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"Cut!" The actors pulls apart, the blonde giving a glare to the other who gives an apologetic look in return.

"Colby. If you don't get this right the next time I might just bring in the understudy." The brunette chuckles, he knows that's not true, hell he doesn't even think there is any understudy, especially with how far into the shooting they are.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. Let's take it from the top, I'll get it, promise."

"From the top! Look like you mean it, that you want this kiss. That your in love." The director signals for them to go, pen coming between his teeth as he watches closely.

Sam huffs, wiping his glossed over lips, being red and swollen from the amount of times they've redone this scene, he doesn't know what's going on, Colbys been fantastic since they've began shooting since the beginning, but he's just being ridiculous!


The two step closer together, same lines being repeated for god knows how many times. Bodies becoming pressed together, Colby brings his hand up, caressing the blondes cheek, their eyes locking.

"I.. love you."

Their characters love isn't true, it's all fake for the movie, their love can never be real. No, it can't come in between the made up narrative and have reality come crashing down on stage.

Their lips connect and Sam gasps when Colbys tongue invades his mouth "cut!" Sam grumbles pushing the boy away "what was that?!" he exclaims, wiping his mouth from the intruding saliva "it's not meant to be a make out!" Colby hums, eyes lingering on the frustrated blonde.

"Alright." The director pinches the bridge of his nose "Sam, you take control and Colby, just follow his lead. Do not mess it up, we don't have time for so many redos"

The actors take their places, fixing themselves up "action!"

Colby gently brushes a blonde strand away from Sam's eyes, looking into his eyes lovingly, gaze soft and his eyes bounce from swollen lips to his pretty blues.

A smile twitches at his lips upon seeing a faint blush dust his cheeks "I love you" he murmurs, hand falling to gently caress his cheek.

Sams heart dips, twisting with a sickly feeling he's not quiet sure he likes. A gasp emitting from his lips, he searches Colbys eyes, something about the way he said that was different, despite saying it a million times, it truly was different, maybe it was the sudden change in action by brushing his hair away, or maybe, Colby is finally finding the inner actor inside of him, one that's in love and desperate to get this kiss right.

Sam leans in, initiating the kiss as his director has ordered him to do, eyelashes fanning prettily across his cheeks, Colbys gentle touch lifting his chin up ever so slightly. Soon, their lips finally touch.

"Cut!! No. Nope no, that's not right. Colby should initiate it."

Sam sighs in defeat, dropping his head in his hands, he can't do this anymore.

"Can we take 5? I need a little break, get into character better" Colby asks upon seeing the blondes distress.

Once getting the okay everyone parts, disappearing into their own changing rooms.

Baby blues meet baby blues. Sam glares at himself in the mirror, what is wrong with him? He scoffs, eyes falling to his now cherry red lips, bitten and glossed over. He doesn't even know how many times they've kissed, he just wants it to be over already, he can't handle it.

Now, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it at some point, no, he just can't take his feelings any longer. Before the shoot, all Colby ever was to him was a former actor, ex colleges that never interact unless they happen to be in the same film, even then he was just a distant friend at most, they follow each other on every social media and even have each others numbers! Though, they don't really interact at all so, therefore he's just a distant friend.

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