sleepless nights

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Just sleep.

It's not that hard. Close your eyes and fall asleep. Please.

Tears leak out of my eyes as I lay on my side staring at the wall ahead of me. My tears rolling across the bridge of my nose and two trails of salty tears run off the side of my face, dampening the pillow under me.



I close my eyes. They slowly open against my own will, finding myself staring at the wall again.

I use my legs to hoist my bottom half up turning my upper body around and flopping flat on my back.
I press the heels of my palms into my eyes feeling the wetness that pool around them. Blinking a few times my tears disappear.

"Why am I crying? It's not a big deal."

Muttering to myself, I hoist myself up to a sitting position, glancing around, my eyes land on the closed laptop sitting untouched on my nightstand, plugged in it's orange light blinking as the low battery fills.

Shifting, I sigh looking over to the window seeing the faint deep blue hue peaking through the curtains.


I sigh deeply looking at my alarm clock that sit at my nightstand.

The red light radiates off the small boxy object hauntingly.


Sighing in defeat I grab my laptop and scoot back slightly making room for it to sit on the bed next to me and open it up.

I bring the little hand to the YouTube icon at the bottom of the screen and clicking it scrolling down on the home page and finding a video before playing one that I've rewatched many times before. I tuck myself under the covers watching the familiar video being entertained by it nonetheless.

I jerk awake to screams and loud voices looking over to where it comes from I sigh reaching over and turning down my laptop the video that plays being far too loud, though, I'm used to this despite knowing sleeping while watching the already known loud video I continue doing so- it's the only thing that seems to help me sleep.

I turn around so my back is facing my laptop slowly falling back to sleep to the faint voices emitting through the speakers.

"Sam" I furrow my brows jerking away from the hand that comes in contact with my shoulder.

"Sam? hello? wake up!"

I huff out a breath and open my eyes looking over to the culprit that disturbed my very much needed slumber.

"Colby? hello." I speak softly as I sit up.

"Dude? it's 4:45, you missed school, again."

I frown.

"Sorry, I-"

Stopping my sentence I look over at my laptop and reach over, gently closing it.

"I didn't realize it was already Monday."

I finish, sitting up groggily, putting my laptop back on my nightstand.

"Sam," he sighs sadly, taking a seat infront of me.


"You need to sleep earlier. It's not summer anymore, it's not the time to stay up 'til the sunrises."

He lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head.

I force out a small giggle.

"I know, I'm trying to fix it, I really am."

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