papers that were littered on the floor.

Miss Susan came in, my mouth suddenly felt dry and I felt goosebumps all over my arms. She had the same look of hatred on her face when she looked at me

"When your own question paper gets to you do not open it do you understand "

"Yes sir" the question papers were distributed and also the answer sheet after about 1 minute we were told to start.

I put my head on my locker said a short prayer after the prayer I lifted my head and opened my question, again it was all I read that was in the question.

I started putting my answers down one after the other. I felt a presence at my back so I turned to check lo and behold Miss Susan was the person behind me she told me to stand up.

I didn't bother arguing I stood up but before she could continue Tamara raised her hand and she went to meet her I wonder what she might have told her but her countenance changed and immediately she asked me to sit.

Tamara has something on that woman too I'm sure but what is this secret that must not get out and I think there is more reason to why Tamara is helping me.

Immediately everyone was through we submitted and gladly throughout the rest of the examination we had today Miss Susan didn't disturb me. I must find out about that secret that turned her to an evil witch overnight.......

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