my man

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This has been sitting in my drafts for forever and I just finished it up today. It's really long and unedited so I apologize if it doesn't entirely make sense and there's plot holes (I didn't reread what I had before finishing it) but I hope u enjoy anyways!

Ocean blue eyes dart away quickly when the deep blues meet his, daringly looking back he relaxes when they're no longer on him melting in his seat as he just watches.

Not that there's anything to watch, the boys just particularly a sight his eyes enjoy at the moment. Again, there's not anything to enjoy, the brunettes just sitting minding his own business while the lesson goes on about god knows what.

He's aware of his staring however and rips away his gaze and shifts in his seat to turn away. He's caught himself staring at the certain brunette for weeks now and he doesn't know what catches his interest in him. He's only got a single class with him and hardly ever sees him in the halls, he just wishes his staring would stop as easy as he thinks.

The thought of liking the brunette has indeed crossed his mind one too many times for his liking. He laughs at the thought each time and shoots it down immediately, who is he to like someone he's never shared a word with? Let alone the other knowing his name seems nearly comical to the blonde, surely the brunette just happens to be in the right direction where his eyes rest at a comfortable spot to just stare. Zone out if you will.

So when the bell rings and school is finally over with he's more than happy to tug on his backpack and exit the room, passing the brunette in the process who stays mere feet behind him amongst the hoard of students, able to hear the greeting that rumbles from his throat to someone else he doesn't quite know before his voice is no longer heard, presumably taking a turn in the hall. When he glances back when hearing a shout of his name his suspicions are right when the brunette is no where to be seen.


The thoughts of the brunette whittle away the next weeks, becoming self aware of his constant staring and feeling a little weirded out by himself, especially when he gets caught by the boy one too many times and the embarrassment he feels is unfathomable.

However when the last class finally rolls around he's happy to know it's a short period especially since that means schools out after. What he doesn't expect is for his eyes to lock with the brunettes far too many times and he's not sure if it's his fault or not but what he does know is he wants out.

The students pile at the door, just seconds until the bell rings and he keeps his distance from the group, then brunette far too close in front of him- he doesn't want to seem weird anymore than he already may seem with his lingering eyes, accident or not. When spilling into the hall he's walking right behind him, eyes staring at the back of his head. He takes note of the height he has on him, his eyes dip down to the broad shoulders that his backpack hangs off of.

He feels he's in a trance, mind filling of thoughts he's never thought before, he wonders if he may have a small crush on him. The thought cracks an amused smile to his face but it's quickly wiped away when a prominent voice fills his ears.

"Hi! How was your day?"

His eyes shift to the left and he sees a pretty brunette girl approaching from the opposite direction before she's filing in next to the brunette, he bores his eyes into her head as he knows her as an old friend, brows pinched together as his eyes shift from her to the brunette "good, yours?"

Sam watches as their shoulders bump and he can see the smiles on the corners of their mouths as their heads are slightly turned. His gaze follow as they turn left, taking the turn before the one he takes to walk home, rather than taking a car like the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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