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I let out a small breath making my way up to the slim brunette and I tap her shoulder "oh, hi Colby" she smiles when she turns around "hey Brianna" I smile "what's up?" she asks and I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out making her laugh a bit "uhm," I chuckle scratching the back of my neck "would you maybe uh maybe want to go out with me sometime?" I ask but getting no response "I'm.. I dunno" she sighs "can I think about it..?" I frown slightly and nod "yeah.. of course" she hums wrapping her arms around me giving me a hug "thank you, I'm sorry" I hum "it's okay, take as much time as you need, 'kay?" she nods once more before we pull apart and go our separate ways.

- weeks later

I smile watching the blonde boy rant about something a smile on his face as he does "Colby!" I jump hitting my elbow on the locker behind me causing me to wince and Sam giggles "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he says watching as I rub my elbow I hum "that's okay," I smile and he nods "but why'd you do that?" I ask and he gives me a look "you weren't listening, you were just looking at me" I hum gently placing my hands on his hips and pulling him closer "sorry, I was just lost in thought" he hums "about what?" I smile gently squeezing his hips "you," I admit "me?" he giggles a blush growing on his cheeks and across his nose I hum "why?" he tilts his head causing a strand of hair to fall infront of his face "because," I say gently tucking the strand of hair behind his ear "your very pretty and always on my mind" his blush gets darker "your beautiful, especially when your happy, your smile is amazing" I gently caress his cheek "stop it" he gently hits my chest "stop what?" I chuckle wrapping my arms around his waist loosely "this!" he exclaims and I pout pulling him closer "why are you doing this?" he whines hiding his face into my chest I smile pulling him close and he wraps his arms around me hugging me back "because, like I said, your beautiful, always on my mind.. I like being with you Sammy," I say, confidence rushing through me "I want to be with you Sammy, it makes me happy" he hesitantly looks up at me and I smile looking into his eyes "are- are you asking me out?" he stutters out and I smile "if that's how you took it, then yes" he giggles "I'd love too, but won't it ruin us as friends?" he asks and I shrug cupping his cheeks "maybe, but only if we let it, we can give it a try and if all goes bad, we go back to being friends.. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you" I explain and he smiles "I won't either" I smile leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead "let me take you home now, yeah?" he nods so I take his hand and we start to walk to the doors "Colby!!" we stop and turn around and I see Brianna running over "oh.." I mumble "I thought about it, and I want to go out with you!" she exclaims "what..?" Sam says slowly letting go of my hand "no! Sam please it's not what it looks like" I exclaim when he backs away "isn't this great?! I dunno why I was so scared to say yes" Brianna hugs me "Sam!" I yell when he runs away tears rolling down his cheeks and I groan struggling to push away Brianna.

I pull up close to the curb slowly driving "Sam! Sammy get in please" I call out to him as he walks down the sidewalk and he wipes his tears "go away Colby" I sigh stopping my car and getting out "Sammy," I say gently and he stops as I stop infront of him "what do you want?" he asks his gaze glued to the ground "please look at me" I ask softly "please? I'm sorry but it-" "no" he pulls his hands away when I grab them "just leave me alone" he walks around me "but Sam-" "no! leave me alone! I hate you so much Colby!" he yells, I frown tears brimming my eyes "Sa-sam please just get in the car.. I can explain please" I beg reaching out for his hand but he pushes me away "just go away! y-you lied Colby.. you- your a traitor and I never want to see you again!!" he screams tears spilling faster and I can feel my heart break as tears find their way out of my eyes "o-oh.." I step back "I'm sorry" I mumble getting back into my car and I look at him once more before speeding off mad at myself for making him so upset and I drive around all night, no where to go.

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