the wrong guy

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"Fuck, he's so sexy" I furrow my brows looking over at Noah, one of Jake's friends outside of the friend group "who?" I ask, curious "Sam" he answers and I nod slowly "like- just imagine," he grunts "gross man, the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake chuckles, punching him in the shoulder "god, I so hope he's a virgin" I roll my eyes hating the way he's talking about him "Golbach? your talking about that Sam?" I ask making sure and he nods "yeah man! you know him? would you leave a word in for me??" he asks and I shake my head "no. I don't talk to him like that, just partners for a few projects and sit by each other in a few classes" I explain with a hard tone "shit for real?! oh I would so kill to be his partner, perfect opportunity to slide in if y'know what I mean" he says gently nudging my side as we begin walking "aye, fuck off will ya?" I snap, jealousy and anger bubbling in my chest "hey man, chill out, yeah?" he raises his arms "do me a favor and leave in that word for me" he says before walking away.

I roll my eyes "fucking dick" I mutter lowly and Jake chuckles draping his arm around my shoulders "don't worry man, I got it for ya" I roll my eyes shrugging his arm off my shoulders "woah brother, what's up with you?" Jake asks as we walk into our homeroom "he's fucking disgusting, who the fuck talks about people like that? he has no respect." I say, dropping my bag onto the ground and slumping into my seat "hm, I agree, but why are you so worked up about it? shouldn't really be bothering you that much, yeah?" I hum not saying another word not feeling like admitting my feelings for the blonde boy after liking him for quite sometime now.

"Y'know? like how the fuck is he gonna like someone for less than a week and already try to make his move, like? especially all sexually and shit" I continue and Jake hums nodding his head "I never understood it either, he's just like that I guess, doesn't know how to control his hormones" he chuckles shaking his head as he leans his head back, dumping a few candies into his mouth "oh! Colby!" I look over, a smile instantly washing over my annoyed expression seeing Sam "yes?" I ask elbowing Jake back gently when he gasps tapping my shoulder quick "dude let's say something right no-" "no, fuck off man" I shush him.

"Did you finish your part of the project?" he asks as he sits on my table, flattening down his skirt "I haven't" he pouts "why not? you promised you'd work on it last night" I hum "I know, I know, and I'm sorry, I forgot about it and had went out with some friends instead" he huffs out a breath "well okay, could you maybe get it done before class? because we're starting the last part of it today and I don't want you to fall behind and have too much work to do all at once" I smile at how considerate he is and I nod "of course, I'll try" he nods "how come it's so hard for you to finish in class? I always do" I chuckle softly "I dunno, I guess your just too smart" Sam giggles shaking his head "definitely not, I think it's because your always staring at me" he says jokingly obviously used to making those kinds of jokes with his friends. I chuckle seeing how he had regretted it as soon as he said it, not meaning too "yeah? now why would I do that?" I smile at him, looking into his eyes and he giggles nervously "well obviously because I'm so beautiful, you get lost in my hotness" he giggles jokingly leaning down to get a little closer to me and I chuckle "oh for sure, your too pretty for your own good" I say actually meaning it when I say it, me staring at him being the complete truth though he actually never realizes that I am.

He gasps, his face flushing a bright pink getting flustered not thinking I'd say something like that back "wha- no!" he shakes his head, covering his face "I was joking! I- no!" he exclaims laughing nervously "I- I just I always make those jokes with my friends! I didn't mean to do it with you! I just went with it! gah!" he freaks out, his face turning a deep shade of red and I chuckle shaking my head smiling at how flustered I made him "oh my god this is so embarrassing i-" he whines getting off the table, his face still bright red "I-i-" I chuckle "flustered?" I smirk and he whines turning around and I shake my head smiling still "go on, I'll try my best to get it done if I have the time, don't worry about me falling behind you, I can tell you I'll finish it before it's due for sure" I explain further, tugging down his skirt, fixing it as it had folded from getting up so fast "o-okay... tha-thanks" I hum gently running my hand down his hip to fix his skirt in that spot and he lets out a squeak rushing to get back to his seat and I shake my head watching him with a smile.

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