mafias son

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•blood and guns

"I'm ready!" I call after getting to the last step "alright let's- that's what your wearing?" my dad asks and I look down at my outfit "uh yeah? what's wrong with it?" I ask and he shrugs "nothing it looks great, just not something you normally wear" he says making his way out of the house "yeah I know! I did it on purpose since I'm finally coming with you I thought I'd wear some black!" I exclaim skipping over to the passenger seat he hums getting in and I do the same "there's a few kids your age if you want to stick by them, otherwise stay nearby to me, got it? your mother is gonna kill me if you get hurt" I giggle nodding my head "okay, okay I will, I promise" he hums looking over at me then back at the street "don't let those boys touch you, there's a few that are flirts" I giggle "don't worry, I have a boyfriend anyways" he hums slightly it coming out more as a grumble "oh shut up dad! he is not that bad!" he hums "I'm not a fan" I giggle shaking my head "you always say that."

Soon pulling into the bar type place we get out of the car and head inside. I look around it being filled with men and a few women most of them being dressed in black and covered in tattoos "alright, they're over there" my dad says pointing me over to the small group of teens and I nod "okay" he pats my back before walking away to the barstools and I approach the group.


"and then I.." I stop my eyes landing on the blonde boy who joins us "then you what?!" Jake exclaims hitting my shoulder and I nudge him motioning to him and he gasps "oh shit" "uh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" he squeaks out and I smile trailing my eyes down his body "oh no worries, who are you?" Tara asks "oh I'm-" "Sam" I cut him off and he giggles "uh yeah, how'd you know?" he asks his eyebrows knitting together as he tilts his head, confused "oh! I seen you around in school" I take myself out of the trance "nice catch" Jake laughs and I give him a glare and he raises his hands up in defense "aren't you Kirks kid?" Corey asks and he nods fiddling with the sleeves of his top "don't worry blondie, we don't bite" I say and he nods looking around the room "now's your chance brother, we'll stop talking to him so much" Jake says and I nod watching as they all find their spots on the couch near by "c'mon" I motion him to follow "Sam" I grab his hand and he jumps looking at our hands and up at me "c'mon" I smile and he smiles nodding and I lead him over to the others and sit in the recliner that being the only spot left "hey, where am I supposed to sit?" he pouts looking at me causing a smile to tug at my lips "hm" I hum looking around seeing nowhere he can sit "here," I gently grab his hips and pull him into my lap "oh!" he gasps not expecting it "sorry" I chuckle wrapping my arms around his waist keeping him in place "so, uh what's your name?" he asks looking back at me "you don't know?" I ask and he furrows his brows and backs away looking at me, studying my features "um" he tilts his head I chuckle carefully turning him fully around "I- uhm" I smile as he concentrates on my face "you really don't know?" I frown tilting my head and he giggles "umm Col- no? yeah.. Colby?" he asks unsure I chuckle "you think?" I ask "you think I'm that guy from school? the 'popular hot guy' everyone's got a crush on?" "not everyone" Tara coughs and I flip her off, my hand behind Sam's back "ye- wait-" he scrunches his face in confusion "he's fucking with ya" Jake says and he huffs "your mean" he grumbles crossing his arms and I chuckle gently rubbing his back "sorry, you just looked cute when your confused and concentrated" a blush coats his cheeks "aw I made you blush" I smile when he whines covering his face in his hands and I pull him into my chest with a soft chuckle "god your adorable" I say softly letting out a soft chuckle when my friends silently cheer.

- weeks later

"brother you got this! there's no way someone will reject you!" Jake says clapping me on the back and I shrug "I can't tell if he likes me though" I mumble looking down at the roses in my hand "oh please! have you seen the way he acts around you?" Tara exclaims and I nod slowly "yeah.. you guys might be right" I say "you think? now go! he's coming in" they push me forward and I go up to the entrance holding the things behind my back "hey Sa-" "hi Colbs! I'm sorry but I really gotta pee!" he squeaks out pushing passed me to the bathrooms and I chuckle shaking my head "what's up with you?" I perk looking over at Kirk "huh? what do you mean?" I ask "why are you happier than normal?" he asks with a slight chuckle "noth-" "don't lie to me son, you came up to my boy? why?" I chuckle nervously bringing the flowers and chocolates out from behind my back and he looks at them for a moment "I'll take them to my car" he says "what? no-" "yes, I'll give them to him later, now go to him and don't say nothing" "but I want to-" "not now Cole" he says seriously and I sigh "fine, sorry" I grumble turning around and going over to the group "so??" I roll my eyes flopping on the chair "oh.. did he-" "hi guys, sorry I was about to pee myself" Sam giggles coming up to us and everyone gives me a confused look "hey, that's okay" I say relining the chair back "his dad took it before I could give it to him" I tell them, opening my arms for Sam to get into my lap, laying on my chest "ah shit, is he going to get it still? right?" "I hope so" Sam gives me a confused look and I smile shaking my head slightly as if to tell him it's nothing important and he nods smiling as I tuck a strand of hair behind his ear and gently caress his cheek making him smile leaning into my touch "anyways, did you guys hear what happened?" Tara says getting their attention away from the topic "your eyes are so pretty" I whisper leaning down and kissing his forehead and he smiles blushing deeply "I like it when I make you blush" he giggles covering his face "oh my fucking god" I groan holding him tight "your so fucking adorable" he giggle gently pushing me away "stop that" I smile cupping his cheeks "I mean it" I whisper softly "your so beautiful, everything about you is perfect" he smiles "stop" he gently hits my chest "stop what? giving a pretty boy compliments?" "yes, that" I smile "but I mean them all, every single one of them is true" he huffs giving me a glare "not all" I hum "yes all, your the most beautiful boy I've laid eyes on" he pouts making me smile and I lean down gently tilting his head up, connecting our lips making him freeze "Samuel!" he jumps slightly sitting up and I hold him protectively "get over here, we're going home" his dad says and he nods scrambling up from the chair "bye guys" Sam says quietly before following his dad "oh shit! you kissed him?!" I chuckle nodding my head slowly.

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