love me

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Little background; Sam and Colby have been fuck buddies for a while but Sam has a boyfriend who has no idea about Colby
Enjoy :)
-Slight smut scenes

Heavy breaths and quiet kissing is all that fills the room.

A small moan slips passed Sams lips as Colby continues to kiss and suck his neck.

Smirking against the skin, he trails kisses down his collar bone as he begins to slide his jacket off Sams shoulder, slowly exposing more of the pearly smooth skin that lay underneath, feathering kisses and small nips as he goes.

The longer this goes on for the faster they begin to grow impatient. The blonde grunts frustratedly as he arches his back against the white wall of Colby's bedroom, allowing him to tug his shirt up his back.

Wasting no time to latch his mouth at the pretty body before him, he carelessly drops the shirt onto the ground "so needy" he chuckles deeply when Sam let's out a pathetic whine- the same noise he's grown to learn it's his way of wanting him to go faster, move on to the next step in their session.

"Cmon Colby- please."

The brunette hums, looking into his eyes with a lustful gaze "don't worry," he looks down at his lips, gently pressing his lips to his "your going to get what you want baby, tonight's all about you, 'kay?" Sam nods obediently "okay, just- just hurry."

Pulling the blonde off the wall he stumbles towards the bed "mmh' Colby?" Sam murmurs into the kiss, the latter humming in response, gently nipping at his lip.

"Do you love me?"

Ignoring the blondes words they collapse onto the bed, Colby tugging off his shirt finally. Leaning down, their lips connect once again "Colby," he begins, pulling his head back and the brunette gives him a look, Sam gently pecking his lips "do you?"

"What does love have to do with this?" The brunette responds, working with the blondes button of his jeans.

Sam sighs not liking his answer, gently trailing a gentle finger along Colby's ab line "do you love me?" he asks again in hopes of a better answer.

Colby chuckles, shaking his head "course not" he responds, gently tugging down the blondes jeans. Coming back up once the fabric is discarded Sam wraps his arms around his neck, Colby smirking and working his neck once again.

"If not, then why do you keep fucking me?" Of course the blonde knew he didn't love him, to be fair they went into this having zero feelings for one another, just wanting their sexual desires taken care of. He just can't help but think there's a chance some feelings may have changed within the time they've been sneaking around.

"Why?" He pushes when he gets no answer causing Colby to grumble and pick up his head "you get me aroused by the way you look at me" he says admittedly, dropping his head against the blondes. Sam bites his lip, looking into his eyes almost innocently "then.. why can't we be something.. more?" Colby chuckles deeply "cause you talk way too much" Sam gasps softly, gently hitting his chest.

"Do not" the brunette hums, gently kissing his cheek "you do," he murmurs, trailing down to his ear, nipping at his lobe "your doing it right now and it's killing the mood" he whispers "besides, you have a man already and said you're in love.. so what does love have to do with us?"

Sams breath hitches as Colby begins to suck his neck again, his left hand coming up and rolling his nipple between a finger and thumb "I'm not killing the mood" he breathes.

"Then shut the fuck up and prove it" his voice rasps and Sam pushes him onto his back getting on top of him, smashing his lips against his as he begins to roll his hips against Colbys clothed dick.

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