a dance of lust

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Thick tension fills the air. Lights dimmed and red lights glowing, shading curves so beautifully.

The same body that sways and dips so gorgeously. Moves with such expertise, so sharply yet smooth.

Hands grip at the exposed hips, lip coming between teeth as fingers tug him closer.

The body bounces and dips to the beat of the music that drapes over the empty room of just the two boys.

"So pretty.. s' gorgeous."

The brunette groans, chest rising heavy as his jeans tighten. His lids hood as he lets the sweet buzz of the alcohol take over, mixing with the overwhelming amount of lust he feels for the blonde dancer before him.

"F'ck" he grunts, plump ass brushing against his trapped dick teasingly.

The blonde looks over his shoulder and he's letting out a cheeky laugh, meeting the brunettes eyes as he dares to sit on him completely.

He bites his lip, hips moving so delicately and perfect against his cock, hips rotating and bouncing ever so gently.

He laughs, head dipping between his shoulder "nah uh" he giggles, hand gliding down the strangers forearm, fingers slipping between the others.

"No touching there handsome, 'member?" He murmurs with a smile as he swiftly turns his body, straddling the boy sat on the leather couch.

"Mh- mhm" he licks his lips, eyes trained on the glossy, pink ones infront of him.

Palms pressing against the dip on his back he slides them up his body and across the skimpy clothes that clad the beauty.

"Y'r pretty" he breathes, mouth latching to his exposed collarbones without a second thought and it has the boy gasping, quickly pushing him back with gentle hands and clambering off of him.

"Oh c'mon." he mutters, hand reaching forward and sending a gentle slap to his ass "if you want more.. you gotta pay more" he lets out, gently grabbing his hand again and guiding it to his hip as he continues to dance.

"Take it off" he breathes, fingers slipping into the waistband of his bottoms, other hand gently pressing against his lower abdomen as he guides him back into his lap.

"It'll cost more, sir."

The man hums deeply, hand gliding up his body, folded bill in his hand and he's slipping between the skimpy strings of his outfit.

Standing, ass in the man's face the boy is giggling as he unfolds the bill "this isn't enough, sexy.. add-ons to your booked dance is more than it would when booked prior."

Feeling a gentle tickle along his back the blonde is spinning around, chills sprouting his body at the delicate fingers.

Palms pressing against denim covered knees he's lowering himself between his legs, biting his lip as ring cladded fingers are brushing into his hair.

Curling against the golden locks, he's gently gripping, pulling his head back to meet his eyes "that's not a problem my dear," he mutters, other hand coming up revealing the black card weaved between his three fingers "I'll get what I want.. 'll get what I want and more" his voice holds a hot rasp, fingers tightening around his locks and the blonde is moaning softly, gliding his palms up the man's thighs.

"Will please you.. touch you," his voice is deep, barely above a whisper, the rasp in his voice makes his tone hotter than ever.

"An' maybe.. you'll enjoy it as much as me" the gasp that escapes Sam's throat is high, looking up at the brunette with big eyes, any confidence that was once coursing through his body evaporating this very moment.

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