31| HOME 🏠

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The driver said we have approximately one hour left to get to Akure, my traveling companion has been sleeping for almost 3 hours though I know she's aware of her environment and being a Lagos child she held her bag so tight even in her sleep. I used chatting with Richard to while away time before and I didn't even tell him I'll be coming it's a surprise.

But now I'm getting really bored most of the passengers have slept off already while some were just eating what they got from the road hawkers while the rest like me put ear piece or iPod in their ear listening to whatever they were listening to.

At this point I think it's Brymo's song that can solve my problem for now. Yes brymo sings Yoruba music alt-rock, R&B folk soul pop afro genre of music, and he's one of my favorite artist his songs are melodious mostly slow songs but it helps me think and calms me down anytime.

I know some of you will be like but how did you get time to even know songs or even Brymo's music. Well Richard loves music R&B to be precise so he plays music everytime I got to know Brymo's music through him, so when Doyin got me a phone he taught me how to download songs and also shared me audiomack.

I unlocked my phone and changed the song to Brymo's Take Me Back To November I hummed to the song and closed my eyes letting the song do it's work, I even made sure the song is on repeat cos this what describes what I feel at the moment. There is this part of the lyrics that hit me the most

there was a time
you had faith in me, i mean
and it passed, with a crash
nothing is as it were anymore

go, go
where’d you go
come back home oh

take me back to november
when love was sweet and free
take me back to november
when our hearts were safe from disaster

and i cry, and i try
but the ship had sailed, it seemed
it was faster
faster than a bullet
you were quick to forget about me.

I wish Doyin didn't forget the love we once shared, I really wished things didn't end this way, I want to go back to those times I knew no matter what my sister will have my back. Tears dropped from my eyes but I quickly cleaned it.

Soon we arrived at Akure the bus stopped at Ondo garage we alighted everybody was stretching. After sleeping through out the journey Beauty still looks so tired. We both picked our bags and was about to board a cab that'll take us home, when the woman who prayed in the bus stopped me and said "child no matter what don't forget he loves you" I smiled and told her thank you.

"Tanimola I'm tired" Beauty grumbled and pouted like a child.

"You practically slept through out the journey I should be the one saying I'm tired" she stomped her feet. Who is this child please this can't be my Beauty .

" I want to sleep more" she said

" Omo see let's board taxi ok" I waved a taxi down and told him Alagbaka which is where we are headed and fortunately for us the man told us to hop in cos if not we'll have to stay under this scorching sun looking for cab.

We put our bags in the boot of the car and we entered. Immediately we got into the vehicle and we settled Beauty put her head on my shoulder and slept off again. I really hope this is not how she does when she travels alone cos this one that kidnapping has become the order of the day here.

Akure unlike Lagos does not really have a very busy road and Alagbaka been a GRA that's Government Reserved Area has good road and no heavy traffic in fact the road is always very free and smooth.

Once I realized we've gotten to our destination I told the cab man it's ok and paid him I woke Beauty up and we alighted . After picking our bags from the boot I showed Beauty the house.

"But you always say you trek home from school and that your house is not far from each other"

"Well said, well you see that corner that has un tarred road that's where my own house is and also where our school is so you see it's not far from each other at all" she nodded in response.

We crossed and here we are standing in front of the gate of Richards house I knocked at the gate and the gate Keeper asked " who is that"

"It's Tanimola sir" I said smiling cos I'm already imagining what his reaction will be.

"Tanimola" he repeated and opened the gate.

Immediately he saw me he squealed in delight and hugged me and forcefully collect my bags from me cos I didn't want him to help me . I'm sure he didn't pay attention to Beauty who was practically hiding behind me.

"And who is this" the man asked.

"She's my friend" I said

"But God dey create o all of your friends con fine like you but she na oyinbo pepper" I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Really so who is more beautiful" I asked teasing him

"Eee sister no vex o but na our Tanimola fine pass" Beauty and I laughed at his jokes .

He locked the gate and was ushering us in when madam Bridget ran outside I'm sure she must have heard our voices.

"Is that my precious child" she asked once she got to the door. When I heard the sweet motherly voice of madam Bridget I smiled with tears in my eyes. How I've missed that sweet comforting voice.

Mr Gbadamosi the gate man whispered to me "she no dey alright since you commot" I looked at him trying so hard to hold back my tears.

"Come here child" she said while stretching her hands I ran to meet her and hugged her I tried holding back my tears but it forced it's way out

"I missed you so much you didn't even tell me you were leaving" she said sadly.

"I miss you too mum and your adopted child is home now" I said smiling with tears in my eyes

"You are not even adopted you are my child" she said and I smiled

"Who is that fine young lady with you" she asked.

"Oh sorry I got carried away, ma meet Beauty a friend I met in Lagos , Beauty, madam Bridget" I said.

" Good afternoon ma, it's nice to finally meet the woman Tanimola won't stop talking about" she said

"Oh really, I hope they are all good things" madam Bridget said jokingly..

"Yes ma"

"You're welcome come on let's go in I'm sure Richard will be so excited that young man has not been himself since you left" she said as we all went in.

"I know right and I didn't tell him I was coming"

"Oh what a pleasant surprise it'll be then, and Tanimola you look really good though not happy there are sadness behind those smiles but I love your outfit" she said. I wore a simple round neck and shredded jean with sneakers. To me it's so simple but I told her thank you.

I asked Beauty to sit in the sitting room while I go upstairs and see my favorite human.

"He has been in there since yesterday he just tells everybody to go away" I heard madam Bridget say

I stopped then later continued walking, when I got to his door I knocked.

" Go away" he said and he didn't sound ok

"It's Tanimola" I said in a cracked voice.

"I said go... Wait who" I covered my mouth with my hand chuckling and crying and the same time.

"Babe it's Tanimola" I said

He opened the door and my baby did not look fine he had eye bags and looked as though he has not slept well in days.

"Babe it's really you" he said and hugged me and I hugged him back immediately.

"I missed you so much, I thought you were not going to come back again" he said still hugging me

"I missed you too baby and see I'm back home" I said

He released me from the hug and said
"Yes my love, you're home".........

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