pathetic slut

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heavy smut

"Your such a dick!!" Sam screams grabbing his keys and phone from the table.

"wait- no! baby I-" His boyfriend- Jackson tries, reaching for his wrist.

"No! fuck you Jackson. I can't believe you."

"Out of everyone I didn't think you would be one to cheat." Sam hisses out, his blood boiling, he's angry.

"Sam- baby- babyboy let's talk about this!" He rushes out rushing after the smaller boy, running down the stairs, skipping a few steps.

"No!" Sam screeches slapping the boys hand away.

"I can't believe you!!" Sams face is scrunched up in an angered expression.

"I hate you! What have I done to you?! All I gave you was love and cared for you!!"

Sam eyes are welling with tears, he can't believe this. It's all just sinking in.

He cheated.

Jackson- his boyfriend of nearly a year cheated on him!

"Sam please. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Sam scoffs pushing the boy back and yanking his coat off the hook.

"Fuck. You." He spits leaving Jackson's apartment, slamming the door shut behind him.

Getting into his car he slams the door, slamming his hands against the steering wheel he lets out a pained scream.

What the fuck?

He knew he was acting weird, but cheating? That's just cruel, what did he ever do to deserve this?

Driving around for hours finding no point in going home himself as he knows he's just going to cry, he doesn't want to waste his tears.

Boys aren't shit.

Jackson was fucked from the start.

I mean he is best friends with the boy he hates most.

The boy he hates with every inch in him, from the bottom of his heart.

He would rip his head off if he could any chance he got.

Why would he think becoming boyfriends with Colbys best friend remotely okay?! I mean, it's Colby! Of course Jackson is just as fucked up as him!

Sam slams on his breaks as his eyes go wide.


Jackson's best friend.

A smirk forms on Sam's face as he takes a sharp turn, looping back around.

Rushing out of his car he wipes his tears as he rushes inside the large apartment complex.

Getting to the elevator he gets in and repeatedly presses the 3rd floor button.

Fuck Jackson.

Fuck love.

Fuck every goddamn relationship he passes by.

He shouldn't have trusted anybody.

Why was he so stupid?

Sam scoffs wiping his tears.

Gently tapping his thighs he awaits the elevator doors to open up.

Smirking as they finally open he pushes passed the man that waits on the other side.

Running down the halls he looks at the room numbers



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