𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖚𝖕

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𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖆 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖞 𝖜𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊. we first stopped at a small convenience store and grabbed a few snacks. then we skated around central park for god knows how long. about two blocks away from us actually getting to peter's house we stopped and got a quick coffee from a small cafe. the entire time the air around us was filled with loud laughter and smiles never left our faces. it was as if i had never left. as if we had truly grown up together.

nothing changed.

finally turning the corner to peters street i was hit with a wave of nostalgia. nothing had changed here either. the two of us raced to his front door from the end of the street. i grinned at him before speeding off toward his house. i still remembered which one it was. racing past the small trees lining the streets and past the gateways to other homes. from the corner of my eye i could see peter catching up to me. both of us still grinning trying to beat the other. i snatched his sleeve as we neared the steps making him fall behind. i laughed as he stumbled off his board and i zipped up the stairs. only to stop at the glass door. i froze gazing at my reflection for a moment i could almost see my younger self staring back at me. the image of myself from the last night i was on this porch, tears streamed down my face as i desperately tried to get back to my grieving friend behind this very door.

i was brought out of my daze by the clatter of peter's shoes and huffing. "that was FOUL PLAY!" he laughed. i turned to look at him fiddling with my fingers slightly. "hey what's wrong?" he ask frantically dropping his board as he ran up and grabbed me by the shoulders. "are you okay?" he asked nervously. my eyes shifted from him to the door. why was i so nervous all of a sudden? well besides the fact that his aunt and uncle probably had mixed feelings for my father and i. and by mixed, i mean probably hate. looking back to peter, he looked as if a lightbulb had just lit up above his head. "ohhh you're scared they hate you?" he laughed it off. "way to read my mind parker." i mumbled. his grip on my shoulders tightened a bit making me focus on him completely. "hey. it's fine i promise." he smiled that dorky smile making my knees feel weak. "now come on!" grabbing my hand in his, he swung open the door dragging me behind him . "aunt may! i've got someone for you to meet!...again?" he said the last part a little quieter cocking his head to the side a bit. the small action made me giggle.

"in here sweetheart!" i heard from around the corner. the clinking of pans followed by the mutters from the older couple. peter gave me one more reassuring look before dragging me into the kitchen. upon us squeezing through the door peter held me to his side knowing that if he didn't i'd try to hide behind him. smart son of a bitch. his aunt and uncle turned to face us. smiles on their faces. i awkwardly waved at them both. mays face dropped into a look of shock for a moment. "guys you remember y/n-" peter began only to be interrupted by his aunt. "connors. oh my goodness y/n connors, sweetheart look at you!" aunt may round the counter to engulf me in a warm hug. i could never forget the warm hugs of may parker. she squeezed me one more time before pulling away to get a good look at me. "oh my goodness, look how grown up you are! and so beautiful too! how have you been dear? are you hungry?" she asked steering me over to the table where ben was sat. "o-oh no ma'am i wouldn't-" i stuttered. "don't worry dear. peter bring some snacks and juice over here please." she interrupted me shaking her head with a smile. i looked up at peter who was leaning against the doorway. he chuckled making his way to the fridge. "now dear tell us where have you been we were worried about you for so long! peter too he wouldn't stop talking about you for months!" she spoke patting my head gently. i let out a small giggle when i saw peter's blushing face rise above the door of the fridge at the comment. "aunt may!" he hissed to his aunt. to which she laughed and shushed him waiting for my stories.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

to be honest, i lost track of time for how long i spoke with the parkers. peter had brought the snacks and beverages at his aunt's request as i filled them in on my life. i told them why i had left and why i was back. and slipping in some fun childhood memories to bring a smile back onto their faces. the last thing i wanted from them was sympathy when they needed it more than me. soon after may had shown me many of peter's baby photos from after i had left. much to peter's dismay of course. the four of us had an amazing few hours exchanging stories and laughs. truth be told i hadn't felt so happy in a long time.

but before i knew it the time had hit 7:30. meaning i should begin my ride to the subway. "are you sure you don't want me to go with you to the station? it late n/n." peter said. he had started using the old nickname from when we were little. something he came up with once when we were playing in the yard. and holy shit did it sound nice coming from him again. "pete i'll be fine i promise." i laughed. i said my goodbyes to aunt may and uncle ben before joining back to peter's side. he walked me to the door before scooping me up in a hug. i was quick to hug him back my arms going around his neck as his rested around my waist. "are you sure?" his tone was muffled against my shoulder but i could still hear the worry. "i'm sure peter." from over his shoulder i could see may and ben peeking around the corner at us when my eyes met theirs they quickly went back behind the wall. i smiled pulling away slightly just enough to see my best friend's face. "i'm a bad bitch remember parker?" i whispered to him earning a chuckle from him. and as cheesy as it sounds, for a moment we just stood there. not wanting to let the other go. brown against e/c again. 

only this time the brown kept looking at her lips.

Published Feb. 4 , 2022

Edited Jan. 15 , 2023

𝖉𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now