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𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞𝔰 𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔡 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤. this man who had opened his doors to me and welcomed me into his home on more than one occasion now lay lifeless in front of me. his hand lost its grip around my wrist and fell limp at his side as a pained shriek left my lips.

loss was something i had experienced before. the death of a parent is something like no other and now i have to tell my best friend not only that her father died but that she will be alone through all of the pain. peter wrapped his arms around me as he fell into his own wave of tears. he pulled me into his chest and his eyes never left the captain's body. we could do nothing but sit and cry for the loss of the man who oddly enough wanted nothing more than for us to be in cuffs 30 minutes before. beyond the sounds of our cries, i could hear the stumbling footsteps of the only person left on this roof with us. my body went rigid in peter's hold as i listened to his ragged breaths. i peeked over his shoulder and just then my father stumbled around the corner not too far away from us. my eyes didn't leave his form as i slipped out peter's arms and stood up slowly. "get him down to the paramedics..."i cast a final glance at the captain before looking at peter's concerned expression," go...he's mine." i conjured a portal into the lobby downstairs as peter slowly brought the captain up into his arms. he stepped forward but stopped before stepping through it. he turned his head to look at me, tears still shining on his bloodied cheeks, "don't do anything you'll regret y/n." he said with sympathetic eyes. i stepped forward taking the mask from his fingertips and slipping it over his face. "i'm not gonna regret a thing."

the second peter stepped through i closed the portal and turned back to the man behind me. he was leaning against the rubble not too far away from the edge of the building panting like a rabid dog. the scales were still flaking off of his body and he had thankfully found some equipment to clothe himself. he had one fang still protruding from his mouth as the other must have disappeared already. needless to say, he looked more pathetic than usual, and that's saying something.

"looks like your genius plan was a bust pops." venom laced my words as i stepped towards him. his eyes traced over the stars above us but his ears paid my words no attention. "we could have been legends darling." he choked out finally tilting his head to look at me. without a second thought his body was encased in purple whisps and snatched up from his resting place. i brought him up so he was now face to face with me. i squeezed my hands making the whisps tighten around him resulting in him gasping for air. "do you even know what you just did? you just killed an innocent man! you took him away from his family and this city! he was a real legend, not this sick plan you had for yourself!" i screamed in his face before slamming him down into the concrete below me. "you are nothing more than a monster."i stood over him as a sickening laugh left him. "oh darling i'm a little more than that...i am your father after all. i gave you these abilities and you couldn't even use them to save him. his blood is not only on my hands but yours as well." a sick smirk formed on his face at the sight of my shocked expression. a tear slipped down my cheek as my lungs suddenly wouldn't accept any oxygen. "no." i managed to choke out as i stepped away from him.

no, i didn't kill him...

i-i was trying to save him...

another cackle left his deformed lips as he rolled on his side to watch my panicked form. "who's the monster now, daughter?" i was quick to get myself back under control as i met his eyes again. with one final uneven breath i tilted my head to the side. "you wanna see a monster that bad huh?" the whisps appeared around his neck once again lifting him up into the air by the throat. "fine." with that i slung him into the rubble the force sending him straight through it and rolling back where the large tower once was. i lifted myself up into the air to watch him from above. my eyes burned again with their purple glow and the whisps danced on my fingertips.

i lost track of myself for those few minutes and honestly, i was grateful. the rage that had built up over the years had just exploded and all i saw was red. flashes of my mother's body filled my mind as did the nightmares of what he did to me. this may be wrong to torture him in the eyes of some and some may say i'm just becoming what he wanted. but to me, it just felt like a release.

the next thing i knew he was face to face with me again more mangled than before. blood dripped from his head and mouth and without a doubt, he had broken bones as his one arm and left leg was twisted into ungodly positions. i didn't even notice the new tears that streamed down my face or why they were there. my lower lip shook as i held him in front of me as we floated in the air.

"you are not my father and i will never be like you."


i had flown from the top of the oscorp building with the bloodied man in tow. thankfully the cops who took him from me didn't question his state. upon separating from them i was immediately hit by the cries of gwen stacy. she was beside the car her father had forced her into and she no undoubtedly bribed the driver into staying there so she could see her father and her two vigilantes return.

a part of me is glad i didn't see her reaction when peter brought her father's corpse down, but i know that image is going to be burned into his head forever. she didn't see me as she was being begged to return to the police car so they could escort her home to her family who had probably just been told the dark news. on a neighboring building, i could see the familiar red and blue suit hidden in the shadows watching the scene down here. i tucked myself out of sight of the news reporters and policemen to quickly dash across the crowded street and flew up to the roof. i knew his sense would allow him to know i was there so it didn't shock me when he turned his head to look at me. he was crouched down beside the edge of the rooftop and i soon joined him.

he was quick to wipe his tear-stained face with his clothed hands but his puffy eyes were a dead giveaway. "are you ok?" his voice shook slightly but he tried to clear his throat to cover it up. i sighed as the dark words echoed in my head again. i knew they wouldn't leave anytime soon even if i didn't believe them. "i think we both know the answer to that." i said resting my hand on his knee. he looked at it for a moment with a blank look before taking it in his. he slipped the glove off then he ran the tips on his fingers along the top of my dirty hand before flipping it over so my palm was face up. he stared at the scar left from the fight on the bridge as he played with my fingers. "the captain was right." peter's voice was strained and he refused to look at me as his eyes stayed on my hand. "what do you mean?"

he didn't respond so i snatched my hand from his and took hold of his face so he would finally look at me. "peter what are you talking about?" my voice was calm but inside i was freaking out. he took a hold of my wrists looking into my eyes, "he said that the people closest to us are gonna get hurt..." he let go of one hand and rested it on my cheek to wipe away a tear," you could have died up there and i couldn't get to you-" i covered his mouth not letting him continue.

"stop you don't get to do this peter parker. god if you knew what i just did up there you'd know i'm not some damsel in distress! i can handle myself and i sure as hell don't need saving! yeah i could have died but guess what that's the fucking job." i slipped my hand away from his mouth and cradled his face. "i love you peter and i hate to break it to you but you aren't splitting us up no matter how hard you try." i held onto his face desperately waiting for him to just drop the idea completely. all i got in return was tear-filled eyes staring into mine. after a moment he leaned forward and rested his head on my shoulder with a long sigh escaping his lips. "fine...i love you too."

"god don't scare me like that parker."

"i'm sorry."


yall i'm on a fucking role today

two chapters in one dayyyyyyy

kinda giving girlboss vibes

thank you for reading ilyyy

Published Jan. 6 , 2023

Edited Jan. 17 , 2023

𝖉𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now