young love

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I walk into the library and walk over to my group of friends "hi guys!" I smile and they all greet me and we begin talking. I hear someone clear their throat behind me but I don't look "uhm Sam" Kat says pointing behind me and I furrow my brows turning around to see a boy looking somewhere else silently talking to someone across the room I furrow my brows "uhm did you need something?" I ask and he turns around facing me revealing the person as Colby, a boy in a few of my classes "oh uh yeah.. I wanted to ask you something?" I nod "yeah? what is it?" I ask and he clears his throat looking back I tilt my head looking to see who he's looking at seeing a group of boys presumably his friends. I look back to my friends giving them a confused look and they all shrug just as confused "okay.. uh Sam?" "yes?" I giggle turning back to him and he smiles "I uh think your cute and was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out sometime..?" he asks hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck and I hear my friends gasp "oh.. um, sure" I blush slightly and he grins "really?" I nod and one of my friends push me forward slightly "hug him" she whispers and I look up at him and he opens his arms bringing me in for a hug and I wrap my arms around him and I giggle hearing the group of boys cheering and Colby chuckles pulling away "I'll see you later, okay?" I nod and he gives me a smile before walking away. I turn to my friends my face flushed a bright pink, embarrassed "oh my god!" they yell "Sammy's got a boyfriend" they continue to tease and I whine covering my face "that was so awkward and embarrassing!" I exclaim covering my face in my hands and they laugh "Sammy's got a boyfriend" they continue to tease "stop it!" I whine "your in lovee" "oh my god your all so annoying!" I exclaim walking away from them "get back here!" I giggle rushing out of the library the bell ringing as I do so I slow down before I get yelled at "Sam! come back! we're sorry!" I hear Kat laugh obnoxiously and I roll my eyes turning around waiting for them to catch up "you done teasing me?" I ask "for now" I whine beginning to walk again feeling eyes on me so I look over only to look away seeing Colby smiling at me a few of his friends glancing at me at times obviously talking about me.


I walk into third period and walk to my normal seat and sit down going on my phone while I wait for class to start. Chatter fills the room as more people come in "look! there he is" I look up seeing Colby and one of his friends walking in looking at me and I blush looking back down "holy shit can you be any louder?" a laugh slips passed my lips "Sammy!" I look up seeing Kat rushing in here and I smile "what are you doing Kat? your not in this class" I ask confused and she smiles sitting in the seat next to me "I need to tell you something" I nod "okay? what is it?" I ask tilting my head slightly, in question "c'mere" she whispers and I furrow my brows leaning in "you have a datee" she says teasingly and I give her a look "seriously?" I say and she grins standing up "Kat I swear" I say giving her pleading eyes as she gives me an evil grin "Sammy's in lovee!" she sings out loud "Katrina!" I yell blushing embarrassed and she laughs running out of the classroom and I whine putting my head in my hands, the bell ringing.

I put my chin in the palm of my hand as I tap my pencil against the worksheet I'm supposed to fill out with a partner but I don't bother looking for a partner as I don't have any friends in this class. I hear someone come sit next to me "so," they wrap their arm around my shoulders and I look over "I hear you love my friend, Colby?" my face grows hot "wha-what? no I don't i- stop it" I fumble out pushing his arm off of me and he chuckles "oh? you don't?" I shake my head "then your leading him on? you agreed to going out with him right?" I gasp "wha-" "Nick, stop it" I look over seeing Colby another one of his friends following behind "oh c'mon, I'm just playing with him" he defends and I roll my eyes letting out a sigh "oh, you've got a feisty one" the other one says poking my forehead "stop it" I say pushing his hand away "Jake, leave him alone" Colby says laughing slightly and I sigh looking to my right when someone taps my shoulder seeing another student a pencil and paper in his hands "you've got a partner?" he asks "oh, uhm" I look at the three boys "no, not really" I say looking back up at him and he grins "cool, so wanna be my-" "woah, woah, back it up buster" Jake says putting his hand out stopping him from taking a seat "he's got a partner, go find somebody else" he looks at me and I shrug, he sighs walking away.

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