attatched to you

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I groan laying my head on the window of the car as my father drives around the dark city my family arguing about where to go out to eat after a long day "there's only three places open just choose one before they're all closed" I say chuckling softly "Colby! how about you chose?" my father said looking at me through the rear view mirror "I don't care where" I laugh everyone else laughing in frustration and annoyance "okay, okay let's just go to the closet spot" my brother says "alright, good idea" my father begins going towards the closet restaurant.

We head inside the small restaurant none of us being here before. We get lead to a table and we sit, us being the only people here as it's late in the day. I grab a menu and skim through it "can I start you all out with something to drink?" the waiter asks "Colby?" my dad says and I think for a second not knowing what the options are "I'll just take a water, please" I say not lifting my eyes from the menu looking for something good on the menu "okay, I'll be right out with your drinks" he says sweetly before walking off "he seems nice" my mom says I hum tuning them out looking through my menu.

Closing my menu after deciding on what I want I look around the restaurant smiling at the little decorations laying around, the restaurant is split into two seconds the front is a little bar area with a few casino machines along the left wall and then the other part is a restaurant a few booths lining the walls by the windows and two larger tables in the middle us being given the first table in the middle. I look up at the tv seeing some sports channel playing quietly with the captions on "Colby? what did you decide on?" my mom asks "the stake and mashed potatoes along with some of the green beans" I answer and she hums the rest of them still debating on what to get. I look over seeing the waiter come with our drinks and I smile at him trailing down to his name tag Sam I hum when he places the water infront of me "thanks" I say grabbing the straw and he smiles putting the other drinks down "are you ready with your order?" he asks tucking the tray under his arm and grabbing a notepad my dad looks around at us asking if we know what we want I smile at Sam when he looks at me and he looks away, I chuckle shaking my head seeing a blush on his cheeks "give us a few more minutes please."

I put my phone down "did you guys figure it out yet?" I laugh slightly and everyone says yes so my dad calls the waiter back over. I order what I want and Sam writes it down looking up at the next person that being my cousin, her being here as her parents are out of town "uhmm" she mumbles not figuring it out yet and I chuckle leaning back in my seat. She frantically switches sides of the menu "I can come back in a minute" Sam says but nobody says anything and he stands there awkwardly his eyes trailing over to me and I smile taking in his features "is this good?" my cousin asks holding the menu out and Sam leans over thinking she's asking him but she shows my dad "oh-" Sam laughs softly and I chuckle shaking my head "I thought she was gonna show me" he pouts embarrassed and I smile god he's adorable I smile at my thoughts looking away from him before I make him uncomfortable under my stare and take out my phone.

"Okay, I'll be right out with your food" I say before walking away and going to the back where the kitchen is. I rip the page out of my notebook "here Allison" I hand my sister the order and she groans in annoyance "why so much? we're gonna close soon" she whines "oh, hush stop complaining and go start making the food" she hums walking away telling who's in charge of what "Sam, honey c'mere" my mom calls me over and I nod making my way over to her. She holds out a bowl of food to me and I grin "for me?" I ask taking it and she hums "yes!" I cheer loving when she cooks this for me "go on, take a break while you can and eat up, we're getting home late tonight" she says in a knowing voice. I nod grabbing a fork "I'll be out there, call me if you need something" I say kissing her cheek thanking her once more for the food before walking out.

I sit in a booth more towards the front of the restaurant and begin to eat letting out a content sigh, though, I don't officially work here I still help out as it is a family restaurant and I will be working here very soon. I look up feeling eyes on me to see the cute boy looking at me from the family eating here I blush looking down "hey Sam" I look up seeing my mom again and I smile as she sits down infront of me "so? how do you like it so far? think you'll work with us?" she asks and I hum "sure, I think I will besides you won't really give me a choice" I giggle gently and she hums pulling out her wallet "here, for helping out extra and a thank you for doing a great job" I smile taking the $20 bill from her "thank you" she hums "now, don't you think that boy is cute?" she asks folding her arms under her leaning closer to me I giggle looking down "maybe a little" she gasps "oh my god I knew it" I blush "but I was so awkward and embarrassing, I answered to the girl when she wasn't even talking to me" I pout "and he seen!" she laughs "oh my," she stands up "I'm sure he may be into you too.. he keeps staring" she says before walking away to my father who is keeping an eye out in the bar area and I look back over to the boy seeing him looking away quickly.

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