quiet boy

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I sit in class with my book open ready to follow along with the teacher, soon everyone else has their books out and the teacher speaks up "turn to page 77 where we left off." he says "I'll be picking people to read, Sam you can go first" I feel my heart drop to my stomach when he says that. Though I'm not that shy of a person I just very dislike speaking infront of the class, I begin to feel overwhlemed and anxious when the class fills with silence awaiting for my voice to speak up and begin to read. My leg starts to bounce as I look at the first word "Sam? are you gonna read?" he asks and I nod letting out a small gasp as a hand was placed onto my thigh, the hand is warm and soft with a slight roughness to it, but the rings coating the fingers give it a cool sensation on my thigh. I look to see the quiet boy, Colby and he gives me a smile and begins to rub my thigh delicately, from top to bottom. I start to read once I calm down, my leg no longer bouncing but his hand stays put gently rubbing it.

For the rest of the day I had butterflies in my stomach, the boy leaving me with my thoughts full of him.

- few weeks later

I walk into English class and smile meeting eyes with Colby and I make my way over to him and sitting in my seat "alright everyone, please take out your books and turn to the page we had left off on." the teacher announces before the bell rings and I grab my bag once again and unzip it and shuffling through all the contents that lay inside. I sigh zipping up my bag and placing it back on the floor, against the leg of the table and turn to Colby "uh, is it okay if we share books? I accidentally forgot mine at home" I ask. He glances at me and hums gently "sure" his voice rumbles, giving me a small smile, sliding the book so it sits between us. The class takes a minute to settle down and once they do the teacher begins to speak "alright, we should be finishing the rest today, so, I will let you guys choose how we read it," he says "you can read with a partner, alone, or we can read as a class, of course starting at the back and working up to the front." he continues and mixed answers get shouted by a few students "mh' I heard together first, so, we will do that." I frown resting my chin against my palm "we'll start at Tyler all the way to Sam, then down to Alexis and so on, got it?" He states, "and while Tyler is reading, I will be handing out a worksheet we will fill out as we go. now, when your ready, you may begin."

Colby finishes reading and the teacher begins to explain what he had just read to further our understanding, I lean forward to look at what I need to read and whine seeing it's longer than what the everyone had read so far "you'll be okay," Colby says gently grabbing onto the bottom on my chair and pulling me closer, moving the book so it's more infront of me and holds it open "right here," he says pointing at the beginning of a paragraph "once you get to the bottom, your done" I nod slowly holding the book open myself so he moves his hand and grabs his pencil to fill out the questions on his paper "alright, Sam, your turn." The teacher says so I let out a small breath before beginning to read.
My voice begins to shake the longer I read, messing up many of the words getting more nervous the longer I go on, my leg beginning to bounce faster. Colby places his hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it before rubbing it soothingly. I take a small breath nearing the end of the page and Colby grabs my hand that lays in my lap and interlocks our fingers gently caressing the back of it making me smile, butterflies swarming my stomach.

"You did great" Colby smiles squeezing my hand as the next person begins to read "thanks" I whisper he hums, sliding the book so it's infront of him and moves his worksheet infront of me "here, you don't have these ones down" he says pointing at the three questions "oh, thank you" I say gently pulling my hand away from his grasp and grabbing my paper and pencil he hums gently pulling my chair closer and wrapping his arm around me causing me to blush "you messed me up" I pout as I erase the the scribbled letter he caused me to make when he pulled me, he chuckles softly "sorry, love" he mumbles pressing a kiss to my temple making my face flush a bright pink, I ignore the small gesture and nickname continuing to copy down his answers the both of us not uttering another word to one another leaving me in my thoughts wondering what just happened.

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