teach me

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My eyes move to the left then right and back left "Sam, Sammy, calm down" I stand up watching as the pacing blonde comes to a stop and looks at me "I can't calm down! I-" I grab his hips pulling him into my chest "you will be fine" I say gently "just breathe, it's going to be just fine" I tell him and he relaxes into my touch "I'm nervous Colbs.. what if I mess it up?" he asks looking at me with a sad expression "you won't, just need some practice" I say making him pull away from the hug and look at me confused "practice? how do you practice for a kiss?" he asks and I chuckle "I dunno.. with your pillow? your fist" I say and he looks at his hand and back at me "what??" I laugh "c'mere sit" I pull him to his bed and we sit "okay, put your fist like this" he does so balling his hand into a fist "and then you just kiss it" I say and he looks at his fist and back at me then at his fist again "Colby this is stupid. I'm not kissing my fist" he throws his arms in the air "then what? your just gonna go and just hope for the best?" "I guess so Colby, that's the only other option I have.. I just want it to be perfect" I look at him a sad expression on both our faces "how about you get ready yeah? get your mind off that kiss and put on that outfit?" I say gently squeezing his knee and a smile spreads on his face "yeah! okay" he grins jumping up from the bed and heading to his closet.

I sigh as I lay back looking up at the ceiling "so, you really love him huh?" I ask getting no response for a moment "well.. I dunno, I guess? we haven't said that yet" he says and I hum ignoring the jealousy bubbling in my stomach "and? doesn't mean you can't love him, it kinda goes without saying" I look over a smile coming to my face seeing him dressed up "I suppose" he says while putting on his shoes I hum sitting up "do I look good?" he asks doing a spin and I look him up and down not saying a word "oh god.. I knew this outfit was stupid I'm gonna-" I grab his wrist stopping him from leaving "you look beautiful," I say "a-are you sure?" he stutters looking down a blush on his face. I smile standing up and gently placing my hands on his hips "I promise you, you look beautiful" he looks up at me his innocent doe eyes staring back into mine I smile gently cupping his cheek "Colby.." he whispers "shh" I gently shush him dragging out his bottom lip slowly, I lick my lips glancing up to his eyes and back to his lips. I lean in feeling his breath hitting my lips as I get closer and closer my eyes fall closed as I close the gap between us feeling his soft pink pillowy lips against mine. He kisses back hesitantly and I smile as his lips melt against mine our lips dancing together like dandelion fuzz flying in the wind.

I slowly pull away and smile seeing the dazed look on Sams face "w-woah.." he pants looking at me with big eyes I smile gently tucking a strand of hair behind his ear and I open my mouth to say something only to remember that he already has a boyfriend, I clear my throat "that was amazing Sam, you had nothing to worry about" I say stepping back and he nods looking down "re-really? cause I feel I did horrible" I hum "well yeah, it's your first time of course it won't be as good as me" I joke hoping to clear the tension between us and he laughs "yeah.. I guess" just as he finishes the doorbell rings "hey look, he's here, go have fun" I ruffle his hair and he nods biting his lip "okay.. bye" he says not moving from his spot fiddling with the hem of his skirt "well? aren't you gonna go?" I chuckle "oh.. yeah" he giggles looking up at me "will you stay here? so I can tell you how it goes?" I sigh "I don't really wan-" "please?" he begs cutting me off "Sam.." I trail off not looking forward to hearing him talk about kissing another guy, he grabs my hands "pleasee?" he pouts giving me big, pleading eyes swaying side to side I groan "fine, your lucky your adorable, now go" I say and he squeals "thank you!" I hum hugging him back "have fun, okay?" I say pressing a small kiss to his head and he nods pulling away and rushing out of the room and I sigh flopping onto his bed.


"Colby?!" Sam yells as he runs into the room "you stayed!" he cheers, I hum "be glad I actually like your family" I say and he giggles crawling in bed next to me "so? how did it go?" I ask chewing my lip nervously "oh.. well, he did kiss me" he says and I hum turning to face him "yeah? why don't you sound as happy?" I ask and he turns to face me as well "because I didn't enjoy it" I hum feeling relieved "no? why not?" I ask ignoring my feelings, focusing on the beautiful blonde infront of me "well first, the date sucked, he took me to that one restaurant place" I hum "the one off the highway?" I ask and he hums "that place is shit" I chuckle softly and he hums "I know, but he got this thing, I don't even know what it was but there was both garlic and onion in it" I groan in disgust already knowing where this is going "oh Sam that is fucking gross" he giggles nodding his head "I know, I tried getting him to have some gum but he just wouldn't take one" I laugh "it's not funny, when he kissed me he like shoved his tongue in my mouth? I didn't even kiss him back oh my god it was the worst" he covers his face in disgust and I laugh "oh no I'm so sorry" I say pulling him into my chest "god Colby I hated it so much" he says wrapping his arms around me "I'm sorry you had a shitty night Sammy" I frown gently rubbing his back "I can still taste his breath" I groan "gross, go brush your teeth" I say pushing him away and he giggles crawling over me, going into his bathroom. I hear the faucet turn on and turn off shortly after signalling he had started brushing his teeth "so was there no good part of the date?" I ask turning onto my back "not really no" he says leaning against the bathroom doorframe and I hum listening as he continues to talk "he really only talked about himself, now that I think about it he never really let me talk about myself, ever" he shrugs as he continues brushing his teeth "I never liked him" I state "wait- not that he-" I quickly start realizing what I had said getting cut off by him laughing "it's okay Colby, we broke up" I let out a breath of relief "thank god" he giggles going into the bathroom "well actually there was one thing that I found funny during the date" he says and I hum "yeah? what's that?" I ask "after he pulled away from the kiss I offered him the price of gum again and he got mad" he giggles, I chuckle shaking my head smiling when his face comes into view when crawls on top of me "sorry you didn't have a good date" I say gently tucking his hair behind his ear "you looked really beautiful to not enjoy it" he blushes "thank you.. but it's okay I didn't really like him" he mumbles, I hum sliding my hands down his sides coming to a stop on his thigh gently caressing them with my thumb "I think I like somebody else" he whispers his face growing hot I hum "yeah? and who's that?" I ask my lips curling into a smile "well you know him.." he mumbles avoiding my eyes as he twirls a piece of my hair around his finger "yeah?" I hum gently scanning his face, he hums "he's really hot, caring, sweet" I smile gently squeezing his thigh "and he's funny" "mh' sounds like a great guy" he giggles nodding his head "y'know what else he's great at?" I raise my brows "I might have an idea" I whisper my eyes falling to his lips "tell me Sam, what am I great at?" he smiles cupping my cheeks "kissing me" he whispers looking into my eyes I smirk "yeah? you think so?" he hums biting his lip "how about this," he hums in question letting me continue "tomorrow, I take you on a proper date" he smiles "will there be onions involved?" I chuckle "not even garlic" "sounds amazing already" we laugh smiling at each other "if anything happens, promise we will still be friends no matter what?" I ask and he nods "of course, I never want to lose you" I smile leaning in and kissing him and he melts into it allowing me to swiftly slip my tongue into his mouth.

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