"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

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The night sky illuminates above, stars twinkling confidently but not too bright to take away the moons shine. The pretty orb standing prominently in its place, soft and delicate spots of black accompanying it's pretty grey, giving the dark world a little shine.

A smile lay apon the blondes face, cheeks a pretty pink as he looks over to his best friend of years, they're currently sat on the roof, watching the stars together.

He lets out a content sigh, stomach filling with the familiar butterflies when seeing the pretty smile of the brunettes, the small dips in his cheeks prominent much like the dark spots of the moons craters.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

The brunette hums with his words, eyes shifting to look at the blonde "yeah, it is" he murmurs, gaze going to the moon.


Laying in bed, the blonde looks up at the ceiling, a gentle breeze slipping through the small crack of his open window, allowing the gentle chirp of the crickets to fill the silent void of his dim room.

He sighs to himself, shifting to his side, eyes gazing out the window, the sheer curtains swaying within the wind. His eyes catch sight of the moon and his mind is filled with the brunette.

He frowns at his thoughts, why does he have to be so stupid? Who falls in love with their friend of years? Why can't he be normal and fall for someone that doesn't have to make his life so complicated?

He reaches out to his phone and unlocks it, his messages with the latter is still pulled up prior to texting him before. Gazing at the moon once, he allows his fingers to tap against his screen softly, sending his message without a second thought.

The moon is beautiful isn't it?


"Sammy?" The brunettes voice muffles out through the speaker of his phone, the boy in question humming in response, snapping out of his trance.

"I said I was going to sleep now" Sam nearly whines in protest, he doesn't want him to hang up, he loves knowing the boy is around, even if they're not actually together in real life.

"Oh c'mon, you were just ignoring me a second ago" he chuckles at the noise emitted from the other.

"I wasnt- ugh, fine. Just- a little longer? I uh- I'm not that tired" he trails nervously, smiling in content when he agrees.

Seconds pass and no words are being said, the two just enjoying the soft breaths of the other, happy to know they've got each other.

"Colby..?" He whispers into the silent night "yeah?" Colby rasps out, voice deep with sleep and suddenly Sam feels bad for keeping him up so late, the words that once sat at the tip of his tongue at his sudden confidence, now gone and out of mind.

"Sam?" The other worries slightly, confused on his sudden pause "the- the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" He spills out, heart thumping in his chest just thinking about what could have happened if he hadn't chickened out.

Colby chuckles softly, humming "yes, Sam. It always is" the other hums, sinking into his plush mattress, disappointment swirling deep within his heart "I'm gonna go now.. okay?" Sam hums quietly "goodnight" Colbys speaks softly "goodnight.." Sam trails and not long after that does he hear the beep of the call ending.

"I love you.." he whispers, his words becoming one with the soft winds.


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