unbelievably mine

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It started off as obvious stares. Glances that were too intense to be considered a curious gaze, a stare that happened too long to be considered accidental.

At first it didn't bother Sam, brushed it off as an awaiting stare for him to leave the room. Because why would you want your friends sibling crashing your hang out? Cause how dare he walk through his own kitchen and past the living room of his own home? Or to ask his sister for her charger or something of the sorts? And who is he to put those stares to a stop when he does the same? Looking at the brunette with a rather judging glance as he wonders why he's yet again at his home, why he shows up announced like it's his second home when he was just here the other day.

The stares soon turned into friendly conversations, including the blonde in their day to day activities and if he joins in that's for him to decide (he's not too fond of hanging out with them but he's happy to be included) and when he does, he still somehow feels left out and rather awkward when the stares are still happening.

It doesn't take long for that to be routine, being asked to tag along even if it's just running to the store for no particular reason. He's even welcomed to sit with them in the living room if he decides he'd like to be in there as well, it's a silent agreement that no one complains about.

It's always been the three, if not, just Colby and his sister. It's how it will always be and Sam doesn't mind that, Colby isn't his friend after all, he doesn't really consider him as one despite hanging out with them.

So, when the doorbell goes off and Sam is answering it and Colby is standing at the door he gives him an awkward smile "oh.. um- Grace isn't here" he tells him, ready to shut the door any moment now and Colby presses his lips together "shit, really?" Sam nods once "she's at the doctors" Colby scoffs, stepping in the house "oh, right. She told me about that" Sam rolls his eyes as he shuts the door "yeah- I can tell her you stopped by.." he trails, picking up his steps as he rushes to his side when he waltzes into his home "nah, that's cool. I can hang here with you until she's back, right?" He turns his head to look back at him, flashing him a friendly smile and Sam grimaces "I guess" he murmurs, settling back on the couch and Colby joins him.

The time together is awkward, room filling of an uncomfortable silence that accompanies the light banter from the tv- or occasionally their phones. It's not until minutes later does Colby try to engage in some small talk which fails miserably when Sam shows no interest in it, shrugging his shoulders or giving him other silent answers if not- one worded answers.

Colby slumps back on the couch, feet propping up on the table "when will she be back?" Sam shrugs "like an hour.. she like just left when you showed" Colby hums, blowing a raspberry as he slowly regrets his decision of staying at the lack of action going on with the blonde.

"I'm gonna go" he lets out finally, abruptly standing up, gathering his phone that's discarded on the cushion to his right "okay.. want me to tell her you stopped by?" Colby shakes his head, waving him off "don't bother, I'll text her" Sam nods, watching with curious eyes as he exits his home, confused as to why he stayed for so long.

- weeks later

ColbyBrock added you as a friend!
Say hi!

Sam looks at the notification with confused brows, he doesn't understand why he waited so long to add him, or the sole purpose of doing it. He ultimately doesn't think much of it as he adds him back and leave it at that seeming as Colby doesn't send a text or anything after either.

He shrugs it off, tossing his phone to the side as he swipes his tv remote.



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