Baking Competition

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"Okay as you all know there is a baking competition coming up very soon, I know you all are very excited for it" the teacher announces and I smile jumping up and down slightly "oh my god I cannot wait, this is going to be so fun!" I squeak out "I know! I can't believe we get to enter!" Tara agrees just as excited as I am "you guys are going down" Jake says from behind us and me and Tara share a look turning to him "you wish" I say "yeah, you can't bake even if you tried" Tara says and he gives her a face making mimicking noises "I'm sure you'll make something in the oven, coal, but at least it's something" Kat joins in and we all laugh "but! here's the catch!" the teacher says getting all of our attention back on her and she holds up a clipboard "I'm assigning you guys partners, not only will this help you work on your baking skills it will help you get along with those around you and open your eyes to new baking skills one another may have" she explains "wha- no!" I groan along with everyone else and I cross my arms upset "this is so stupid, she's going to give us totally random people she always does this, how are we supposed to have fun having to bake with someone we have no contact with whatsoever?" I complain "I agree with Sam, nobody in here is going to put up with my horrible baking as you guys can" Jake complains and we laugh amongst ourselves "Sam you can go with," she thinks looking around the room and I cross my fingers closing my eyes "please don't be Colby, please don't be Colby, please don't be-" "Colby!" she exclaims "..Colby" I mutter "no! nonono! you cannot put me with Colby!" I exclaim "well why not?" she asks and I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off "exactly! next Katrina, you can go with Stas" she cheers "what? that's-" "Tara and Jake.. Devyn and Corey" my mouth drops "what? nooo that's totally unfair" I frown "looks like I'll be winning after all" Jake grins wrapping his arm around Tara I roll my eyes "hey look at the bright side," Devyn starts "oh wait, there is no bright side" she giggles everyone laughing and I sigh "this is so stupid, why do you guys get to be with each other and I have to be with Colby? he doesn't do anything and sucks at baking, god I hate him so much" I groan "okay get with you partners! we are starting with a little warm up to get you ready for the competition, we're going to do a mini competition and you guys will be making cakes! I will rank the cakes from the worst to the best!" she explains and she claps her hands twice "get moving!" everyone makes their ways to their partners and to a kitchen station "hey Sam" Colby smirks leaning against the counter and I roll my eyes "don't get any ideas Colby, I'm only here to bake" he rolls his eyes "yeah whatever" he grumbles plopping into a stool "okay! if I see only one person working that's an immediate disqualification I am highly aware of how many horrible bakers there are in this room right now put both of your work in it and you will be fine, you get ten minutes to think of what you will be doing with your cakes, theme is nature" she says and everyone gets started.

I turn to Colby and take his phone out of his hand making him groan "c'mon, let's start" he groans "your so annoying, you never let me do anything" he grumbles snatching his phone back and shoving it in his pocket "I just don't let you hit on me, now stop complaining and help me think of what to do for our cake" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him to the counter and he hums lacing our fingers together I roll my eyes pulling my hand away and grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil "so the theme is nature" I tell him and he hums "okay, well think of the basics first, what shape do you want the cake?" he asks taking the pencil and paper from me I shrug "uhm square!" "circle it is" he says "how many layers?" he asks and I roll my eyes "uhhh th-" "two" he says and he draws a little diagram of a two layer circle cake "Colbyy" I whine taking the pencil back but he only snatches it away "hush Sammy, what ideas are you thinking?" he asks I shrug "okay, what's your favorite animal?" "I don't really have one" he hums "what's yours?" "I personally enjoy koalas" I giggle not expecting him to say that as he's more of an intimidating looking person and a koala is more of a cuddly type of animal he shakes his head "fuck off, I know what your thinking" he says and I giggle taking the pencil from him "we can make the cake look like a koala?" I suggest "eh, no too basic not really 'nature' more of just animal" I nod "I guess, then what do we do?" "ha, you guys are slow" Jake says leaning over seeing what we have down "shut up Jake you can't bake for shit it's all Tara" I say still upset they got paired while I got stuck with Colby "yeah well neither can Colby" he spits back and Colby looks up "well I'm sure Sammy here will teach me how, besides I have a few ideas in mind anyways, he can make it taste great with his amazing baking skills and I can decorate it, while you can have Tara do all the work and let you do the dishes and stir up the cake mix so you don't fuck anything up but still make it look like you helped" Jake's mouth falls agape looking between the two of us "fuck you both, just watch I will win!" "oh stop being so mean, c'mon Jakey I promise to let you do more than that" Tara says pulling him away Colby looks at me and smiles "what?" he asks as I'm staring at him "nothing" I mumble he hums looking into my eyes and delicately tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "your pretty" I push his hand away "stop it" I give him the pencil "what was your idea?"

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