meeting you

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"You'll be fine Sammy, just take a deep breath and everything will be just fine, you'll be here in no time" Colbys tired voice rumbles out through the speakers of Sam's phone "what if it like, crashes or something?" Sam shakily asks looking out the window of the airport seeing the planes lined up "I promise you, your gonna be just fine, please stop overthinking Sammy" Sam chews his lip "look at me" Colby says and Sam does so looking down at his phone seeing Colbys face more evident as he had turn on a light having been in bed still, being awoken by the sound of shuffling on Sams end of the phone as they had fallen asleep on call, he looks at the camera and smiles "your gonna be just fine and back on the ground in no time, we're gonna be together, in person and we are gonna have so much fun together, I promise you that" Sam smiles nodding his head "go on, get on the plane" Colby grins hearing the announcement of Sam's plane being boarded and Sam nods getting up and grabbing his suitcase "I'll see you soon Sammy, but in the mean time I'm going back to sleep" Colby says shutting off his light and Sam giggles softly "see you soon Colbs" Sam says with a soft tone before ending the call and heading down to board his plane mixed emotions bubbling in his stomach.


"Colbyyy where are you" Sam whines looking around the large crowded airport in search of his brunette headed best friend Colby chuckles "turn around" Sam spins around looking around his eyes landing on the brunette, his body freezing in shock, staring at the taller dumbfounded, the pixelated phone screen not doing him justice. Colby grins "hey Sammy" he pulls Sam into a warm embrace and Sam falls into his touch holding him tight all those old feelings blooming in his chest resurfacing, feeling the love for his best friend come back to him and he chokes out a sob holding Colby tighter "Sammy! don't cry! be happy! I'm here, Colbys finally in person!" Colby exclaims and Sam giggles looking up at him seeing he too has tears in his eyes "I-i love you Colbs" Sam blurts out and Colby smiles "and I love you, Sammy" Colby says back wiping Sam's tears with a delicate thumb "now c'mon, let's go to my house, I have everything all planned out!" Colby exclaims grabbing Sams suitcase for him and he smiles following Colby his heart warming at those words that had left Colbys lips.

I love you. I love you. I love you Sammy. Colbys words replay in Sams head.


After a day of fun activities Colby had planned out Sam is exhausted, jet lag catching up to him and he flops face first onto Colbys couch making Colby chuckle "c'mon Sammy," Sam groans turning onto his side his eyes slightly open being too tired to have them fully open "m' tired" he mumbles curling into a ball to find some sort of warmth "c'mon then, even though it's only 8" Colby mumbles picking Sam's tired body up into his arms holding him bridal style and Sam hums wrapping his arms around his neck laying his head on his shoulder "you smell good" Sam mumbles and Colby chuckles softly "thank you Sammy, you do too" Sam hums falling asleep in Colbys arms.
Gently laying Sam on his bed Sam wakes up due to the loss of warmth "Colbs?" "yes Sammy?" Colby says as he takes Sam's shoes off "I'm really cold" he hums throwing the blanket over Sam's body and going around and getting in bed next to him, sitting with his back against the headboard "your beds really comfy" Sam says turning on his side to face Colby a content smile on his face Colby hums looking down at Sam and placing a hand on his head gently running his fingers through his hair "hey Colbs?" Sam mumbles "yes?" Colby smiles letting out a soft chuckle realizing Sam had fallen asleep before he got to say anything else.

Sam moves closer to Colby nuzzling his head into his side his arm going over his waist making Colby smile looking down at the sweet blonde, sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face his heart warming at the beautiful sight, placing his hand on his back and gently rubbing it a smile growing on his face loving the fact he is finally in his presence no longer thousands of miles away "I love you Colbs" Sam mumbles pulling Colby closer causing a smile to spread on his face sliding down carefully to lay down fully and turning to Sam's sleeping form watching him with a soft gaze. Reaching up with a delicate touch he brushes his blonde locks away from his face smiling happy to finally see his calm relaxed face up close rather than over the phone, finally able to sleep next to each other and not over an overheating phone.

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