breaking down

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Colby walks up to Sam's door and hesitantly ringing the doorbell it opening almost immediately as Sam happily answers the door, Colby telling him he was heading over prior. Sam grins and hugs him tight "I missed you!" he exclaims Colby hums gently rubbing his back "c'mon! I already found us a movie!" he cheers grabbing onto Colbys hand "oh, no wait" Colby rushes out pulling him back Sam giggles "what? were you planning on taking me somewhere else?" he asks wrapping his arms around Colbys torso looking up at him with a soft loving gaze and Colby looks back at him and sighs softly "no, I wasn't" Sam smiles leaning up and pecking his lips "then c'mon silly" he says grabbing his hand and leading him into his house and up to his bedroom, where they've shared so many memories together through out all the years of them being together. 

Sam gets in bed and Colby sighs deeply sitting at the edge of the bed his feet planted on the floor looking at the ground so many thoughts rushing through his mind "babe? are you okay Colbs?" Sam frowns leaning over and wrapping his arms around him placing a gentle kiss to his cheek "I um," Colby hesitantly starts, shaking his head fighting his mind whether he should say. Colby sighs deeply and turns his head towards Sam frowning deeply at his worried expression on his face "what's wrong?" Sam tilts his head in concern, worried for his boyfriend. Colby looks away, closing his eyes "I think we should break up.." he whispers barely audible, his voice cracking at the end as much as he doesn't want to, his feelings for the blonde are fading away.

Sam slowly pulls away from Colby looking at him like a lost puppy tears welling in his eyes "wh-what?" he croaks out. Colby chews his lip nodding slowly "I'm, I'm so so sorry Sammy," he whispers finding the courage to look at him, his heart breaking at the sad and pained look on Sam's sweet, once happy face "I-i.. no" Sam shakes his head a deep frown on his face, his chin quivering as tears blur his vision "I'm so very sorry" Colby rasps out a stubborn tear slipping passed his lashes "please," Sam whispers brokenly pressing his palms to his eyes trying to keep back his tears not wanting to believe this is really happening "I'm sorry" Colby says again almost as if he can't say anything else, not wanting to believe any of it himself "w-hy?" Sam sniffs meeting Colbys eyes, Colby sighs looking away not able to face him with such a pained expression knowing it's all his fault.

"I can feel myself drifting away.. m-my feelings for you are fading.." his voice trembles, cracking as he tries to stay calm "they- y-you can't!" Sam sobs, tears streaming down his face freely, letting out a broken cry "I'm so, so sorry," Colby cups his cheeks "so fucking sorry" Sam clings onto him, hugging him like his life depends on it "y-you can't! pl-please! i- I love you so much Colby! yo-you can't leave me!" he sobs into his chest, crying so brokenly, letting out the most heart breaking sobs. Colby looks up closing his eyes as he contains his tears, letting out a shakey breath "I still so deeply care about you Sam.. so, so much, I just don't love you how I used to, as shitty as that sounds it's true, if I can stop this from happening I would in a heartbeat, you mean everything to me and you know that, but we cannot keep dating, I can't lead you on like that. I- I hate this just as much as you do Sammy, but- but we have to break up" Colby explains, his grip tightening on the small broken boy as he lets out a loud sob not able to say anything. Colby nuzzles his nose into his hair taking in the sweet scent "I wish to be friends still.. but I know that will be hard.. b-but I can't live my life without you in it someway, I completely understand if you don't want to" Colby whispers "I care about you so much Sammy."

Colby begins to get up and Sam let's out a screamed sob "no!! d-dont leave!!" he cries out grabbing onto Colbys hand "Sam," Colby frowns looking at him with sad eyes "please!!" he cries his tears falling faster "I'm sorry" Colby says heartfully gently tugging his hand away. Sam stumbles out of the bed and clings onto Colby as tight as his weak body can "i-i need y-ou" his voice breaks, giving out on him "Sam.. please," Colby gently pulls him away not able to stay with him longer than he already has, hating how heartbroken he is not able to bare it anymore "please!" Sam screams clutching onto his shirt "I have to," Colby whispers gently grabbing his hands "we have to do this Sammy, you'll be just fine without me" he mumbles gently kissing Sam's knuckles making Sam choke back a sob "be strong Sammy, I know you can, your gonna make it through this" he whispers sweetly as he delicately cups his cheek and wiping his tears, gently caressing his cheek "you got this" he whispers "I believe in you," Sam shakes his head closing his eyes tight as tears continue to spill "I'll always be here for you if you ever need me, I still care about you so fucking much" he says gently kissing the top of his head before letting him go, stepping away. Colby leaves the room taking one last sad glance at Sam "I-I-I love y-ou.." Sam let's out dropping to his knees.

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