Speed dating

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Sam sits with a bored expression, looking blankly at the girl sat infront of him talking about god knows what- he stopped listening as soon as she started talking, don't get him wrong she seems lovely but he just can't stand it anymore, he just wants to go home, not to mention her voice is quite annoying.

Three long minutes go by, far too slow, he swears the timer was set to a different time this round, but alas the familiar and all too annoying timer goes off "it was nice meeting you" she smiles kindly as she stands "you too" he gives her an all too forced smile back, watching as she takes a step forward to the next table.

He sighs, glancing down at his slip of paper date number 18 he puts yet another 'X' on the little underscore next to it not one date did he find interesting nor exciting, not one fit his wants and needs of a partner.

Why did he agree to go to this stupid speed dating thing anyways? He likes being single, he doesn't care about it anymore, sure he might be a tad bit annoying about it to his friends and complain about feeling lonely but not once did he think they'd come together to set up this whole thing primarily because of him, and holy shit why would he agree? He sighs, just 2 more, he reminds himself, just 2 more and he's out of here.

"Hello." Sam looks up, his gaze falling upon an attractive boy, again, don't get him wrong almost everyone he's met today has been attractive but- this boy.

"Hi." Sam splutters and the boy smiles at him, it falls quiet and Sams mood once again falls, once again, did the looks deceive him, this boy- who, not to mention falls under his interests, having brunette hair and blue eyes, and seemingly around 5'10 which means he's taller, he's boring! How could he possibly be with someone who can't conversate? He's already got problems with it himself.

"So, how are you?" The boy finally speaks after a few seconds, Sam only shrugs earning a soft hum from the other "your cute, I'd love to know more about you. No need to be shy" Sams face flushes and his eyes go wide for a moment- holy shit was his assumptions wrong, no way he just said that.

"I- uh- I'm-.." his mind blanks and he makes a fool of himself only causing his face to deepen in color. The brunette smiles, flaunting off his dimples "sorry" Sam mumbles, dropping his head, god he's so embarrassed.

"No worries, it's quite cute, actually" he smiles "I'll go over the basics of myself and then you can, okay? Then we can talk more about whatever- things we have in common, maybe?" Sam nods liking that idea "alright, well, hm.. let's see,"

"I enjoy traveling- I've been to a few cool places in different states, and I love exploring places doesn't matter where, abandoned, outdoors, haunted- really anywhere. I also love a good party once in a while, and of course the normal hanging out with friends and family but- I like having time to myself a lot, I journal sometimes so being alone really helps with that."

Sam smiles and nods along with his words, his heart fluttering, getting a little excited as he loves the same things as him, he's perfect! He doesn't want to believe it, far too good to be true.

"How about you?" Sam hesitates before answering "I actually love the same things" he says and Colby grins "really?" Sam nods "yeah.. I explore things quite often and have traveled with a few friends to go to some places as well.. uh but I haven't really traveled much but I'd really love to."

"That's amazing" Sam smiles, nodding his head. "So, how are you?" He asks again and Sam yet again shrugs "I'm okay" he murmurs earning a soft hum "why did you decide to come here?" he asks another question.

"I uh- I actually didn't want to" he admits truthfully, the man furrows his brows "no? Then why are you here?" Sam sighs softly his gaze falling to the table top "my friends actually organized this whole thing just for me.. I guess I complained about being too lonely or something so they decided to do something about it, I agreed to come because I didn't want to be rude and not come after all the work they spent to do it I guess, I dunno."

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