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Sam smiles as Colby rubs his back gently as they lay in silence, Sam on top of Colby his head rested on his chest. Sam raises his head so his chin is sitting on the back of his hand as he rests it on Colby chest, Colby smiles at him getting one in return "I love you Sam" Colby voice gently rumbles causing a blush to rise on Sams cheeks "I love you too" Sam whispers Colby smiles "I got you something" he says as he sits up reaching to the nightstand "aw Colbs, you didn't have to" Sam smiles taking the small gift bag into his hands "course I did baby, it's your birthday tomorrow and I won't be able to see you all day" Colby says with a small frown as he tucks a strand of hair behind Sam's ear with a delicate touch "I know," Sam sighs gently "but we agreed it was okay if you didn't get me anything, which you said you weren't" "well, I changed my mind, now open it" Colby smiles pressing a soft kiss to his cheek Sam smiles nodding his head gently and looking down at the gift.

He pulls out the white glittery tissue paper and sets it to the side and he reaches in the bag and grabs the envelope it having his name on the front of the card with a heart next to it and he smiles glancing up at Colby who only smiles back. He opens the envelope and pulls out the card reading it to himself a smile playing on his lips as he does so, he looks up at Colby a grin on his face "c'mon, open the present" Colby urges and Sam giggles softly, placing the card back into it's envelope and setting it next to them before reaching into the bag and pulling out the rectangular shaped gift and moving the bag to the side as well before unwrapping the gift. He reveals a black box which he opens revealing a silver necklace the pendant being his name making him smile "I know it's not much but-" Sam hugs him tight cutting him off "I love it, thank you" he muffles into his neck, Colby smiles wrapping his arms around his waist. They pull away and Sam takes the necklace out carefully "put it on for me?" he asks holding it out to Colby "course, turn around" he smiles taking the necklace and Sam turns around, he clips it around his neck and Sam smiles turning back around "how does it look?" he asks "beautiful" Sam giggles as Colby wraps his arms around his waist "your so beautiful" he says leaning forward and Sam giggles wrapping his arms around his neck their lips melting together.

They pull apart to the sound of Sam's phone ringing "it's Noah" Colby grumbles dropping his head against Sam's shoulder and Sam sighs gently before leaning over and grabbing his phone. He answers it holding the phone up to his ear "hi" Sam says and Colby looks up at him and gently pecks Sam's lips and turning them around nuzzling his head into Sam's tummy making him giggle softly Colby smiles looking up at him and he smiles running his fingers through his hair "wha- right now?" Sam asks making Colby furrow his brows but waits for him to finish before asking what it's about and grabs the remote to find something to watch.

Sam sets his phone down and Colby smiles "baby we can finally watch that movie we've been wanting to watch, it's finally on netflix!" Colby exclaims already having it ready to play and Sam frowns "Sam? what's wrong?" Colby frowns "I have to go" Colbys frown deepens and they both sit up "why baby?" Colby asks as he watches Sam gather his things "Noah is taking me somewhere for my birthday as you know, and he says he wants me to sleep over at his so we can leave as soon as possible" Sam explains "but I wanted this night to be for us" Colby says "I know, I did too, but as soon as I get back I promise-" "no, don't promise anything you almost never go through with them, just go hang out with Noah we were never gonna work out anyways" Sam gasps cupping Colbys cheeks, standing between his legs "don't say that, it's not true, you know I'd rather stay with you than go with him" Sam says "than why haven't you told him about us yet? we can't keep doing this, we shouldn't have let it come this far" Colby gently takes Sam's hands off his face and Sam sucks his bottom lip keeping his eyes from watering "but you haven't told Shea either! it's not just my fault" Sam's voice shakes "I never said it was baby," he says reaching up and wiping the tear that slipped past Sam's lid "also, I was gonna tell Shea tomorrow because you were supposed to tell Noah already but you haven't, we were supposed to spend your birthday together without hiding anymore, and I will still come clean tomorrow baby, but you have to promise to do it soon" Colby says gently bringing Sam down "okay.. I will" Sam says tears rolling down his cheeks "hush baby, there's nothing to cry about" Colby kisses his lips gently and Sam rests his head against Colbys "I'm sorry Colbs.. I-i ruined our night.. again" Colby frowns wiping his tears "it's okay baby, I get it, I do it too sometimes I understand it's hard to turn his plans down without ratting us out, enjoy your birthday, 'kay? I love you" Sam nods leaning in and kissing him one last time before gathering his things "I love you Colbs, don't watch that movie without me" Colby chuckles "never, as long as you don't watch it" Sam grins nodding his head "have a wonderful birthday my love" Colby says as Sam leaves.

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